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Dave in Spain: UOK???


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Thanks for the concern guys... [thumbup] Yeah there were two tremors yesterday in Murcia, about 4 hours south of Valencia where I am. The first was 4 point 2 and the second one was 5 point 3 or something like that. Not very strong quakes but strong enough to tumble some buildings and at last count I heard 10 people lost their lives. Here in Valencia we did not feel anything at all. We don't get quakes that often in Spain and lots of the small towns are so old that building codes didn't exist when they were built. I would hate to imagine what would happen if a big quake were to hit. Here in Valencia we have churches and building as old as 800 to 1000 years old, as in many parts of Europe... A castle that was build in 1200 or 1300 would break up in a flash if the ground starts moving. Lets hope it was just a freak happening and not a new trend...

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Glad you're okay.


Actually I think sometimes it's not so much that there are more storms and earthquakes as much as we humans are far more numerous and our communications are so much better than even a cupla decades ago...



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Given that the Lisbon earthquake was a bit more than horrid, and that I've read there was a quake in Spain...


Dave, UOK?




Yeah, but the Lisbon earthquake was in 1755 and thought to be a 9.0...

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RE: Lisbon...


I know...


But where there's one... one must wonder about the potential of more.


In the U.S., for example, everyone tends to think of California for quakes - yet one technically in Missouri rang church bells in Boston as I recall the tale, made the Mississippi river reverse course a while and created a new lake.


Those actually were a series and what they're called brings one's mind to Spain: New Madrid.



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Glad you're okay.


Actually I think sometimes it's not so much that there are more storms and earthquakes as much as we humans are far more numerous and our communications are so much better than even a cupla decades ago...



Took the words right out of my mouth, thank you Milod for being the voice of reason. Stuff sure happens a lot more when you find out stuff like that happens in the first place.

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