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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. The mail yesterday really took me back in time.I must have been 12 or 13 years old and I saved my lawn mowing money and bought a Buck Trapper pocket knife from Herman's World Of Sporting Goods in the Livingston Mall in Livingston, NJ.How I agonized over that purchase, I was just a kid and didn't have a lot of money and which one to get? Hours of looking at advertisements and then looking at the display and oh boy...We took a family trip up to the Martha's Vineyard area of Mass and we all rolled down a really steep sand dune for whatever reason.I had the knife in my pocket and out it came, never to be seen again.Dejected? Just a little. I lost my Buck knife...A half a century later, here one is again!The previous owner even had the Warranty Card and little blurb saying what a great purchase you made!A little sharpening and some oil and it's good to go.
  2. I'm guess a Valentine's Day present. She probably wolfed down the box of chocolates right off the bat.
  3. Buck knives have a custom shop and they sent me an email on 12/26/2022 saying Treat Yourself which sounded like a good idea to me. It showed up yesterday and as soon as I held it I thought this feels like a 345 so here you go:
  4. After 46 years, I decided to give that old Buck Ranger pocket knife a trip back to the factory for their Spa treatment. If the blade can't be straightened and refurbished it'll get a new blade. I probably won't see it until late Apri/May sometime, I'll post some before and after pics of the old girl.
  5. Buck makes 7,000 knives per day and had gross sales of $80M last year. I found some semi-pro factory tours on youtube and that's quite the operation.
  6. Got some new Buck Folding Hunters to play with, a 120th Anniversay (with the coveted tin and coin - woo hoo! - from Wally World) and an Ebony Collection which is wickedly sharp. I'll try not to drop these into my leg like I did with that switchblade last week. Oops, this is going to be bad, I don't want to look...
  7. I recall one railroad worker saying if we knew what was going past on the tracks we wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
  8. Do it. As soon as I plugged it in I went THAT'S the sound I've heard on so many albums.
  9. Not chambered, it's close to 10 pounds. I actually did put my first Firebird VII next to a speaker for a few months and it helped it collect dust, I don't think it did anything else. The VII I have now was super stiff feeling when I first got it, it just needed around 1000 hours of playing time to beat it into submission. That one is really loud unplugged.
  10. I agree, that looks like a reflection. I just posted a photo of a Les Paul, it looked like defects but it's actually clouds being refected off the finish.
  11. The only sensible thing to do is return it before you get it and then start over.
  12. It became louder when played unplugged which I wasn't expecting at all.
  13. I liked his D-35, I would have kept that one. He's always on me to buy another Martin but I only ever wanted to own one of them. Here's some vintage smut: I don't remember what year it is but it has THE acoustic guitar sound that I was looking for so the search was over real quick.
  14. I could be mistaken but I think he likes Martins. I do remember one fellow on another forum saying, "Nobody likes to be told that their baby's ugly". However, he did keep things entertaining but I don't believe he wishes to return. I might meet up with him at the Martin factory if he takes the plunge on an M-36. That's only because he's never played a J-40, that's the HD-28V sound in a smaller package.
  15. I have a 2019 Les Paul Gold Top with the P90s and 50s neck. I see why nobody bought it, the thing weighs about as much as a Harley frame and was just totally dead acoustically - it was like the sound just died as soon as you strummed it. Plugged in it's just great. I've been playing it on and off for a few weeks and now the sound actually escapes the body. I think it just needed some playing time to perk up. Obligatory guitar porn:
  16. I know, not music related but unwelcome news. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/raquel-welch-one-million-years-200425372.html
  17. https://www.stewmac.com/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/electric-guitar-parts/electric-guitar-bridges-and-tailpieces/tune-o-matic-bridges/schaller-roller-bridge/
  18. I like Red Wing boots and ordered something or other from them. Two weeks later I start getting complimentary copies of GQ. You have to write to Red Wing and they have a special department where you request that they remove you from the list where they sell your personal information. WTH? --------------------------- Thank you for contacting Red Wing Shoe Company. We received your request about the data we have stored about you. We are checking our systems for your data, using the information you supplied, and will respond to your request within 45 days. Thank you, Red Wing Shoe Company
  19. I'd keep it. An employee at the store may have taken 5 minutes to adjust the pick ups and screw on the tip, pull the plastic and give it play.
  20. They date code the lighters on the bottom, this one is only 2 years old. I don't mean to be but I'm pretty hard on lighters. The good thing about Zippo is when they're totally screwed up they'll fix it for free - the hinges get floppy after a bit.
  21. The passage of time and the things we hold on to. I've had this Buck Ranger pocket knife for almost 47 years now. Just holding it brings back a lot of memories. This thing has traveled quite a bit!
  22. True, Sgt. Pepper is no more. While he hasn't said so, it would not surprise me in the least if he's saving up to get this one: https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Electric-Guitar/MOD-RAM019946/Sparkle-Orange and then convert it to a floating ebony bridge. It's the meticulous attention to detail that sucked him in. The true connoisseur will appreciate the finely applied overspray, the lack of paint depth consistency and the exquisitely chiseled binding to complement the trend setting mismatched knob. Sgt. Pepper will be a lucky man!
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