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I just got this thing in the mail today and it's pretty awesome. I have to say, I'm becoming mildly obsessed with Devi Ever's pedals. I step on them and fall in love instantly.


I've only played with it for about half an hour but I'm diggin on it big time. It's cool by itself. It's pretty gated so notes kinda fizz away pretty quickly but it's fixed at a nice setting where the gating is very apparent but not too strong.


What I'm REALLY loving about it is running it after my Torns Peaker (a really noisey fuzz). The gate takes away the noise so it's nice and quiet when I'm not playing but I get sustain for dayzz and it just sounds ******* awesome.


I stepped on this thing and just completely rocked out. Like bangin my head all over the place and everything.. This this sounds AWESOME. And it was only $45. I love it!

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So as usual I opened this thing up to see what's goin on inside and this circuit is about as simple as it gets. Two transistors (silicon, one 2N2907A and I can't read what the other is. Looks like a BC___), two resistors, two caps (ceramic discs), and one pot. Giantrobot and Fred - you guys should totally build one of these.


Anyways I've been playin around with it and I'm pretty surprised at how ridiculously awesome it is. Running my SHO into it, I think I've found my main fuzz sound for the band. It's ******* perfect. I hope it cuts through the mix well enough because I could easily use this sound for like everything I play. Goes from light fuzzy od to stooges type fuzz with a twist of the SHO's knob. And since it's gated when I stop playing it's dead silent even with the SHO cranked.


****. This thing sounds amazing. Best $45 I've ever spent.

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