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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. You just can't make this stuff up. Well, THEY can apparently.
  2. Why not share the quote here, for those of us who are not inclined to go to The Shock Jock's site to look for it?
  3. All were great - for some reason, liked the last one more. Love this old country - "Pre-Grass" ! Thanks.
  4. FIFTY SEVEN THOUSAND DEATHS IN THE US ... what are you smoking ?
  5. Here's one. Took me 1 minute to find. Docs had their twitter acct suspended because, like here, someone didn't want to hear what they had to say. https://ncrenegade.com/editorial/whisteblowing-er-docs-urge-open-up-society-now-because-lockdowns-are-weakening-our-immune-systems/
  6. Yeah, the last time I wore a mask, I was looking for candy - not toilet paper. Up until February, the only people who hid in their homes and wore masks when they came out were criminals. Now it seems the governors want it to be reversed.
  7. All The News That's Fit To Print ... even the Old Gray Lady gets it ! When they realize 'truth' and 'news' are different concepts. Thanks for finding this one Ghost. I read that Twitter suspended the accounts of the two Medical Doctor Researchers at Stanford who were the first to publicize this issue, for LA County. So, two steps forward one step back. Edit: Apparently you didn't understand after all, It's not that deaths are high - it's that cases are low.
  8. Read a piece that the virus gloms onto airborne particulates which helps explain the rapid spread in urban areas. Per Ke Lan a research scientist at Wuhan University.
  9. How any of this works? Well, start with fearful stories of desperate people trapped on cruise ships. Then have a lone epidemiologist predict 2.2million deaths without any basis for it. Then have a UN organization - cozy with China, WHO, predict a mortality rate of 3.4%. Next have the NBA halt its season an hour after Trump gives his first speech to the nation on the virus. That becomes the headline - not anything the President said. Then, within days, have cities like San Francisco declare a lockdown, virtue-signaling the mayors in cities that aspire to be as Progressive. Then have governors who want the Federal Government to underwrite their responses to the virus, report cases and deaths in a mis-leading way, so that the mortality rate would climb from 1% to 5% (when actual research scientists in at least a half-dozen studies have proved it is 0.1%). Order businesses to shut down: Force people to stay in their homes except when going to 'essential services', masked. Convince people their lives are endangered every time they see someone without a mask. Direct them to call police on their neighbors for infractions. Use Drones provided for free by China to track down people violating the 'lockdowns'. Get liberal organizations like Face Book to offer their technical expertise to track people. Mine the data to show minorities are more affected by the virus. IE, your susceptibility is due to your race, not your years living an unhealthy lifestyle. . Blame the President for not focusing on 'the poor and minorities'. Steer millions of the Stimulus $ targeted for Small Businesses to big ones like the NBA and Harvard. Celebrate the drop in the Stock Market and the rise in Unemployment and hope they stay unfavorable through November. You're Welcome.
  10. The man who died (his wife was hospitalized) drank Aquarium Cleaner. He did not take the medicine Trump was reporting might be found, after further study, to be effective. He drank Aquarium Cleaner. Because the ingredients, his wife claimed and the media reported, included hydroxychloroquine. Most people believe in personal accountability. Some people, many in the media believe in the opposite. I would blame his wife before Trump. In fact, I'd check into the husband's life insurance policy.
  11. I got my info this morning from a CBS article. It clearly noted that the American College of Surgeons told surgeons not to do procedures which, prior to Feb.1st were recognized as Life Saving procedures. Suddenly - having empty beds in all our hospitals - just in case- was more important than saving lives. Even if you hate Fox - you can find information like this, if you try.
  12. Went to Lowe's to pick up toilet repair part. Had ordered a week ago on Amazon. They finally wrote and said they could not be sure when it would be available, even though they said they had inventory when I ordered it. Lowes big parking lot was 90% filled. People are so bored - they're doing home improvement projects they otherwise never would have done. Hardware store or grocery store - only places you can go - until today! Yeah, my back hurts too. Whacked back a couple of dozen bushes and did sit ups. Played my H'Bird TV. Have never missed a day playing one of them since the PANdemIC started.
  13. The American College of Surgeons called on its members to CANCEL all 'elective surgeries'. Elective is defined as any that are not emergency. Cancer, Organ Transplants - all cancelled and backlogged. So, if you had stage 3 cancer - they would tell you to get chemo or radiation, and get in line for when they re-open. This has been widely reported, but criminally has not been highlighted in the news. I would have to assume more people will die from the withholding of life-saving surgery, than have died from CoronaVirus. And, except for Elmhurst Hospital in NYC (which could have triaged patients to other hospitals in NYC or the USNS Comfort) I've not heard of any hospitals being filled. Half-filled at best. "Medicare For All" doesn't sound quite so appealing anymore.
  14. Why does flu always come from disgusting creatures? Bats, Swine? Can't we get at least one year with a Butterfly Flu? Puppy Dog Flu?
  15. ABSOLUTELY ! He posted on this thread A MONTH ago - the article noting that in CA they had found with a random test that the mortality rate is around one-tenth of a percent, not 4% or 5%. Makes one wonder why not one governor stood up and questioned this. Another story this morning - in Taxachussetts (we moved from there 30 years ago) a town on the coast has decided they will NOT turn on the water for beach homes when the residents come to open them up for the summer! Wasn't this the state that had the Boston Tea Party? Near the coast that was, says I. Don't you need fresh water to make tea? And to make Sam Adams beer I bet: Put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he jumps out. Put him in cool water and gradually turn it up - he stays until he boils.
  16. Thanks Black Dog, for continuing to peel the onion. We'll never hear any politician on either side suggest the virus would have lessened just like the flu, without all the LockDowns.
  17. Thanks for thinking to plug us in to this. If you could include a link to something relative to the guitar of the auction - it would be appreciated, I"m sure.
  18. Congrats Fancee, and let me be the first to put you in the unique and enviable position where you have more "Likes" than "Posts" !
  19. More reason for optimism, Murph - although here in San Antonio, you can face 6 months in jail for not wearing a mask - in the 5 days since implemented, while nearly 3,000 good citizens have dropped a dime on their neighbors - police have only issued 28 citations. Even more encouraging .... California is moving to give Emergency Funding to a large group of their population - Undocumented Voters/Aliens. They will give millions out to local non-profits to pass out to people who can somehow prove they are not documented. This is to ensure there is no risk of these folks being identified. Unlike those who don't wear masks here.
  20. Yep. We're retired and our Retirement Account took a big hit. Feel like we're under House Arrest. 20 years ago, all the doctors in CA went on strike for several weeks. The death rate went way down.
  21. GDE - what the study concluded is - the mortality rate being used by the states is significantly overstated because, while it more or less accurately records Deaths related to CV - it does not include as cases those patients who were not tested, but still had CV. It is being calculated as deaths/cases of course. So, if for example you have 4 deaths and 100 cases - you have a mortality or death rate of 0.04 or 4%. However, if your cases are understated and should be higher because you're not counting people who have CV or had it, didn't have any symptoms or just mild ones - and are walking around and weren't tested and entered into the system, your mortality rate is being overstated. Based on random testing (I think of a few thousand people) he study concluded that the number of cases reported by LA County should have been 400,000 and not 8,000 - because they were ignoring most of the people who had CV. So, cases are believed to be 50 times greater. If, in the example, the 100 cases were actually 5,000 cases - and deaths remained the same (because they are captured more accurately by hospitals, etc.) then you have 4 deaths and 5,000 cases - or a mortality rate of 0.0008. If you round it up to 0.001 - the mortality rate is a tenth of a percent, not 4 percent. In New York State, a similar study found that based on 3,000 randomly tested people out shopping that approximately 14% had contracted CV at some point. In NYC, as many as 21%. In other words, the study estimated that the state probably had 2.7 million people infected, the great majority of whom were not sick enough to have gotten themselves tested. This compared to the states reporting system of 264,000 CV cases. So - they probably had 10x as many actual cases as those that were tested and were positive. So their mortality rate was 1/10th what they've been reporting. If they were reporting 0.04 or 4% - it should have been 0.004 or 4 tenths of a percent .
  22. Tom, Thank you so much. Decades of learning and wisdom encapsulated in a simple response! Helps me understand why they go for $50K and up ! Not only because "They don't make them like that anymore." But because they're old. Or should I say "Aged Gracefully" ? Thanks again. I need to save that somewhere I'll remember where it is! Jim
  23. Correction: My last line is off by a decimal - it should have read "Not 4% but 8 HUNDREDTHS of a percent" . Black Dog posted an article which referred to this Stanford Study. They rounded my rough math of 0.0008 up to 0.001. Which is a tenth of a percent. Still - an unbelievably big difference to the 5% numbers the states are submitting to the Feds. And the epediomologist, Neil Ferguson, who the article notes had predicted over 2 million US deaths? Well, he should be dis-barred or dis-membered or whatever they do to scientists who are full of ..... themselves.
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