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Thanks, Flight!


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Some of you might have seen a thread where Flight was working at producing a composite image of his stunning 'Plain'-top G0 to resemble a spread from Yas Iwanade's "The Beauty of the 'Burst" and I got to help.


He had his printed and, as a 'Thankyou' also had a print made for me of my own R0 as the subject matter.


So just a thread to say "Thanks, Flight! You are a Gentleman!"





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Thanks Pippy!!


It's your skills that produced the page!!


I just had the idea which wasn't new!!


Really enjoyed it! Should have got hands on with the camera!!


My 7D has been getting put through her paces tonight! ;-)




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Hey, Tman! nice to see you here!






Thanks Pip. Work's been a bear but I still like to "observe" and occasionally try to contribute something. [biggrin]


Great looking guitars and the layout spectacular! I've now come to think of you and LP's as nearly synonymous. [thumbup]

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Cheers, Tman and 57classic.




As far as the back goes; yes, it IS a lovely slab of 'hog. Flowing grain centred perfectly on the body.

It doesn't show too clearly in the snap because the rear is actually finished in a darker shade of Cherry-red than is usual for an Historic. Compare it with Simon's G0.


I'm embarassed to admit I passed on even playing the guit the first 3 times I visited the shop as the top figure and colour didn't match what I thought I wanted.


Fourth Time Lucky.




BTW and not that it matters any, but It's an R0.........................................[smile]



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Cheers, Tman and 57classic.




As far as the back goes; yes, it IS a lovely slab of 'hog. Flowing grain centred perfectly on the body.

It doesn't show too clearly in the snap because the rear is actually finished in a darker shade of Cherry-red than is usual for an Historic. Compare it with Simon's G0.


I'm embarassed to admit I passed on even playing the guit the first 3 times I visited the shop as the top figure and colour didn't look match what I thought I wanted.


Fourth Time Lucky.




BTW and not that it matters any, but It's an R0.........................................[smile]




I knew it's an R0. I said that because R9s are generally revered where R0s not quite as much. Yours is exceptional.

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...I knew it's an R0. I said that because R9s are generally revered where R0s not quite as much. Yours is exceptional...





Sorry, 57classic. My mistake. I really should have known better. I do know better, in fact........


And, of course, thanks for the kind words.



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