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Don't Mess With Texas!


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For what it's worth, I've had my hand on a firearm only twice in my life for defense purposes. Both times it was while under attack by feral dog packs, not people.


Mostly where I live the folks who tend toward violence stay among themselves and perhaps not surprisingly to me at least, a lot of 'em aren't from around here.


When I lived in a city and had an office on the edge of a not-so-nice neighborhood, never had any need to do much of anything beyond words that were blunt. On the other hand, I learned a long time ago that nobody's invulnerable and if you go into harm's way, you may be harmed and not always when you can see it coming so situational awareness trumps most anything else.


On a guitar thread thought, that's perhaps especially true of musicians playing some sorts of joints.


Just a thought.



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My Dad was a Marine. He taught me that the only rule in a fight is that you win, whatever it takes.



For the record, the local sherriff has told me to shoot them through the door and drag them inside and I'll not be making the trip to jail. Given that they'll be the ones investigating, that sounds like pretty sound advice to me.


Tennessee is one of the mamby-pamby States that says if the burglar trips and sprains his ankle as he's running across the yard with your big screen TV, he can sue you for damages and win.



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Mississippi is the same way as long as the individual is on your property; or in your house.


Now Connecticut is not even close; while I was living there a individual attempted to have his way with a woman who happened to be home when the burglar broke in her house. She surprised him being there so the burglar went after her; she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a large kitchen knife and inserted the blade into the burglar's chest cavity. Some how during the fight the woman got the best of the burglar, who ended up with a broken back since he lost his balance. Long story short the burglar sued in civil court stating the woman used more force than necessary or something like this. The burglar was awarded cash by the jury (unsure how much but it was a insane amount); the woman appealed and the appeals court agreed with her; he appealed and the Ct Supreme Court agreed with the Appeals Court.


Sad but true.


Only in CallyForny... wait.... you said Connecticut, didn't you? Juries are getting more stupid of late.

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There is an inherent risk one takes if one chooses to make a living by robbing people and/or stores. That risk is dying from lead poisoning. That's three people who will never have another chance at hurting or killing innocent people and ruining the families of their victims. Hopefully the store owner will recover. As stated before, he saved the good tax payers of Texas a lot of time and money.

Kenny V

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The county morgue got a little more crowded.


Good for the owner.


Three funerals at Christmas time. [crying]

What will we tell the children?

"Hijo, Papa esta muertas."

"Papa estuvo un bandito."


Two of the suspects have been identified. Police say Nelson Wilfredo Tambora-Romero, 21, had a Honduran identification card. Onilton Bolanos Castillano, 38, was reportedly the first to be killed. He's believed to be the suspect who tied up the owner's wife. The third suspect has not been identified. The investigation is ongoing.

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