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Ha, thats a good idea, but I cant afford both right now. I will probably end up financing one or the other at Guitar Center. They have that 12 month no interest thing goin gon, so.

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Had the same doubt half a year ago and knowing one of them had to pass on, brought them both in house for a while. Within 3 or 4 days the choice made itself. The 45 totally outshone the rosewood cousin. Had character and filled the room with something special. The AJ - that cannon - was loud and not bad sounding at all. It just didn't conjure the same thrill'n'wonder. Then again it wasn't played in, , , and to be fair : As a slide instrument, it hit bulls eye right on. I didn't know (not a glass player) – the buyer unveiled it and took it away.


Let's hear what you decide. Have a happy dilemma -

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Ok I decided, with much playing on both, to get the J45. It just sang to me, and felt right. So, Thats that I guess. Over and done with.



Its just the beginning............ [biggrin]

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