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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Correction: My last line is off by a decimal - it should have read "Not 4% but 8 HUNDREDTHS of a percent" . Black Dog posted an article which referred to this Stanford Study. They rounded my rough math of 0.0008 up to 0.001. Which is a tenth of a percent. Still - an unbelievably big difference to the 5% numbers the states are submitting to the Feds. And the epediomologist, Neil Ferguson, who the article notes had predicted over 2 million US deaths? Well, he should be dis-barred or dis-membered or whatever they do to scientists who are full of ..... themselves.
  2. I always wish I had done something to protect my 1950s baseball cards. Collected in packs of 5 with a slab of bubble gum for 5cents a mile long bike ride away. One a week I would guess. Had some good ones. I guess, after I moved out and brought only my Gibson and Case pocket knife with me - my mother figured she could trash them. So, I started saving those old Garbage Pail Kids cards. Then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle junk. Star Wars. Half the stuff our kids had that seemed they might want to see it again in 50 years. Wife didn't have baseball cards thrown out on her apparently. She thinks I'm crazy. Oprah confirmed it in an article. I guess she didn't have baseball cards either !
  3. Guth - "You're a better man than I, Gunga Din."
  4. No way I would be able to read that if on the floor ! I seem to recall a popular location was taped to the upper bout, on the inside top. I guess you could use those sticky glue dots to keep from marring the nitro.
  5. I would guess that is a proven scientific fact. And, sunshine does not seem to kill CoronaVirus, nor does naturally occurring levels of UV light. The recommendation for 'fresh air' is to encourage people to be outside, where the airborne particles are dispersed by the wind - as opposed to cooped up in your home. And to hopefully get a little exercise - which also is proven to be beneficial. Studies have shown the majority of people get viruses indoors - not outside.
  6. TPB, I believe the '40s Martin D-28s were Brazilian RW. Is that what the RW Gibson AJs from the same era used? Do you think that is what set the D-28 at least apart? Or was it the bracing? I have trouble thinking different strains of the same species of wood would make a difference. Brazilian, Madagascar, Indian ? Though 'they' do say the wood recovered from old stumps from trees harvested decades ago in Brazil is very good., I wonder if the aging process 80 years ago played a bigger part than the country of origin.
  7. Glad to hear it. What a difference a week makes! Take it easy. Rest up for when you can all get together and celebrate!
  8. I haven't seen the study, only read articles about it. I do not believe there was any attempt to look at the accuracy of the deaths attributed to CV, just how widespread the virus might be among those who didn't know they had it. But as far as counting 'CV Deaths' there are some states, notably New York, that started including deaths they believed were CV, although not tested, because the patients exhibited symptoms consistent with CV. And, as you noted above, it is sometimes difficult to determine which of a multitude of complications and co-morbidities, was the actual, official, clinically correct "Cause of Death". Not that long ago - they'd just put down either pneumonia or heart failure.
  9. Really great. Will be a big hit. You are going to become a Staple on the Sea Wall ! Curious - are you taking the H'Bird out there in the sun and salt air? I know you said you'd park under a shady tree, but what about the humidity? I'd be hesitant to bring mine out there. Don't remember that many trees 20 years ago. Hopefully they planted some !
  10. Even the case looks 100% legit ! I'm thinking the J45 Studio purge on the GC Used Site - is due to the rising unemployment. Some times it is difficult to get in the mood to play when you're out of work. Been there, done that. More than a few times. Never had to sell the 1 guitar I had during those times. I'm guessing GC offers more than a Pawn Shop would. Only traded one instrument in with them though.
  11. Not in all of Texas - just in San Antonio and the surrounding county. The city mayor and the county judge have a televised 'news conference' every night - always come up with something 'newsworthy'. Meanwhile, in NYC, you can get a $1,000 fine for Not Social Distancing. And Michigan has raised the restrictions to the level of the absurd: You can go to Walmart to buy food, but all other departments are cordoned off, and you can't even cut your grass! Every tin pot politician is trying to show he is tougher on the virus than anyone else - and is getting rewarded by the media with free publicity. Some mayors have their police using drones to find and charge violators. A recent study in LA County, based on the random testing of citizens - concluded 400,000 probably had the virus but didn't know it. The county currently reports 8,000 tested positive. So - the death rate is probably 0.0008 and not 0.04. (IE. not 4% but 8 thousands of a percent). Or 2% of what we've been told.
  12. Suggest you post on the Acoustic Sub-forum here. You could try “search” but sometime it’s finicky.
  13. Yep. Potential 6 months in jail if caught outside without one here. (While the real criminals are being freed!) You would have hoped that the CDC would have known decades ago, based on research - whether an airborne virus spread range was 6 feet or 13 feet. And an integral part of those studies would have included the effectiveness of various masks. And the FDA would have known decades ago based on research whether viruses could be spread on grocery store packaging - since they just reversed their position on that rather important question. Hospital Infection Control people apparently know more than the 'experts'. Meanwhile, we have The Top Corona Virus Researcher at the National Institute of Health taking every opportunity to claim that the handling of this outbreak is .... racist ! Aren't scientists suppose to withhold judgement until after gathering all the facts and testing hypotheses agains the data? A city hospital's nurse executive has led an initiative to create home made masks which are more effective than the N-95, using the filter medium from Air Conditioning filters purchased at Lowes. While the CDC vacillates: "We voted against masks before we voted for them." It's no wonder people are protesting in the streets - even in California.
  14. He is unique. Which is an accomplishment in his genre. Listen to "Snake Farm" to get started. 12minutes in. Loosely based on a small tourist spot by that name on IH-10 between Austin and San Antonio. Or, more popular and mainstream "Wanna Rock & Roll" . At 1:16. A little dark - covered well by Cross Canadian Ragweed. Great Post - thank you Paul !
  15. As John Prine's father told him "When you die - you'll be a dead peckerhead."
  16. Apparently China was under-reporting the number of reported deaths in Wuhan and doubled their count yesterday. I'm guessing that was politically motivated. So - when we hear reports, from Governors, that they are going back to add counts to the Death side of the equation (deaths/cases) for people who MAY have had CV -it completely invalidates any conclusions or comparisons, either to other states or countries. But, they have never included the number of probable but untested cases in their "Case" count. So they are doing everything they can to make the ratio or Death Rate higher than it actually is. And as far as trend lines over time - pfffft! When I see the slant ALL the news articles take - now on Fox "CoronaVirus raises concerns for graduating college seniors not able to attend graduation ceremonies" I become suspicious of the possibility that the old newspaper cliche "If It Bleeds, It Leads" is true. Next story on FOX just now "NYC nurse treating CORONAVIRUS patients beaten and robbed on way home." While we all know NYC is the center of the universe (after all - that's where all the media headquarters), a story like this would not have made the front page of The Daily News if she had just been treating Flu patients last year. At best we are getting conflicting information (first the CDC said 6 feet distancing, last week they said 13 feet !). At worst, we are being intentionally mis-informed. Why does the CDC allow states to decide how they are going to count 'deaths' reported to them for National Reporting and government decision making? And, to quell any outrage regarding my comment - Yes, my wife and I are in our 70s. She had lung cancer and now is getting radiation for breast cancer. So we are under virtual 'house arrest'. If she hadn't been diagnosed in March - we learned from one of her several doctors yesterday, hospitals may not have allowed her to be admitted, because they want to maintain empty beds for the predicted big jump in CV cases in San Antonio. Predicted by models, politicians and government health department bureaucrats. So - how many people are being denied care while hospitals keep empty beds open? How many of them will die? You can be sure that statistic will be unreported.
  17. Lots of imagery there. I assume he's talking about himself.
  18. Thanks JCV ! Every time you post one of these I have to go take a cold shower !
  19. Just be careful - there are a few different sizes of Classical Guitars. The Gibson C- series are all 'standard 'as I remember. (I had a C-0) and are the same as the LGs. I kept my C-0 case when I traded it in for an LG1. But, while most classical guitars are a 'standard' size - there are some that are different, usually smaller. Student, 3/4 size. Not common - but still they are out there.
  20. Yep. I believe there was a ceiling. Something like - you had to have filed a tax return in the past 2 years and make less than $75K (individual) or $150k (if joint). So - it seemed like a reasonable way to QUICKLY get money into the hands of people who would, in most cases need it. Did not take into account how much you had in "Savings", which would have opened up a whole different can of worms.
  21. Just don't play that old Glen Campbell song.
  22. I'm guessing the government sensed some people desperately needed a shot of cash and didn't believe they had the luxury to spend 2 months coming up with a method of paying that would make it more scientific.
  23. Out .. standing ! It's a classic for a reason. I'm thinking anyone with any taste at all would love it. Ending needs more... something... ! 🙂
  24. FltBrq, That was really great on all levels. Thanks !
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