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Les Paul Standard Volume Poti


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I noticed, when I must play my LP not too noisy, that the potis in position 1, 2, 3 are low as I want it. But whwn I turn them to pos. 4 and up the full power is on.

I searched the DIY topic for a comment but couldn´t find a solution for me.

Are the potis in a LP those taper potis? Mine ones are not working as I expected from a linear poti. I can say my LP has only two settings of volume - off, [crying] or full power.[scared]

Is it adviced to put 500 kOhms linear potis in?

If so, which ones are good quality out of your expierience?

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Im not entirely sure but when I had linear pots from 1-4 I had low volume then 5-8 louder than 9-10 was highest. So I think you have linear. I change most of my pots to audio taper cause I like that gradual volume climb. For humbuckers most would recommend 500k pots. I have a mix of CTS and Gibson branded audio tapper pots@ 500k both are good. Pots didn't have a problem and perform the way I want

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Well, I started documenting several setups using different volume pot tapers. I have completed the ones with 50's wiring. I have not completed the ones with modern wiring which is standard on Epiphone LPs.

Epiphones also come with linear volume pots.


My initial conclusions lead me to believe that linear volumes produce the best volume taper if you are wired 50s.

(Which you are not if your wiring is stock)

If you are wired modern (stock) then I find I am, so far, getting better results with audio pots used as volumes.


Read post 14:


(the rest of the post is also interesting)


I wire my guitars 50s dependent. The linear volume pots give me a smooth taper.

I do still have one guitar wired modern dependent. It has audio volumes and they produce a smooth even taper. (my wiring, modern, but not stock)

I do not get that same smooth taper using a linear volume pot with modern wiring.

I have not yet experimented with the effects of independent (50s or modern)


RaSTuS uses 50s independent and I believe he uses linear voumes and is quite pleased.

Maybe he will chime in.


In case you aren't familiar with the different basic wiring themes they are here:




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Good Linear pots will give a smooth and even Volume increase, which is what you seem to be after, Audio Taper pots aren't very good at Volume control but are used mainly for Tone control, when used for Volume they pretty much control between 6 and 10 ok, but below 6 they become quite very quickly and offer little in the way of adjustment. I always get CTS brand.


The standard configuration is Linear for Volume and Audio Taper for Tone, though all pots aren't created equal, cheap pots as used in cheaper production guitars aren't likely to give you the level and smoothness of control that a well made pot will. For humbuckers 500k is the norm.

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Well, I started documenting several setups using different volume pot tapers. I have completed the ones with 50's wiring. I have not completed the ones with modern wiring which is standard on Epiphone LPs.

Epiphones also come with linear volume pots.


My initial conclusions lead me to believe that linear volumes produce the best volume taper if you are wired 50s.

(Which you are not if your wiring is stock)

If you are wired modern (stock) then I find I am, so far, getting better results with audio pots used as volumes.

Those results on using Linear for Volume in a Modern schematic layout isn't what I have found in my experience Willy, I've found them to be far better and fine grained at controlling the Volume than using Audio Tapers.

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RaSTuS and I have been talking this afternoon (Michigan time) and I want to let you know I was mistaken.

He informed me he has wired modern independent. We know that different wiring schematics have different effects on the characteristics of tapers. Although I have done extensive samples on 50's dependent wiring and some preliminary work on modern dependent (stock), I have done no research on independent in either area.


If you decide to try any form of independent wiring with your pots, do not depend on my previous statements.


Just don't want to put out bad info...




Edit: If you decide to rewire with 50s dependent you might be interested in this: (but read carefully)




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Hey...No Problem Willy :rolleyes: nothing to excuse for.





Thanks a lot you all [thumbup]

I guess there is lots to read before I get the potis out.

I´m thinking about moving closer to you experts to get some help and advice, but my wife says she want to stay in Germany [blink]


I think, I´ll get the potis out and measure what´s happen to them. But not this week....we get a visitor from Munich tomorrow.


I´ll tell you how I get on with those resistants


Good morning to most of you and good night to the ones in europe [tongue]

Sunset is coming



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