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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. The only Mega Jumbo Gibby I played was a 2005 SJ-200 at Carter's Vintage Guitars. It was a heap ton of cash cause it was for sale there, and it did not impress me one bit, and was huge like the Guild JF-30 I used to own. It was there I played but did not buy the same model Guild, and then I got one several months later. I traded my LP Trad Pro II for it.
  2. Not getting one as of yet. I missed one in excellent condition at $2400 due to it selling a day before mine did.
  3. I saw on the Net the other day that Gibson is suppose to be doing a collaboration with the Tool guitarist for a sig Flying V. Did anyone see that? I'll bet it will be a Silverburst.
  4. I think the sag would make it look bigger, NO?
  5. I can see thick picks for a bass player, but as a guitarist .8 - .9mm is as far as usually go.
  6. I do, I was, I did, and I will later tonight after work. I wonder if they have their own special nerdy salute. If we have Space Force Bases, I'll bet they have bathrooms, we called them Heads in the USN and USCG, that are labeled - Men - Women - Other - Pick Your Sex - Jenner - Non Binary - Drag King/Queen - Cat - Dog, ect. You name it, no gender abnormality is excluded from Space Force.
  7. The M-36's on Verb that are used range from $1900 to $3200. The one for $3200 is only listed as VG. The one for $1900 is a POS. One is in Puerto Rico and may be underwater now. I used to live there. That Island gets pounded by Hurricanes. We had to get under way on my Patrol Boat many times to avoid storms. PR (the main island) is an island that is 75 miles x 300 miles, and is pretty much a rectangle, so there is not much hiding you can do, or places to go. If a 'Cane is headed your way, your getting it full on.
  8. I was thinking with 12's it would be a diarrhea sound. Nice to have someone else along to bash the J-15 with me. And 13's a solid t-urd.
  9. When I first heard we (The USA) were going to have a Space Force I was certain it was BS, especially since it came during the Reign of Mr. Fake News. How many rocket ships do they have? My guess is NONE. How do you patrol space without a rocket. The USN and USCG have ships and aircraft to patrol the oceans and some rivers, and go save lives. The Air Force has aircraft too. The Army has tanks and helo's, and believe it or not boats. I worked on one as a contractor. The Corp has aircraft too. Technically the Coast Guard's ships are called Cutters.
  10. No I had 11’s. It was more like a wet f-art.
  11. It’s a Murph aged one. She only plays the best Sanxian’s.
  12. Some people just have no sense of humor. All the branches of the military’s song are lame, even the two from the services I was in. From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone, To Europe and Far East. That is all so can remember from Semper Paratus. It’s catchy. I had to memorize and sing it during my Chief’s Initiation in 2004.
  13. Sold it cause it sounded like it was made with wet cardboard.
  14. This lady from Taiwan is doing Crazy Train on a 3 string Lute called a Sanxian. https://boingboing.net/2022/09/23/asian-folk-metal-artist-nini-covers-ozzys-crazy-train.html/amp
  15. I would only get a EP Dove or EP J-200 If it was signed by Elvis. I got a new J-15 when I was about 49. Am I in the club? I no longer have it though.
  16. Futurama Force. Space Cadet Bender is on patrol.
  17. Gibson is part of the problem and not the solution, yet there are those that will gladly get slapped in the face by Gibson and ask for another.
  18. People think the military does not pay well, once I made E-7, I was making good money, and when I got promoted to E-8 it was even better.
  19. Yep, I was accused by the Canadian of saying it though, when I didn’t.
  20. And don’t you dare leave out our new favorite scapegoat, and the one we will use for the next 20+ years - Covid.
  21. It was cheaper than asking Dylan to write it.
  22. I think Sparky was being a wise acre. Tone is the thing all us guitarists are chasing. Cases have no tone. They are transportation and protection devices.
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