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New Member Layla86


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I once went to NYC to meet dem00n, but the line was really long; dem00n WAS signing autographs, but he was wisked away in his limo before I even got within two blocks.......

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[biggrin][biggrin] Thanks for the bump Damian [rolleyes] gosh I didn't think my intro would go on for four pages....... THANK YOU for making me feel instantly popular!!


(Anyone see WICKED? Shall we re-christen him Galinda and me, Elfie? LOL LOL LOL!!)




Hi davidl!


It is my belief everyone CAN sing and SHOULD sing, even if just in the shower, it's that good for you.

Tell you a secret.

I am horribly awfully terribly self-conscious about my singing and am always in DOUBT. I am slowly getting over it. Slowly realizing people (total strangers) spontaneously saying they were moved, really WERE moved, and to believe them. This comes from childhood issues mainly, which I am working out and moving past.


Point on the small venue/recital VS. big area w/spotlights discussion --

I am much more comfortable in front of 1000 people (have done, in church settings) where I can't make out all the faces or know who I'm singing for.


Put me one-on-one with my family or in a small open mic (which is all I've got right now) or a few friends listening intently and I will FREAK OUT....... aaaargh.


I'm still working at teaming up playing piano and singing together -- it takes a LOT of brainpower and concentration --- not really quite "there" yet. As my vocals will fall out of line quicker than my playing ...... yet.... seriously it's better IMO to hit a bum note on the keys than a flat high note (OUCH). sigh.


But anyway -- EVERYONE sing!!!


I was sad Jimmy Page wouldn't sing on "It Might Get Loud" and just said "Oh I'm hopeless..." as..... he's done backing on some early Zep and Yardbirds (when they made him) and his voice from all I can tell is NOT bad or off-pitch etc.......


If I were Queen of Everything I would help everyone feel comfortable singing and learn to use their voices.

But.... I have to get there first before I could possibly teach how.... [blush] :blink:



As a singer songwriter i believe that even the most seasoned professional singers get nervous. I have been playing and signing for around 20 years and it still freaks me out. I remember my fingers freezing up like stone the first gig I played. I am in envy of the lead singer in my band he doesnt drink yet is always first on stage and last to leave........... or maybe he just loves the spot light hmmmm [sneaky]

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The Red Special IS offered as a lefty....


Yes! I've seen it in pics [biggrin]


But not in: Lefty - White - with gold or green pickguard ---


THAT would be special order........


urgh, don't even wanna know what THAT would cost me.......



Oh and since it's unique anyways I'd also like him to sign it; not for wanting his autograph (I actually got that too, same time, on the book -- but the handshake meant much more) -- but maybe if he touched it, it might play itself --- ROFL =D>[lol]


You guys are a fun crowd - thanks -- [laugh]

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As a singer songwriter i believe that even the most seasoned professional singers get nervous. I have been playing and signing for around 20 years and it still freaks me out. I remember my fingers freezing up like stone the first gig I played. I am in envy of the lead singer in my band he doesnt drink yet is always first on stage and last to leave........... or maybe he just loves the spot light hmmmm [sneaky]



Well -- true true.


I heard once Elvis threw up before every performance. (haven't checked out that rumor on Snopes [tongue] )


Your singer MAY just love the spotlight--- haha


Sad, I do too, I just have this paranoia that actually I bite rocks up there.

And I might.........

I haven't been "out" yet under the lights a whole lot.

Church singing, yes. Check.

Real Stages - not so much.

Getting out to open mics tho lately.


Doing better over time at dealing with the red-light RECORD button going -

I have learned to delete bad takes quickly - LOL


Anyway thanks for the input, great to meet you!

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