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hot sg jr


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Well finally got my epi sg jr up and running. A friend helped me solve the bridge problem by grinding the flange off the bolt. Now the bad-*** style brige works great! Question: Why do they put these thick flanges on the bolt and the uhh, forgot the name of it, you know the part the bolt goes into. Anyways, bought some Kluson locking tuners with the plastic knobs. Also already put in Pearly Gates pickup. I put a Varitone switch on it by Big D guitars, but not sold on keeping it. I had one before on a tele partscaster and it sounded great, but on the sg jr. just not the same. Probably will save it for some type of semi-hollow when I get one.

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Question: Why do they put these thick flanges on the bolt and the uhh, forgot the name of it, you know the part the bolt goes into.

I believe the flange is there to hide any finish chips that might happen when the stud is inserted, and to keep the bridge from contacting and possibly marring the body.


Also, I call them bridge post and stud - not sure if this is the official, sanctioned terminology, but no one has corrected me...




Pics please!

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Well I tried to post a pic by putting it up on my Facebook page and then copying the url for the pic itself but apparently it is not accepted. Is there an easy way to post a pic on here?


Sign up with Photobucket. The Epi. Forum members recommended them to me and I was up and running in about 5 minutes. The only "true" information I provided was my e-mail address. Once you upload your pics to Photobucket you will be able to view your media and have access to any links or code which you can copy and then paste into your Forum post. I have a Facebook account as well (yes, I am stupid) so I know how frustrating it is to play games with those clownishly programmed social "engineering" sites. I know you are perfectly capable of uploading pics to a media hosting site and then copying/pasting the hosted picture's location info to a third party.....its just so much easier going directly to Photobucket because they don't force you to play games.

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