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After my experience with my Taylor 814ce, I most likely will not buy another guitar with a pickup system that I'm stuck with. By "stuck with" I'm referring to the controls being drilled into the guitar. Replacing them for another system would leave holes in your high-dollar guitar. A player may like that pickup when buying the guitar, but what about 10-20 years down the road? I learned the hard way with my Taylor 814ce. Loved the guitar, grew to dislike the pickup system, but was stuck with it. So I traded it.


I don't know why manufacturers go this route. To me it makes more sense to pre-install pickup systems that give the player flexibility in changing pickups down the road without leaving holes in the guitar. Customers that are dropping $2,000+ deserve that kind of flexibility, in my humble opinion.

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my thought exactly ! thise one has 3 holes dilled in the top I think to make way for the three circles in the top ... that's dumb IMO .

they are called acoustic guitars for a reason !!! I'm not against amplification of sound but they could invent something external or that's removed with ease !









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I guess Taylor is proud of their PU system, and they stand by it, thus think that whoever buys their guitars will be content.


I'm sure they are proud of their pickup system. But the fact is often times tastes change over time. I used to love hard rock music, but not so much anymore. There's no need to tie the customer into an inflexible system. I'd almost guarantee you Taylor could figure out a way to easily relocate their controls under the soundhole and keep the exact same system (soundwise) intact. Logically it doesn't add up for me.

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Ok, yeah, I understand what you are saying, and I totally agree. I would not like to pay all that money and be bound to one PU system leaving holes in my guitar. I dont even like preamps on my guitars, even though my 12 string Larrivee has a Baggs.

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You can buy the same guitar without the pickup - it's just a D-18 or D28.


These ones are aimed at the guitarist who works/travels a lot to gigs with PA set up before he arrives - all he has to do with the Aura system loaded is to plug the guitar into a mixer, tell the soundman to leave all controls flat, start playing. So all you need to take is your guitar - no gadgets.


(A fair bit of practicing with the gadget on to get the levels/sounds you want, then away you go!).



Plug in - away!





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