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tube rattle?


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Question about tubes: I have a pair of Genelex Gold Lion 6v6's in one of my amps, one rattles when I shake it and one doesn't. They're not new, but both are lighting up same when plugged in. What's that rattle and does it affect the tube?

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Yeah definitely worth switching the pair out for another set of matched tubes.


By any chance, is the rattling tube cloudy? Sometimes oxygen gets in and starts to oxidize the metal that is on the inside of the glass which can break down and cause rattling. Or perhaps there is a metal shaving floating around from when it was manufactured?


I always keep my eye on power tubes in my amplifiers. As mentioned if your fuse doesn't blow like it should if a tube fails you're in for some bench fees.



Good luck!

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Just switching the tubes out is not 100% the correct process, the amp may very well need to be rebiased with new tubes unless it's a Class A amp that does not require this.


As for the rattle sound, well, it's more common place than you think, I don't believe it is an indication of the tube being ready to fail. I've heard brand new amps, do this right out of the box. I think it has to do with vibrations the amp is creating when being played, and what ever is sensitive in the tube to react to these vibrations.

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