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Guys and Gals Im New to the Epiphone family and this forum as well, so Id like to say hello. I purchased the EJ-200 not even two months ago at the Guitar Center in San Antonio. I loved it every day since never dropped it, always to the case after playing hell I even named her Lola. Yesterday it developed a fret buzz right on the second and third fret on the high E.I could actually feel the guitar start to "bellow" or grow a bumb on the wood behind the saddle. I called Guitar Center they couldnt help i called several places in San Antonio some with the wort ,rudest , crudest receptionsts ever. any way then I spoke with a guitar tech outta Katy Texas who mentioned that epiphones are known for using cheap wood and that "bellow' is not uncommon. That I should return the guitar to Epiphone and more than likely it would have to be replaced instead of fixed. what have you all heard?

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A bit of bellying is, of course, natural. I think it was Norman Blake who said never trust a guitar that doesn't have a belly.


Sometimes extreme bellying is the result of humidity. Other times it can be the result of some structural issue like loose braces or bridge plate. If that is the case I would assume you are covered under the warranty.


If not, you could always try something like a Bridge Doctor to correct the problem (can't speak as to how well they work as I have never used one). You can check them out at a Stew Mac.


Good Luck

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I think there are quite a few things to check before you label the guitar "bad" or blame supposedly poor wood...


1) was it ever set up professionally (or knowledgeably) after purchase?

2) what is the neck relief?

3) action at 12th fret?

4) action at nut?

5) how is the guitar stored? in the case, on a stand, climate controlled, etc.?

6) what type of strings?


all of these things could be causing the problem, which could possibly be an easy fix...

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Guys I just purchased this guitar not even two months ago. I keep it in its case. I havnt even taken it to any beer drinking. guitar pickin' get togethers. I really like this guitar and didnt move one thing on it hell i havent even changed the strings. Ive never dropped the guitar nor messed with the action just from guitar center to the house (in the A/C). Running your fingers across the guitar from bottom up or top down behind the bridge you can actually feel the wood start to rise like a bubble. but no I didnt touch on hair on that geeetar thats what bums me out. It just decided to warp on its own. also i live in south texas and i have not taken my guitar outside in to the 100 degree heat at all i dont even want it near the door....what do you guys think?

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The worst part is i purchased this guitar because i dont have a bunch of money in my pocket for cool toys. I researched this guitar for a long time and didnt hear a peep about any defects or any negative stories, i noticed this start to google and call up guitar tecs around the area and suddenly all these stories come to light about warping guitars and not intonated and the worst wood out there. I still love the guitar to death but i wish i woulda known about these defects. no w i have to pay like $50 bucks to return the guitar to the factory.

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Just caught this post and yes, I hear you all the way brother. I purchased my ej200 in July 2010 and as of December 2010 I noticed the neck was warped something bad. I took it to my guy and he explained that the damage was due to not having the guitar humidified and stored properly. This being my first acoustic, I kicked myself in the *** several times over this and now consider it a lesson learned. None the less, i was told it would be $600 for a new truss rod. I like the style of the guitar so much I thought it over for a long long time but ended up not getting it repaired. I figured I would put that $600 towards another acoustic and along with a humidifier. The EJ200 still hangs on the wall and looks nice around the apartment. It kinda breaks my heart though every time I look at it and think about dishing out that $600. Guitars are really like women sometimes. Treat 'em good and they treat you good back. .......sigh.......

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I can understand if I lived on the coast or some place where the weather created a huge problem but south Texas is no weather station y;know just HOT thre days of cold in the winter and thats it. what does the humidifier do?

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I just sent it out today guys to the Epiphone Company in Nashville Tn. From South Texas the guitar, case, the box, plus a two dollar insurance nearly $80.00 Ill keep you guys updated with this situation.


_ I called Guitar Center and they wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole because i didnt buy their extended warranty,


_ I called Gibson Customer Service they gave me the number of three certifeied Epi Techs in san Antonio, Two never called back The guy In Universal City worst attitute worst customer service.


_ Spoke with Roger at Gibson and git an RMA # to send it out but he doesnt know how long they'll have the guitar for and told me to call him back in a few weeks to check the status (eeeessshh)


Guys I love this guitar it sounds great everything is a plus y'know but im wondering if I messed up purchasing a $200 dollar guitar...maybe you get what you pay for even though Ive always said that it is a poor musician that blames his instrument.

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I'm sorry but I must be missing something here.


You bought the guitar from GC only two months ago but they wont sort out the problem because you didn't buy an extended warranty?


If it's only two months old then they've GOT to sort it out - no arguments.


Also guitars don't belly after only two months.


NOT saying that yours doesn't have this problem but you need to clarify whether this as a new guitar or second hand when you bought it?


Really makes a difference to the advice we can give

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I can understand if I lived on the coast or some place where the weather created a huge problem but south Texas is no weather station y;know just HOT thre days of cold in the winter and thats it. what does the humidifier do?



a humidifier adds moisture to the air; this is often necessary in the winter because radiators and forced air heating dry out the air, which then causes the wood in an acoustic guitar to dry out, often causing problems such as tops changing shape and fret buzz...if you live in a very dry climate, the same thing may be happening...the opposite is also a problem; too much humidity in the air can also cause problems

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Wiggy thats correct sir just as i explained and I spoke with BK was the managers name at the San Antonio Guitar Center and that s just what he said. that beacuase i waived the extended warranty they couldnt help.up it'll be two months on the 14th.

I love to play my guitar just as much as the next guy so im sure you can imagine the feeling i have. having to return a cool guitar beacuse of something i had no control over if i dropped it or if i put on some really heavy strings or took my guitar out in the middle of the day sure I can see where i am to blame and I would be on the forum telling you all what notto do but this one is dissapointing. Also I have a wife that can pinch a penny so hard abe lincoln screams so the extra money spent sent her in to a fit and that side of the ordeal aint no fun either

sorry i forgot to mention that I did buy it brand new or so I thought i asked the salesman to bring me a box from the back so i wouldnt have a guitar that was manhandled plus im kind of a germ o phobe. I opened the box and everything.

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Drop a pm to Midiman - he works at GC and will be able to give you chapter and verse but I'd say the manager there was BS'ing you. If the guitar was new and started to belly after only two months then they should replace it.

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just fixed a hawaiian uke for my bossed kid. the grandfather tightened the strings so much not knowing what he was doing. bowed the face so bad it had a dip in front of the bridge and a high spot behind so the bridge was tilting forward.


i can tell you what i did. i added moisture on the inside and heat on the outside with a few boards clamped on it to put downward pressure on the high spot and up ward pressure on the low spot. this worked well when adding the heat gun to just warm the top. i did it three times the top is now back to where it belongs.


that being said. go buy a good guitar humidifyer. and put it in the guitar put it in the guitar and put that in the case for a few days. with the strings loosened. in most cases this is because of not enough humidity.


i have an ej 200 just put in a presys pre amp . ive never had this problem with mine. and i have the action low. if you live in a dry climate you need a humidifyer.

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Ladies and Gents, I called Epiphone today they said that they recieved my guitar (Lola) and she had been evaluated. Turns out that they will replace my Lola that as soon as another EJ-200 Artist rolls off the assembly line and is inspeted and meets with thier approval they will send her out to me.

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I called the Gibson Customer Service Friday and I spoke with a young man that again stated that they will be sending me a replacement guitar. Great when will you send it out I asked and the rep said look I have your e mail adress I'll send you an e mail here in a sec. Now it Sunday and still no word.

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