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A fight broke out at my gig tonight


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No job and living off the old rock and roll?

Living on tax-payer funded government give-aways?


Use of cockney?





You're gonna have to translate for us "Colonials."





rock'n'roll Noun. Social security benefits, commonly called 'dole' in U.K.. Cockney rhyming slang, see 'dole'.


chav * Noun. A person, usually of poorly educated, working class origin, who dresses casually in designer sportswear and vulgar jewellery. Chavs are generally viewed as an ignorant under-class with a propensity for criminal or loutish behaviour. Usually derog. [Orig. South-west. Popular from early 2000s]


I keep this site in my BookMarks such occasions: http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/r.htm

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Its not the fighting itself that worries me, its more my fear of my gear getting damaged. Like I also tend to borrow gear belonging to other people, so I have to be quite protective over it. Also people dont understand how much gear costs to replace. A fight broke out at one of my mates gigs and his vintage fender princeton got trashed, so he ended up taking the guy to court about it. Think the next gig I'm doing has bouncers anyway. It's my mates 18th and he wanted me to do a set.


That is why here in the states, in liquor establishments the band is shielded by chicken wire, or in really rough joints, chain link fences, floor to ceiling. It won't stop an errant beer, but flying furniture, yes.

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That is why here in the states, in liquor establishments the band is shielded by chicken wire, or in really rough joints, chain link fences, floor to ceiling. It won't stop an errant beer, but flying furniture, yes.

Yer that'd be good. But thats more expense for the establishment. At some I've played at they have railings but you could just throw something over or climb over and rush the stage. Also pubs cant really have them.


Whilst on the subject of Bedford and its venues. There's a band that was very popular around here called Don Bronco, personally I think they're crap but anyway, apparantly a guy from that band is dating Ozzy Osbourns daughter. Just another useless piee of trivia I thought I'd share.

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When I was a kid - Krock's age and a bit older - the only time there was that much problem for a band usually was if one of the girls in the crowd got "overly friendly" from a boy friend's perspective.


In fact... come to think of it, that was mostly what would cause a problem in saloons as I and the music I played also aged.


Usually we'd just turn up the amps in the second situation. In the first... well, that's a good reason to use guitar with a more Fender-like headstock design so it works as a bayonet. That and a good vehicle.


Played in places with the chicken wire, never the chain link fence stuff.


I won't mention names, but I know of at least one old-time blues player who still was "carrying" in the 1960s.



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Back in the day we had a minor riot break out at a gig that had packed in 300 more teenage kids than the fire department allowed. A band mate kicked over a spot light that started smoking. He yelled "fire." The Fire Marshall tried to arrest him. Then all hades broke loose. Every guitarist should have a Telecaster in their arsenal. I swung it like a war club to clear the stage as we retreated. Lost a LOT of gear that night.


Don't miss that stuff at all!

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i thought every youngster went through some form of rebelious stage, to catagories kids/families, because of their social circumstances/lack of education..etc has created a vicious circle, that has lasted for many generations, poverty is a bad thing..it is not easy to just go out and get a job..

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All kidding aside... I don't think it's a matter of poverty etc.


Been there when it was about as "upper middle class" as you can get and male hormones in teenage minds and bodies brought the same result.


Just 'cuz a kid can quote Shakespeare sonnets doesn't mean he ain't a kid. And on the other hand, just 'cuz a kid knows how to clean up ... animal byproduct plant nutrients to make enough bucks for a new pair of jeans, ditto.



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i thought every youngster went through some form of rebelious stage, to catagories kids/families, because of their social circumstances/lack of education..etc has created a vicious circle, that has lasted for many generations, poverty is a bad thing..it is not easy to just go out and get a job..


Ive never had the urge to rebel. Unless you count some of the stuff I do to the laptops of the teachers who give me detentions. For example I wrote a piece of software that is best put in the start up menu. Then when the computer is started up it bleeps from the mother board and cant be turned off unless you shut down the computer. This was an ICT teacher I did it too and she didnt even think of looking for the program in the startup menu. Ive also written loads of other programs which do stuff like display messages saying the computer is about to shut down. Do you wish to abort? And it is literally impossible to click the no button as it like a magnet is repelled by the cursor and cant be clicked. Btw none of these are virus' and are only joke pieces of joke software which I like to write in my own time. Think I'm on program number 13 now.

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I played in one band with a wildman of a singer. Many interesting nights, plenty of violent fights, usually really damn funny ... as weird as this may sound. He didn't give a fock. Usually they had it coming. In the end, he might have had it coming but who knows? One SaTURDay while he was out walking his dog, a couple of thugs cold executed him with a pistol & AK on a corner in the Irish Channel in New Orleans.

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