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Sudden Hearing Loss


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It is nerve damage by viral sinus infection, the nerve inside seems to have been affected and as with all things related to nerves you just never know if it will heal.


Nothing to do with the inner or middle ear, I do not have physical damage to my ear, only nerve damage.


The tinnitus comes from the brain not receiving the proper signal from the ear...this is worse than my car's infamous seatbelt alert!!


I have lived with this for many moons, you will get use to it after a while, the worse is at night when you are trying to sleep. I have to leave the vent fan in our master bathroom on all night just to have something that drowns it out, my Dr. suggested putting a I-pod type device under my pillow at night...my double curse is I'm a very light sleeper, so music under my pillow is not going to happen.. If I get more then five hours sleep each night I am lucky...

You will find that at times you will not notice it, other times it gets very loud. If you go out to a restaurant don't sit next to a glass divider and expect to carry on a conversation..it will drive you nuts...

One other heads up, don't waste money on the "cures" you see on TV...my wife has ordered all that crap for me over the years...the eardrops they sell at health stores will not make it go away and will just fill up you're ears with oil...Ain't life a hoot?

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A 18 month hospital stay 20+ surgeries and very strong antibiotics in the "---mycin" family left me with a very similar problem that resulted in about a 40% loss of hearing on my left side and 20% on the right all that 20+ years ago. It isn't much fun, but it's definitely something you can live with and function in a very normal manner. The advice above from Jaxson50 is pretty much spot on, just plan on getting used to saying "excuse me can you repeat that" allot when your in a noisy environment and sleep can be tough.


For those that sat they couldn't live with it! Well that's just a load of bullcrap - hopefully you'll never know but you can live with a lot worse than that, we don't always get to pick the cards in life but you still have to play them or better yet, you STILL get to play them.

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Thanks guys,


So far I have handled this with patience, I am not letting this drive me crazy, I know better. Hey, at least is only one ear and not the two of them.


What bums me the most is the fact that this noise in my head covers some frequencies I will miss.


The way it looks to me is that a lot of my perceived hearing loss comes from the fact that the frequencies I cannot hear are precisely the frequencies drowned out by the buzzing. In other words, if the buzzing was not there I am not sure what my actual hearing loss would be.


It is what it is, I've been reading on the subject and I am amazed that you can simply wake up one day with this and it may be there forever. Yikes.

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I have something similar going on. Went deaf in one ear the week before last, I reckon I can hear about 40% at best, missing the upper frequencies and really annoying tinnitus. I ignored it for a week cos I thought it would clear up, then went to the doctor last week ( I have to say, it was actually this thread that convinced me to get it looked at). She had a look and said its and infection and badly swollen, so that why I can't hear diddly. On antibiotics for past 5 days, and hasn't made a bit of difference. Got to go back tomorrow to see if theres any improvement and then who knows what.


I feel like a geriatric having to lean into people to hear stuff, I am missing big chunks of conversation and just nodding like an idiot! I hope this clears up soon, its getting real annoying.


I am missing a whole load of the little nuances when I am playing, it could sound like complete crap for all I know.


I hope things improve for you, I can definitely relate to your situation at the moment.

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The high pitched ringing sounds like tinnitus, although I don't know if it that's the strict definition of what you have. Tinnitus can be caused by certain illnesses, which you can google. There are several treatments. Riboflavinoid or niacin are two treatments that have been recommended. Both are forms of vitamin B, and may be found in one tablet. I've tried them, and they did not help me. I also tried accupuncture, and even though that helped other small problems I was having, it didn't do a thing to help my hearing. Another drug that has been recommended is Campral. Haven't tried it.


Good luck to you. I hope your condition improves.

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