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Ultra-III woes


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*sigh* It looks like Epiphone might be experiencing some quality assurance issues with the newly released Les Paul Ultra-III's electronics. At least the Midnight Sapphire ones...


When I picked mine up a month ago, the chromatic tuner in the bridge pickup didn't work properly. The LEDs for the pickup selection worked fine, and when you turned the CT on, it muted the output properly. But the LEDs for the string notes didn't light up at all. When I bought mine, I also picked up GC's 3-year no hassle warranty. So, the assistant manager I talked to said they'd get one in from another store, and told me to keep this one as a loaner. That was OK with me, as it's a 2.5 hour drive to GC from my place (one way).


Well, on Friday we were informed that the new one was in. I couldn't pick it up on Saturday because we had a concert to go in the opposite direction. So, we went to pick it up on Sunday.


When testing the chromatic tuner, the LEDs lit up like they were supposed to, so we were feeling good about it. Then we noticed that it wouldn't recognize any of the strings. Even the assistant manager had a look, and couldn't get it to work.


Long story short, I left with the one I came with, and now have to wait at least 2 more months before I get my third chance at a working tuner. :(


It's a shame, too, because the guitar sounds great. I just wish it worked as advertised. I'm also very glad that I picked mine up at GC, and didn't order it via The Net. I can only imagine the kinds of hassle it would be having to mail the guitar back and forth until I got a working tuner in one.


I don't know if this issue is related to just the Midnight Sapphire models, or all of the Ultra-IIIs. I just felt I should give everyone a heads up on this.

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It's a shame you've encountered these problems LHW, I hope you can ultimately have it sorted out to your satisfaction.


I think this is one of the problems you can face if you pre-order or are an early adopter, not just with guitars, but things in general, often it takes the production facilities a while to iron out the bugs as they say, just my 2cents.

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Yeah, it's a risk with anything on the "cutting edge" of technology. It's just such a bummer. I mean, what are the odds that I'd be handed two guitars with basically the same problem?


I'm hopin' that the phrase "third time's the charm" holds true. LOL

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Has it only been the onboard tuner that's been the problem in both cases ???


As i see it that's the least of the Ultra-III's features that would interest me, and I doubt I'd ever use it anyway, preferring instead my Korg Pitchblack tuner, the way my rig is setup it has to go through the Korg and pedals before hitting the amp. Given that, I would still be peeved if it didn't work as expected and it'd be something I'd pursue getting fixed, for the premium they charge for the Ultra's, all features should be working as expected. Again, I hope you get it sorted out, it's a bummer when a little glitch can rob the magic from something meant to be at, or near, the top of the line.

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Has it only been the onboard tuner that's been the problem in both cases ???

Yep, it was the onboard tuner on both guitars. Not a big deal, as my amp has one built in as well, but, as you said, it's something you just expect to work.


The other features are great! All three pickups sound amazing, and it feels more and more comfortable in my hands the more I play it.




I hope No.3 is your lucky charm Rich [-o<



Thanks, Stu! I'll be sure to letcha all know how it turns out...probably right around Christmas, too. LOL

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No two ways about it ... this IS a bummer, Rich! I'm glad that your GC is taking as good care of you as possible though.


We still haven't gotten a single unit of these guitars at my store. The other (larger) GC down on The Strip has gotten a couple, but I haven't had an opportunity to get down there and see what kind of shape they are in. Apparently there are some availability issues with this guitar that might be tied to these QC challenges.


I agree with Rob ... unfortunately the first production run of just about anything "high-tech" often seems to experience some "growing pains". I'm sure the axe you eventually receive will have the bugs rung out of it. Until then, enjoy playing the one you have. I've watched Epiphone's demo video of that thing so many times I can practically recite it by heart ... I WANT ONE! [drool]



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Yeah, the original salesman, Mike, and the assistant manager, Chuck, have both been very helpful...I highly recommend the Greensboro, NC store to anyone in the area. Chuck even went so far to say that when we get a working model in, he'd make up for our trouble because it's such a long drive to that store. Since I don't really "need" anything else, I'm extremely curious as to what he'll come up with. LOL

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Rich... I just noticed that you have christened your blue geet 'Sheila'...


Not sure if you are aware that we have a very popular member here (deflepfan) whose name is actually Sheila... & who loves blue geets...


Funny coincidence [biggrin]

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Ha! That's great!


I was originally looking at Irish / Celtic names, and was going to use Sile (pronounced the same way), but opted against it, figuring it was cause too much confusion.


One definition for the name is: The Irish form of the Latin name Cecilia, the patron saint of music and implies "pure and musical." I figured the traditional spelling was good enough. :)

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One definition for the name is: The Irish form of the Latin name Cecilia, the patron saint of music and implies "pure and musical." I figured the traditional spelling was good enough. :)


That figures... 'cause our Sheila (aka 'The Queen of Everything') is a great Sheila [thumbup]

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That reminds me of something funny that happened last year at the Aussie Pink Floyd concert. When it came time to introduce the lovely back up singers, each was introduced as "Sheila" followed by their name. One of my friends wondered how they found three amazing singers all named Sheila. I almost choked on my beer laughing when he said that! LOL

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old post, but wondered if anyone had any insight new on the tuner problem. I bought a Les Paul Ultra III. The chromatic tuner stops working after a while. I take the 9v battery out for about 45 minutes, and it will start working again after I replace the battery. Then it will cut off after non use or pushing it off and on. I can't rely on it when I need it. The light always goes on for the shadow pickups. Its the tuner lights that does not work after pushing the tuner button on the bridge pickup ring. What can I do to fix this? I tried a new 9v battery, but the battery shouldn't be a concern since the shadow pickup works fine. I might have to add a switch on the back to cut the power off the battery so I can use the tuner when I need it.


I don't have warranty on it, because I bought it at a thrift store.

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