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Ever kick yourself for selling some great guitars


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I can relate. I once had some gear stolen from me by a fella I was planning to start a band with... needless to say the band never came to formation. And when the police decided they had bigger issues to deal with than mine and told me to go talk to the guy [omg] - I told them I after 2 weeks of attempting to talk to him and being avoided (I knew all his hangouts and somehow he would discover I was coming and bail just a few minutes before I could get there). [cursing][cursing]


I told them I was not in any mood to talk, but would continue to look for them. I told them that if they didn't find him before me, that there would be a lot more paperwork to do and the police department would have a lot of explaining to do. ...because instead of charging the bastard with petty theft, they'd be charging me with murder - and I'd make it VERY clear at my trial that it happened because because when I tried to go about things legally they chose to send me out on the street looking for him instead of going to his home and arresting him. [cursing][cursing][cursing]


The scumbag was arrested within an hour and I got my gear released back to me from the pawnshop a week later. [biggrin]



He only served about a week in jail awaiting his hearing and was sentenced to time served plus a heafty fine... so I stalked him for the next 6 months. When I finally caught up with him I was hanging out at his cousin's place (we were good friends) and he, unbeknownst to me, lived next door. For some reason his cat's lived with his cousin and he was there to clean their litter boxes... I crept up behind him while he was scooping the litter and tried to imbed the combat boots I liked to wear at the time in into his small intestine through his asshole. [sneaky] I failed at making him require surgery to get my boot out, but he fell face first into the litter box! [woot]



Good for you, that rat bastard. I have a recurring nightmare that my gear gets jacked and it has made me pretty paranoid. Stories like this, where you get your gear back, at least have a somewhat happy ending, especially a boot in the *** :D

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i sold a 97 Les Paul studio that i didnt really connect with, it still sits in the back of my mind.. did i give it enough of a chance??..

Also nothing fancy but i traded a Fender American standard Strat for a recodring console and some mics a while back.. i miss that neck position pup to this day.

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Hey carv3r you brought up a good point about guitars I let go before I really gave them a chance.I mentioned in another thread that

i dont like guitars with 3 pickups because I tend to pick right over that middle pickup(I dont want to get into reasons against it, just my way)

I bought a beautiful black Gibson 35th anniv 3PU les paul custom and it was in great shape,heavy as hell though.I tried playing it for a few weeks and as good as it sounded I really didnt like the middle humbucker and I have picked as I do for many many years right over or on it.I sold it back to the dealer I bought it from(he was happy to get it back,he knew it wouldnt sit there long.In hindsite it was a beautiful guitar that would probably have gained in value and if I would have gotten into trying harder to get used to it maybe I would still have it,just a fleeting thought.

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The only guitars I really really really regret selling are a fender custom shop showmaster I got for really cheap (MIK showmaster price [flapper] ) I sold it for the real price and obviously made a great profit, but I haven't even found them on ebay anymore and really miss it, it's probably one of the best guitars I've ever played. The other one is a dearmond M75-t (the solid ones that weighted a ton) in blue sparkle. I regret having sold her, they are no longer made and I don't buy used guitars so I can't have one again. [crying] [crying] [crying]

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