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What's with the Spook Suits?


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I've seen a lot of white, winter wear of late. While I have nothing against white coats, unless they are coming for me, I have, a couple times in the last few days come upon joggers dressed all in white. Not a good idea when the landscape is white. They blend in, just as the Spook Suit was designed, with the surrounding landscape and are hard to see until the last moment.


If you decide to purchase a Spook Suit, be especially careful around traffic, especially if you are jogging in the street.

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You know whats worse than white suits.. I was at a party recently and saw a guy wearing a white suit with white shiny shoes about 3 inches longer than his feet. That was pretty gross, he was going for the gangsta/pimp look i guess. anyways, in my previous incarnation before i moved to canada i spent almost 20 years in the tailoring business and regularly saw pretty horrific suits. However what drew my attention was that this guy thought he was really cool because he had left the manufactures label on the sleeve. man... i just wanted to slap him for being such a tool. Those daft wee tags are there so that when your looking at dozens of suits on a rack you can identify what your looking at. once purchased you remove the damned things.. sorry its a pet hate of mine, kinda like oh look at what i bought. sorry white suits are stupid looking at the best of times unless your back in the 70's dancing to disco. As for leaving tags on.... why?????? sorry rant over!!!

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Well, it would appear, from my wholly unscientific research, that white snow wear is making a come back.


Did you make Nehru Jackets or Zoot Suits?



never did the old zoots but the nehru collars were close to a come back during the mid 90's.

I specialised in kilts and highlandwear but we also did lots of formal stuff like morningwear, tux etc

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