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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I'll agree with that to a certain degree. Its 7.5k due to Greed, and having to pay back the debt is another. Even a 2.5k profit margin, there is no way it took 5k of labor and material to built that. So they sign the label once glued in?
  2. And it has a Instrument Passport. I had to renew mine a few years back and its a lot of $. Plus stickers, a polishing cloth, enamel pins, a COA, and don't forget the silk screened "CAT" on the case. All increasing the price and adding to the experience of buying an already overpriced guitar. And it already has onboard electronics that you may not want.
  3. 3 - his real name is Steven Demetre Georgiou. His dad was Greek I believe. Not sure if he ever used his real name when he first started out.
  4. We all know many try but few make it to Dylan status. Some are just bedroom rock stars. Not everyone who works in a grocery store starts out as the manager.
  5. The flipping has begone. Wish I had the cash to buy one so I could price gouge some rich collector. https://reverb.com/item/57606172-gibson-cat-stevens-j-180-hand-signed
  6. I posted in another thread I don’t get Muse and Oasis. I also don’t get Radiohead. Critics and fans love to heap tons of praise on them and I just don’t know why. Yeah I know Zappa will soon be mentioned.
  7. I saw a frozen Straw/Rhubarb pie in a grocery store the other day. $17.99. It stayed frozen. Back to the topic at hand. If you got the cash and want the farmland, then outbid Bill. If not just like prices going up. All we’re gonna do is talk about it.
  8. Try Angela’s Fender site. Even though Fender is in the name the site has tons of parts and peices. Maybe Allparts?
  9. Sweden should commission a study and you should take the lead in this.
  10. Maybe, what about finger pickers? The right does a lot of work when doing that.
  11. Shouldn’t have made it out of the factory.
  12. Truer words were never spoken. That is where this guitar is headed, and if you got it from Guitar Center it will be sold as "NEW".
  13. I guess Bob Dylan and Paul Simon are not those guys you speak of? For decades (about 5 or more) those guys have not struggled.
  14. You feeling okay. You may need to guy lie down. Agreeing with me two times in one week. Your brain is gonna pop open. Soon you'll be asking me for advice on Zappa albums ect.
  15. I don't miss amps at all. Who wants to lug around a heavy box to play. I take a guitar out of a case, tune it, and off I go. No volume, or effects to ponder over. No wife yelling your playing to loud - I can't hear the TV.
  16. Mesa/Boogie es muy bueno. I had a TA-15 lunchbox head from them. Gibson own Mesa now. I only hope Gibson leaves them alone and lets them keep doing what they always have. Made in beautiful Petaluma, California. I was stationed in Petaluma for 3 years when in the Coast Guard.
  17. I had this too. I traded it for a USA Deluxe Strat and a Martin D-15. It was when Gibson was blackening in the sound holes. The shop I sold it to told me the guy who bought it, said the guitar fell out of its stand and suffered the dreaded smile headstock break. Now a $3500 guitar is not worth $3500.
  18. Yeah I just looked and it said he was ambidextrous, but learned to strum with his left hand.
  19. Yes. I think I read and know that Reggae legend Jimmy Cliff plays left handed, but just uses a right handed guitar but plays it lefty, and leaves the strings how a righty would string it. Didn't Albert King do that too?
  20. Jimi Hendrix was a lefty using a right handed guitar (usually a Strat) in case anyone didn't know.
  21. My son is a lefty, but plays guitar as a righty, and he batted right handed when he played baseball as a kid.
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