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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. They only listed mine with a 60% markup. Told me it was 'Excellent' but listed as 'Great condition' - sold in a couple of weeks. Sort of like playing the Lottery, but the OP was clearly the winner!
  2. I've only sold one instrument through GC, as a trade up. Went in twice, a month apart - same process, same offer. back in January. As I recall, they have their 'tech' look at it to give an opinion on condition and get on some site on the internet where they put in make, model and s/n to get a value. They said the values on that site are updated regularly. If this J-45 didn't have a label, it's possible they didn't have enough information to get an accurate price. As we all know, there are more versions of the J45 Model than Carter Has Pilsner. The other side of this - the guy who sold it to GC - he got robbed. GC didn't really 'lose' per se. They probably paid $1200 for it and made $380. "Seller Beware" in a buyers market !
  3. jim, Yeah. Technology, Education, Culture, Health, even Religion - everything changes except human behavior. Peace, Out. Jim
  4. Yep. As frustrating for us now as it was 50 years ago. 🙂
  5. Your comment above quotes me from an hour ago... but is blank.. So, I'm not sure what point I made your comment is in reference to. Additionally... You then add a single sentence - that there is a spike in CA and PA deaths. With a link. You may recall, having read a lot - that Single day spikes occurred at one point in this past week or so because the PA State Health Director wen back an re-classified deaths originally classified as Not CV - and decided they 'probably were CV' and added them in (around 500 in a single day. Backlash forced her to remove half of them. Other than that - I Have To Ask - "What is your point?" You include an article that is a running complication of daily deaths graphed in red by state. But other than that raw data, and you casual observation that two of the states spiked - are you trying to tell us anything? Complicated discussions can't be moved forward with a blank quote, a single sentence and a link to raw data. My casual observation - "Only CA and PA spiked." See - Cherry Picking works both ways.
  6. Yes, and how many years can some people existBefore they're allowed to be free?Yes, and how many times can a man turn his headAnd pretend that he just doesn't see?The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. Maybe Bob was singing about Lockdowns and not Pandemics?
  7. The CDC which, based on years of research studies told us that six feet distancing was their recommendation, and then came out with a revised study/ recommendation more than doubling that to 13 feet. Which, even Lockdown Governors are paying no attention to.
  8. So - you posted two numbers. What do you claim they prove??? Does the "DJI now" at 5,000 points higher prove backing off on the quarantine is helping the economy? Yes or no? Wouldn't that conflict with your claim the quarantine didn't cause the drop? Yes or no? What point were you trying to make with these two numbers? Or are you going to continue to not try to back up your deflection and cherry picking - based on yet another deflective claim: that I don't understand the concept of market volatility. And my investments are fine - Low Risk. More deflection? (Run out of silly photos of masked fat guys in their Man Caves ? ) To attempt to shut down another forum members discussion by claiming 'No one shut down the economy' and "The market free fall started on Feb 28th but the shut down began in March", still remains un-proven. As do your claims that children pass the virus on to adults. As unproven as your claim that US deaths per million can be compared to Swedens deaths per million as "Apples to Apples" - to draw assumptions about lockdowns. Swedes eat fish - we eat tacos. When you're digging a hole, and you see daylight below but not above - it's time to stop digging.
  9. ''I don't think a cervical cap would have helped in this case. 😂'' Like I suggested, provide facts to support your claims - instead of posts like the 2 above.
  10. "Nobody shut down the economy" ? Average unemployment claims last year - 325,000 per week. March and April 2020 - average 4 million a week. California DOUBLE any other state - has the strictest Lockdown measures. "Markets went into a fee fall starting 2/24. Quarantine started in March"? Wow - four day difference ? Normal Dow Jones volume is around 325 million shares. On Feb.24th volume was 452 million shares and it closed at 27,961 On Feb. 28th volume was 916 million, and it closed at 25,410. On Feb.27th, San Francisco mayor ordered a lockdown for SF and all surrounding counties. See - cherry picking stats is easy. How about you provide some to provide justification for your two statements?
  11. Reminds me of that line in the TV commercial: "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
  12. In addition to only 3 children having died from Corona Virus in the US ..... There are NO cases on record in the US (or UK as far as I know) that indicate children have passed the virus on to adults. No cases where Gramma or Grampa or ANY adult - living with a child - got sick and could ONLY have gotten it from the child! China, for what it's worth, has said the same thing. Articles citing experts opinions two months ago that 'certainly children must pass it on, because they pass on other viruses) - are basically worthless since they are opinions and not based on science, or recent studies. So, Dr. Fauci (who, NO, was never a 'frontline doctor' and went directly to the NIH and other research lab jobs after Med School/Internship) - CANNOT at this point, three months in - yet prove that children pass the virus on to adults. So, absent proof they do - at what point do you admit - "They must not, we've had 1.1 million cases but we can't find ONE where we know it was transmitted by a child?" So, your Gramma and Grampa are Strawmen.
  13. Several excellent point. I may steal your line: "Hope I didn't offend anyone. If I did, I hope I did it thoroughly." Will probably need it before the day is out.
  14. And only THREE children have died from this virus. In three months. And yet some politicians are calling to keep the K-12 schools closed in the Fall.
  15. To paraphrase what Saturn said - I'm rarely inclined to pick up a guitar when I'm not in a good mood. I want to enjoy the time I spend playing - and I've found I need to be 'upbeat' to start with. But, to me, Zig Zag said it best - again to paraphrase: "Things are always better with a guitar hanging around your neck." !
  16. From the original photo - it appears the crack goes all the way to the bolt hole. If so, it's structural, not cosmetic. Can this luthier not find a piece of the same species of wood and shape it to match the original bridge? And, the $450 price quoted was for additional cracks somewhere else. I hope the luthier discussed the benefits of also repairing/replacing the bridge plate. You (or he) can squirt some glue in the crack on the bridge and clamp it, and cosmetically, it'll be OK. But if you are hoping to preserve/restore the guitar to it's full potential/value - I'd consider going all the way.
  17. A standard classical guitar case should fit perfectly.
  18. As a Newbie - here on this Forum for a month - with 2/3rds of your posts in two threads - both of which are discussing Coronavirus - it might be less stressful in these difficult times if you asked yourself if you came here to argue about public health policy - or to learn about Gibson guitars. Even RCT gets it.
  19. Oh wait. Never mind. I saw a video of this. It is in the Michigan State House. Protesters who have been upset for a couple of weeks about the lockdown. NOT MEAT PACKERS. Nice Try.
  20. That looks like the Michigan governors mansion - not a meat packing plant. Tried to find "Michigan Meat Packers Protest". Zero. Zilch. Nada.
  21. No - not sarcasm. Sorry if it came off that way. I appreciate any and every person and act that helps keep our country running during the shutdown. A sincere thank you. By the way - only 3 children have died from CV, and just as few documented cases of a child spreading it. So, teachers will be safe when schools open up. At least if they stay 6 feet away from other teachers.
  22. And we'll never get daily death counts on those. My wife is a cancer patient. She just got her treatment started before the NBA cancelled it's season and the American College of Surgeons cancelled all surgeries except those that are 'Emergency'. Torn ACL ? Tough. Stay off your feet until November and hope you don't wind up needing a knee replacement.
  23. Thank you - I hope everyone you issued a laptop thanked you especially ! I was being sarcastic - it isn't FEAR that is driving the majority of the House Representatives to cower in their bunkers - it's politics ! And, certainly - most of the people observing the quarantine/lockdown/shutdown are doing it because they are good citizens doing what their leaders tell them. There are many people though - who are clearly afraid.
  24. Well, since the House of Representatives is 'self-quarantining' themselves, I guess we're all on our own. First responders, essential workers risking getting this virus - but Our Elected Representatives are cowering in their bunkers. Their only words of inspiration - are "Stay the course - maintain Social Distancing." Of course, "Social Distancing" is the Progressive code word for - keep all businesses, churches and protests shut down." 3.8 Million more of us lost our jobs last week.
  25. I did not 'forget' to mention that the fish tank cleaner contained hydroxychloroquine. It's right there in the middle of my 3 line comment. Perhaps you 'forgot' to read it. Politico is probably less reliable as a source of news than The Blaze. If you had read the article - you'd know it wasn't Glenn Beck who is accusing the wife of murder. It's the police. Pesky Facts. Convenient to cherry pick the ones you like though, isn't it? Oh, I forgot - you're "outta here" .
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