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S G Standard. 5 months later.


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Just want to let you all know that I had been a Strat man as my main axe since 1975. I had been switching between the Strat, Les Paul and Telecaster. I was in a classic rock band playing pro since 2007 and before. These were my impressions. Tele was great in the middle position but too muddy in the neck and too twangy in the bridge. The Strat took alot of playing with it to get more tone than christal jingle that made it for what it was. Overdrive seemed to be the anwser mostof the time and never had a good mid sound even with boutique pickups. Then there's my Les Paul. A Eppie LPxtreme. I gutted it put all the best parts I could 57 in the neck and Dimarzio SD1 in the bridge, switchcraft toggle, Grovers and other electronics. Clean it sounds great, overdriven sounded kinda muddy. Chasing the tone gods and a 52 year old back, I got the S G Standard. The only mods I made was the straplocks and speed knobs. One of the best guitars I have ever owned. Clean, It reminds me of a 59 ES330 TDC I had owned when I was a kid. Distorted it sounds killer.


So I put up with my wife complaining about my GAS.. Looking at another Gibson purchase.. LOL!!

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