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Marshall solid state?


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It's the same as 'Fender or Gibson'? I love my H & K combo. 4 channels plus effects. Surely if your amp is going through a good PA on stage, it wouldn't matter what it was?


just keep in mind you don't get the PA mix from the stage, especially in big clubs and arenas... As a rock guitar hack, I rely very much on my stage tone... It's gotta be LOUD!!! And I gotta hear it they way it's represented during rehearsals....

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I agree,


When I am witnessing a guitar forum war, I often wonder if other instrumentalists argue so passionately about their instruments as us guitarists seem to; i.e on clarinet forums do they argue over which reeds produce the best tone etc? In Britian we have a saying 'horses for courses,' which means that some things are perfect in certain situations but not others. That is how I find some equipment including valve and solid state amps.




My friend is an amazing sax player, and he gets into arguments with people about Rico royals and vandoren reeds, just not as much as guitar players argue because they are smarter than that LOL.


He does refuse to use the plastic practice reeds though, and that turns into a heated debate sometimes. He spends about 100 bucks a month on reeds

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The only other thing I want to add is this: play what you want. I think we all have tried out a decent amount of gear and have found what works for us. Whatever it is, cool for you. I've played solid state amps and it doesn't work for me. Some of you have played tube amps and it doesn't work for you. This is why the world is round


However, in my opinion, telling people they are sheep or followers just because they don't like a certain piece of gear is stupid. I wish I was like the wiser of many forum members and had the self control to not hit the post reply button, but I don't. I get sucked into these things.

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Why because I don't blindly follow the masses like majority of those here?


Some of the majority have been playing the guitar for a very long time, have tried everything there is to try, and have spent just as much time on making themselves sound like they do as you have. They may have arrived at a different conclusion, but that doesn't make them blindly following anyone.


Every try one of the Zodiacs? If you lived through that you probably have a good experience level with tube vs solid state. If you didn't, yer posin.


Or is it because I say publicly what many of you say in private?


Use what you like, let others use what they like, if they don't use the same thing as you, never approach them as though they were in a position of ignorance. They may and usually are where they are because of the experieneces they have had. Just like you.


As for experience don't worry about my resume; it speaks for itself and I'm going out on a limb here but I would be willing to say I am the only one here that has placed Third in SAC and First in Far East Tops in Blues Competition and actually was asked to join the Far East Tour with Tops in Blues.


Its OK; everything will be OK dont worry about me I'm doing fine. I now the truth and I enjoy the "trash talk" here. I wish there was a way to prove my point that I have tried to suggest to the many tunnel visioned followers here.


I'm sure yer credentials look good on yer record sleeve and the writing credits provide AWESOME income.



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