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Best Jam Ever

G McBride

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Last night I got out my J45 and started playing some Ray Willie Hubbard and the grandson came in and started playing along with the C harp I had just been teaching him how to play. I wish you could have seen video of it. I was singing "I got a woman as wild as Rome" and he was blowing on that harmonica with feeling, bobbing his head and shaking it along with the rhythm of the guitar.


Then he decided it was his turn to sing a couple of verses. Now I am not sure what language he uses, he is 2 1/2 and talks all of the time but I think he speaks Chinese fluently.


It was one of those great moments in life that are priceless. His grandmother came through the room and was smiling from ear to ear but left us to our moment.


Teach those children about music. Start them as young as you can get their foot to tapping. Music will make a better thinking child and a more coordinated child, you know the whole left brain/right brain thing. Most of all it is fun. It is fun for the child and fun for the parent or grandparent.


I think we both may have given one of the greatest performances of our lives last night, at least in my mind it was.

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Good story...and so true. Music helps kids in many ways.


The build I just completed got named "Elle" for my daughter who's almost 3. Every time I throw it or my Gibson over my lap she runs over to strum it. She works it at the soundhole and sings while I change chords.


Good times...

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This little guy is pretty interesting to watch when you play music. Either my guitar or a music video will stop him in his tracks and he will start moving to the time of the music. He has always seemed to be musical and continues to move that direction so I encourage him and enable him.


These young people are like a sponge and the more you expose them to the more they absorb.

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G McBride,


Sound like you are having a great time with your grandson! Keep him going on the music thing. I almost started a thread concerning what we are doing to pass the torch down to the younger generation and how are we doing it. Every one of my kids play piano. It is their foundational instrument and then they can choose another instrument if they want. Many of them play several instruments (including voice) and some of them have majored, or minored in music in college. Having said all of that I don’t think I ever jammed with a 2 1/5 year old. I think a sound clip would be in order!






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I got to admit it may not be great music, but to him it may be.


I had not played guitar much for several years when my oldest grandson got a cheap electric on his 13th birthday. I decided I needed to help him learn and went out and got me a Gibson Les Paul Studio and a Marshal 100 watt combo. He and I have played and learned a lot. I have given them musical gifts for Christmas and Birthdays since they all took an interest. It is a great thing to be able to pass this on to them.


Currently I have five grandsons and they range from 15 down to 2 1/2, and both daughters have sons 2 1/2.

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