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Anyone a "Bright Eyes" Fan?

charlie brown

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According to some, "Bright Eyes" generated a LOT of "Buzz," at

the South By Southwest festival, this year. Yet, they don't seem

to be "new" particularly. Who/what's up, with them? I'm "Old" so,

I don't know this band.


Anyone care to comment, or enlighten me/us? ;>)



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Yeah they're not new but they're not very old either. I used to love them and I still listen to them from time to time.


If you like Bright Eyes, check out Monsters of Folk. Connor Oberst of Bright Eyes is in MoF and they're great. I really like this song called "Temazcal" by them. If you like MoF, then you have to check out My Morning Jacket.

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Thanks, Dub...I'd never heard of them, before a blurb I read, about

the Buzz they created, at SXSW. Might have to check them out. From

what I saw, in a video from SXSW...they sounded more "indy rock," than

"Folk," at least in the traditional "Folk" genre. But, then...what IS

"Traditional," in Anything, anymore? LOL ;>)


So, is this Conner Oberst some kind of "Dylan" type or wanabe? He seems

to be the main "singer"/songwriter.



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They're definately more on the folk side of indie than the rock side. Some of their songs have electronic drums and stuff so it's not entirely traditional. I'd say Bright Eyes is to folk what the Black Keys are to 60s rock/ garage rock.


I'd say Connor Oberst is absolutely a modern Dylan but his songs are less political and more personal. He's probably the best contemporary songwriter I can think of.

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Hmmmm, interesting. The clip I just watched from SXSW (about 55 minutes long),

felt more indy "Rock," to me...though, I Can see the "folk" influence, too. Maybe,

being and old crustacean, I don't really "know" what "indy-rock," really is?!! LOL!

Wouldn't be the first time, I've been wrong. ;>) But, they incorporated, horns

(Trumpet/Cornet or, Flugal Horn?), electic guitar, electric bass, regular drum kit,

and keyboards (Hammon Organ, Rhodes Piano, and Synth), etc. Kind of like Dylan did,

when he went "electric." So...???



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Yeah they have some stuff like that but at least when I listened to them, it was pretty simple folkie stuff. I didn't know they were even still together.


One thing about Bright Eyes is that it gets really depressing. It's like a cross between Bob Dylan and Elliot Smith in a way.


You should check out some Monsters of Folk.

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Understood. Having never previously seen/heard of, them...my

only glimpse/input, was from this SXSW performance. And, you're

right...it was, lyrically, a bit "dark," seemingly. I don't have

a problem with that, short term, anyway. But, a lot of it might

get to be too much? Might depend, on the mood I was in, to begin

with, too. LOL


Thanks, again, for the insight, and opinions. ;>)



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