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fortyearspickn last won the day on July 4

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About fortyearspickn

  • Birthday 10/10/2022

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    ______Somewhere Down In Texas

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  1. I was prepared to NOT like it. But I thought it sounded better than the other guitars highlighted in the clip. Of course, bling is another thing. Some like it hot, some like it cold...
  2. I've got a J45 Koa b/s and it is amazing. Balanced lows, mid and highs. Would buy it again. Did take a couple of years to open up. Taylor seems to put out an over-abundance of KOAs - and I'd never pay six large for that H'Bird. It needs to be in a climate controlled display case in a Guitar Center - as a marketing prop.
  3. I went through 'the awkward stage' until I hit 70ish. Then, magically, I started getting Senior Discounts without having to ask for them - which I never did. But, my ego is still intact - because whenever I buy beer at Walmart - they still 'card' me.
  4. I thought Liberal Arts degrees were 'Bachelor of Arts' and if you majored in pre-dentistry, you got a Bachelor of Science? But I'm old, so I googled it and found Harvard has degrees in "Liberal Arts and Sciences". I guess "Liberal Sciences is if you're a Dental Technician. Or a Bed Pan Specialist. Regardless, in defense of the 13 year old who DOESN'T want porn (maybe he has a girlfriend) he should be able to go to a Ford, Apple or Gibson site without seeing it. Sort of like if he goes to a Coors, Colt or Marlboro site - he is warned off if under 18. Thanks to the Dept of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Maybe we need a Federal Agency regulating guitars ! A Guitar Czar ! More impressive sounding than 'mod'.
  5. ( Edit? Had to correct "AutoCorrect" for changing Prine to Price. multiple times. I can't wait for AI to really screw things up. They'll be changing more than our spelling. )
  6. Bob Dylan said Prine was his favorite songwriter and "Lake Marie" his favorite Prime song. Like Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley and Eva Cassidy, he was attacked by skin cancer. Unlike those 'icons', he survived. By any measure - a great man.
  7. Cool. Just didn't want to see you get banned for Dog-ogony.
  8. IMO, IMO is implied in every post here. I try to only post my own opinions, shouldn't have to qualify each one with an "IMO" stamp. I understand how religion and politics are verboten, but individuals should be free to express their own opinions (the O in IMO), about anything else. I think the 'if someone wants to pay their hard earned cash for it' is also universally understood. So it isn't a real justification for green J45s when Gibson makes them, anymore than sunburst ones when Taylor does - when someone asks "WHY?" And it is obvious that Taylor Swift, Joe Bo and others (ex. doctors and dentists as we're reminded regularly) have enough extra cash to buy whatever they want - so that falls to the wayside in terms of 'justification'. Because we here are the rest of the human race that has to be more discerning. So, most here who have spent decades playing different guitars and have found the ONE they love, or the HERD they love - will have 'biases'. Hard earned, like their cash. We don't criticize on this forum - members who have no Gibson acoustics but criticize them regularly, while praising Martins. Yet we criticize any member who disses other brands. As Cool Hand Luke's captain would say -" I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. " (Sarc. ON) Maybe we just need more diversity in our thinking, inclusion in our membership drives and equity in our tolerance of other brands. (Sarc. Off)
  9. All I can see are cell phones being held up. Might as well go to an Apple Store. Begs the question - if the person in the first row holds his up, getting a good clear picture. And the person in the second row holds his up and gets a good clear picture OF THE PHONE SCREEN OF THE FIRST ROW GUY .... would the guy in the 100th row, taking a picture of the guy in the 99th row, get a good clear copy of Row One guy's phone ??
  10. Sparky, you may want to watch out. Neighbor might get mad at you for mis-appropriating the affections of their dog. Our neighbors had a cute pit bull mix I befriended. They kept him in the backyard from sunup to sundown, so I think he was somewhat attached to me. Possible they wanted a 'junk yard dog' and didn't like his tail wagginess. Anyway - one day,, he disappeared. Better him than me, I guess - but they never got another one.
  11. I read something once, - searching for peace at a time a few years back when I was a few quarts low - that stuck with me as a philosophy, or teaching, that helped a great deal. Holding religious beliefs aside, as much as one can, it was simply this: The pain you feel in life is actually the departure of the joy you have already enjoyed. The accumulation of happiness from children, for example, leaves slowly when they do. The decades of joy and love with a spouse - is purged suddenly if they die unexpectedly. Every happy memory, from a birthday or family Christmas, is a part of our being - and will eventually be gone. Balancing the books, philosophically. So, yes, happy people make happy families, and happy families make happy people. And a better world. But, as a plant must eventually see it's flowers die - we must too. And the plant 'knows', soon it will die too. This is why we are innately resistant to change. I was significantly sadder when we dropped our last child off at college, than the 3 before him. Not, certainly, because I loved him more, but selfishly, because I knew he was the last flower.
  12. Doctors, bless their hearts, will be the first to admit, don't know everything. What meds work for one person - don't for another - including chemo. Our neighbor, good friend for 11 years, was diagnosed with liver cancer 3 years ago - they fixed it. Then, right after that - kidney. Told him he had a year or so. Had surgery, and the chemo made him too sick. He is in 'maintenance' but is doing well. Kick in the teeth - while all this was going on - his wife was diagnosed and eventually succumbed. He had to move back to Utah to be with his grown children. But is doing fine. As well as can be expected for an eighty=something. So - we should always pray for miracles, because they do happen. My wife, of countless decades - diagnosed with lung cancer, had a lobe removed. 8 years now, officially declared cured. Breast cancer - 4 years ago, had the lump removed - radiation followup, Now as good as new. Except the Rad RX straightened her naturally curly locks. Hang in there John.
  13. So, it' been 9 months - what did you decide on ? How's the learning curve going ?
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