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MRI - have you had one?


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Had an MRI for the first time last night. Not a comfortable thing. I never thought I was claustrophobic but apparently I was a little bit wrong. ..... I felt like I was in a coffin. Anyone else share the feeling? ....




I've had three. The facility I've gone to has two MRI machines, both tubes. The older one is a small tube, the newer one has about a foot more diameter. I do fine in the bigger one. But one of the MRI's I had, the bigger one was in use, so the stuffed me into the smaller one - literally. I had to cross my arms over my torso to reduce the width of my shoulders and even then, the nurse had to "guide" my shoulders into the the opening. Very freaky - even with headphones on for communication and muzak. I had to ask them to bring me out when they were starting a different sequence - because it was too claustrophobic and I couldn't help thinking I was gonna get stuck in the damn thing.

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