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New member - New (used) guitar!


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Thought I'd introduce myself and show off my latest guitar (and my only Epi for the time being).


I used to tinker with guitar and bass back in high school. Took a 25 year break when life got in the way. Just started back up in May of 2011. I was awful in high school and I seem to be staying pretty true to form - but I do enjoy it! I'm just playing for my own amusement since I'm sure my playing wouldn't amuse anyone else. I would say that if I had to pick a level - I'm either a beginning intermediate player or an advanced beginner. Both are just ways of saying that I'm at the beginning of this journey, I guess.


As mentioned I've only been at this since last May and I've already gone through about 15 different guitars. Collecting them is addictive. When I walk into a music store or browse online I'm like a kid in a candy store. They're all so beautiful that I want one of every flavor.


I'm a big fan of Agile, SX and Douglas (hope those aren't considered dirty words around here) as well as Squier and Epiphone. Currently I've got a '97 Squier LPB standard SSS strat, an '06 Fender MIM Midnight Wine HSS strat, SX Hawk P90 strat, a Jimmie Vaughan HSS (SDJB in the bridge) partscaster with a Squier neck, a Squier CVC tele (which I love dearly) and my latest acquisition (and I guess my ticket to this particular dance) an Epiphone Nighthawk Fireburst. I really, really love everything about this guitar. Might stick a SD JB slant in the bridge and a 59 in the neck - but that will be down the road if it ever happens - the neck. My god, the neck. It fits my hand like they were made for each other. It's super light and comfortable, too. I don't know if they're prone to neck dive since they're so light because I use a 3.5" leather strap with it. No neck dive with that thing in place. I traded an Agile AL2K for it about a month ago (roughly a $225 value) and I was offered $350 for the Nighthawk a couple of weeks ago. Turned 'em down. I don't know that I'll ever let this thing go.


Here's the proof:













Don't know if it really shows up in the pics, but the neck has been "scotch-brited" and it makes such a difference in the feel of it. Previous owner did it - but I have since done the same thing to my son's Ephiphone SG G-400. It makes them feel soooo nice.


Anyway - glad to be here and glad to own this Nighthawk. I'll try not to be too obnoxious.

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Welcome to the forum jtbeck!

You sound to me like you will fit right into the membership here. Many members, like you, have a similar story to tell; having been away from the guitar for a while and then re-introducing themselves to it.


And of course just about everyone here has G.A.S..

I didn't pick up an electric guitar until I was 45 years old. Now I am addicted!


Nice Nighthawk! [thumbup]

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Welcome to the forum jtbeck!

You sound to me like you will fit right into the membership here. Many members, like you, have a similar story to tell; having been away from the guitar for a while and then re-introducing themselves to it.


And of course just about everyone here has G.A.S..

I didn't pick up an electric guitar until I was 45 years old. Now I am addicted!


Nice Nighthawk! [thumbup]



Thanks, man. I really do love this Nighthawk. I saw my first one about 6 months ago and knew that I had to have one. I really like the "overblown-ness" of it. Plus, it just fits me like a glove. It's a much better guitar than I am a guitar player, that's for sure. Value priced guitars have come a looooong way since the 80's.

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Thanks, I agree completely. You can't tell it from my horrible photography, but this thing is stunningly pretty. And I was really amazed at the fit and finish of it. Not even a sharp fret end to gripe about. I think this is one of those guitars that's certainly not everyone's bag - but I can't fault it in any way. I'm very happy with it.

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Welcome here! Wow, reading your story I thought I was reading about me. Especially the pictures of the fireburst Nighthawk, I have one too. Like you, I just got back into playing electrics after about 25 years away and I have picked up 7 guitars since September, 2011. Yes, I'm a guitarholic. And I'm an eternal beginner too! That is to say at my best, it's really not that good but I like it.


You're going to meet a lot of very knowledgable, very good people here. Enjoy!

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