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New chance with some musicians

Shnate McDuanus

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Well, some of you may remember that I was in a two-man experimental/alt-metal/grindcore band a few months ago? Yeah, that basically folded--long story short, we both pretty much lost interest as he started to get heavily into producing electronic music, and I was busy learning more advanced shredding techniques and interested in doing more involved music. I lost interest within about a week, to be honest, and it seemed like he had as well. So, we hung it up, called it quits, cut our losses, etc. I thought, "Well, at least I'll have more time to practice."


Now, it's been a few months since then. During that time I went back home and hung out with a friend of mine and a friend of his, who I quickly hit it off with. This friend is going to school for audio engineering and, apparently, he loves playing bass. A few days ago I get a message from him asking me when I'll be back in the city. Prodding him for some more details, I find out that, in addition to wanting very much to hang out again, he wants to jam with me and a drummer friend of his, in a professional recording space, and maybe record some loose, rough tracks from our jams. He seemed extremely enthusiastic about it, and the more I think about it, the more I realize that I am, too. The studio has great gear (including, from what he's told me, some sweet amps, although he hasn't said what they are, exactly,) and I've never jammed or recorded in a pro studio. The idea of just straight jamming with a bass player and a drummer sounds like a lot of fun. He's more of an industrial/grunge/post-punk guy, and I guess I'm very blues-rock/prog/alt-metal/jazz fusion, but the thing is that I think our styles would probably complement each other very well. I think it's going to be a lot of fun--and, with any luck, we'll come out of it with some nice material. We've both expressed desires to play in bands, and you all know how fond I am of "power trios," so...yeah.


I think it'll be a lot of fun.

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Have you ever jammed with a drummer and/ or bassist before?


Sounds like you'll have fun and learn some stuff. If you're good at playing in a band then you're good to go. If not, you might as well give up haha.


In my experience people are either good or bad when it comes to this. Not really any inbetween.

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Have you ever jammed with a drummer and/ or bassist before?


Sounds like you'll have fun and learn some stuff. If you're good at playing in a band then you're good to go. If not, you might as well give up haha.


In my experience people are either good or bad when it comes to this. Not really any inbetween.


Well...I've jammed with a drummer and a bassist, but they were both on separate occasions. They each enjoyed the experiences, as far as I could tell, and I managed to keep up pretty nicely. Most of my jamming experience has come from jamming with my dad and my old teacher. I jammed with my dad a lot right before I went to college, and one night my mom called me and told me that he wouldn't stop bragging about me to his coworkers. I know that doesn't mean much because he's my dad and he has parental blinders, but wishful thinking dictates that his bragging actually meant something.


I know, I know, you have your doubts. I'll let you keep them--we'll just wait and see how it goes, eh?

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Well, I have recorded some stuff, but I wouldn't consider any of it "good."


The sound quality is lousy (I recorded straight through the sound card into Audacity) and honestly the compositions and playing are very poor.


These are from quite a while ago...I'm pretty sure I posted most of them here at some point. I've improved since then.














Listening to these now, I can't believe I ever thought these were good enough to save.


EDIT: After reading your post again I realized I misinterpreted it. You meant that, if I recorded anything from the jam session I should post it...in that case, feel free to listen anyway, if you can manage Soundclick from the iPhone. Boy do I feel dumb.

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Nice score man! It's a ***** to get a band together, I hope you the best. And finding people who's musical tastes are close to yours? AWESOME


My drummer is getting more into mall metal and I have to fight him on that. Hard to get a really heavy drummer to tone it down for some folk/blues


I await your posts of stellar music [thumbup]

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