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Well we're all moved in to the new digs.

I'm going to have to come up with a clever monicker for the new place. It's not a compound by any means, but it's certainly country. It's a small ranch by ranch standards so I guess you could call it a ranchet.

We got our first house warming gifts this week too. One of our new neighbors gave us some cookies and a friend of ours brought over a beautiful Satsuma Plum tree. So the orchard is officially under way.

It's been a long time since I played any guitar at all. So yesterday I got my chance. I played for a good hour and a half.


On another note...


My best friend's new band—The Blue Powda' Monkies—are opening up for the Missing Persons in Orange County next week. Later this summer they'll open for Great White and then UFO. I'm looking forward to all three shows.


Anyway, hope everyone is doing fine.

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