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Fender's Lake Placid Blue


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Last week I posted a snap of my new Mexican-made Strat in Lake Placid Blue.


Of the 25 replies no fewer than 9 posters specifically mentioned how much they liked the colour.


In one PM I mentioned that the current L-P Blue is a different hue compared to the original from the late-fifties / early sixties.


By chance I came across some old snaps of my '64 both just after I bought it in Jan '80. When I bought it it had been stripped back to the wood and lacquered.

As will be seen, I discovered the original finish where it had been left in the cavities. I then had it colour-matched and refinished using genuine Du-Pont Auto paint.


Here's the difference!


New colour;





Now the old colour!


My '64 as bought;




The original colour in the p-up cavities and neck socket;






An almost destroyed transparency showing the wear on the fretboard after almost 40 years use...




Me with it after the re-spray. This snap was taken in Autumn '84.





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