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Epiphone Texan Or AJ220SCE


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I'd probably go for the Texan - extra outlay for extra quality and I'm not a big fan of cutaway guitars. The Texan also has the history attached to it. That said I had an AJ200 and it sounded as good as any guitar I've heard after playing it for a few years.

There a quite a few folks on here who have the Texan who seem to love the guitar. The Texan also has a solid back but the only way (IMO) to make a choice to to play a few of each and go with your ears/heart.

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My vote is for the AJ-220SCE. I bought one in sunburst about 6 months ago. It is a very fine sounding guitar. I also play primarily UNPLUGGED. And this model is so sweet and balanced it can be played anytime, any place unplugged, and it will have a full rich, balanced sound. I have many other expensive guitars, but this model can always be counted on for pure sweet tone and balance. I love the look of a cut-away as well, makes it look a bit different and more artsy than some of my other guitars, and the burst on this makes it look very rich. When you add that all together, and then consider that if you ever DID want to amplfy, it is ready to go for that too. The Texan is good too. Nothing wrong with it at all. But the 220SCE is to me, a guitar that you just can't stop looking at, and when played it stands the test of TONE, because of it's solid top. I found my 220 sitting innocently in a Guitar Center display room. Just a few strums of some chords told me it was a real gem...and it is! Good luck! By the way..my AJ-220SCE sunburst is in my picture on the far right side.

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The AJ200 is a good sounding, budget friendly guitar, but I think you would be even happier with the Texan, which is extremely well regarded by its players. Play both if you get a chance, since there are always duff and outstanding individual instruments of any model, but if you are buying sight unseen, my money is on the Texan.


Red 333

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I'd say if you have the opportunity to try both, do it.


For example, technically the 220sce and the Masterbilt AJ500 would be about the same creature but with a cutaway. They don't feel anything the same. I have both and they're literally very, very different guitars with different feel and personality.


Don't get me wrong, notice I'm not volunteering to sell either one? They're that much different.


Then again, I'm very much a "feel" guy. Both likely could do you well.


For what it's worth on the "feel" issue, I just had a long talk this morning with a college music prof who's an exceptional guitar player and also offers a college guitar major - believe it or not out here in the middle of nowhere.


Anyway, I'm looking for an inexpensive jazz guitar to "take out" 'stedda my veteran 175 and was considering the Epi Joe Pass... Our discussion was 30 seconds on pickups/electronics - and about 10 minutes on the necks and neck attachment, fingerboards, frets, tuning stability in our weather here and body balance...



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Lots of good words here and I agree with them, I will add that I haven't found a proper replacement for my FT-79 Texan yet, I've had mine for going on 2 years now. It's by far the best acoustic guitar I've owned in my 20+ years of playing, I've played better guitars before but they where all very expensive so the Texan is a good pick. Epiphone makes good stuff on the whole so ether one will work great for a low budgeted buyer. When I got my Texan in early 2011 I spent a lot of time in Sam Ash comparing other guitars to it and none had the over-all quality I wanted to match the Texan (in it's price range). It has changed tone slightly being as I play it a lot, it also could use a fret job and the tuner's could stand to be replaced but it's still very play-able and will probably hold up another year or so before it will really need the work. Maintenance will always depend on how much it gets used, this is my only acoustic guitar so the 12+ hour's each and every week I put on a guitar will ware one out fast.

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