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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Suggest you post on the Acoustic Sub-forum here. You could try “search” but sometime it’s finicky.
  2. Yep. Potential 6 months in jail if caught outside without one here. (While the real criminals are being freed!) You would have hoped that the CDC would have known decades ago, based on research - whether an airborne virus spread range was 6 feet or 13 feet. And an integral part of those studies would have included the effectiveness of various masks. And the FDA would have known decades ago based on research whether viruses could be spread on grocery store packaging - since they just reversed their position on that rather important question. Hospital Infection Control people apparently know more than the 'experts'. Meanwhile, we have The Top Corona Virus Researcher at the National Institute of Health taking every opportunity to claim that the handling of this outbreak is .... racist ! Aren't scientists suppose to withhold judgement until after gathering all the facts and testing hypotheses agains the data? A city hospital's nurse executive has led an initiative to create home made masks which are more effective than the N-95, using the filter medium from Air Conditioning filters purchased at Lowes. While the CDC vacillates: "We voted against masks before we voted for them." It's no wonder people are protesting in the streets - even in California.
  3. He is unique. Which is an accomplishment in his genre. Listen to "Snake Farm" to get started. 12minutes in. Loosely based on a small tourist spot by that name on IH-10 between Austin and San Antonio. Or, more popular and mainstream "Wanna Rock & Roll" . At 1:16. A little dark - covered well by Cross Canadian Ragweed. Great Post - thank you Paul !
  4. As John Prine's father told him "When you die - you'll be a dead peckerhead."
  5. Apparently China was under-reporting the number of reported deaths in Wuhan and doubled their count yesterday. I'm guessing that was politically motivated. So - when we hear reports, from Governors, that they are going back to add counts to the Death side of the equation (deaths/cases) for people who MAY have had CV -it completely invalidates any conclusions or comparisons, either to other states or countries. But, they have never included the number of probable but untested cases in their "Case" count. So they are doing everything they can to make the ratio or Death Rate higher than it actually is. And as far as trend lines over time - pfffft! When I see the slant ALL the news articles take - now on Fox "CoronaVirus raises concerns for graduating college seniors not able to attend graduation ceremonies" I become suspicious of the possibility that the old newspaper cliche "If It Bleeds, It Leads" is true. Next story on FOX just now "NYC nurse treating CORONAVIRUS patients beaten and robbed on way home." While we all know NYC is the center of the universe (after all - that's where all the media headquarters), a story like this would not have made the front page of The Daily News if she had just been treating Flu patients last year. At best we are getting conflicting information (first the CDC said 6 feet distancing, last week they said 13 feet !). At worst, we are being intentionally mis-informed. Why does the CDC allow states to decide how they are going to count 'deaths' reported to them for National Reporting and government decision making? And, to quell any outrage regarding my comment - Yes, my wife and I are in our 70s. She had lung cancer and now is getting radiation for breast cancer. So we are under virtual 'house arrest'. If she hadn't been diagnosed in March - we learned from one of her several doctors yesterday, hospitals may not have allowed her to be admitted, because they want to maintain empty beds for the predicted big jump in CV cases in San Antonio. Predicted by models, politicians and government health department bureaucrats. So - how many people are being denied care while hospitals keep empty beds open? How many of them will die? You can be sure that statistic will be unreported.
  6. Lots of imagery there. I assume he's talking about himself.
  7. Thanks JCV ! Every time you post one of these I have to go take a cold shower !
  8. Just be careful - there are a few different sizes of Classical Guitars. The Gibson C- series are all 'standard 'as I remember. (I had a C-0) and are the same as the LGs. I kept my C-0 case when I traded it in for an LG1. But, while most classical guitars are a 'standard' size - there are some that are different, usually smaller. Student, 3/4 size. Not common - but still they are out there.
  9. Yep. I believe there was a ceiling. Something like - you had to have filed a tax return in the past 2 years and make less than $75K (individual) or $150k (if joint). So - it seemed like a reasonable way to QUICKLY get money into the hands of people who would, in most cases need it. Did not take into account how much you had in "Savings", which would have opened up a whole different can of worms.
  10. Just don't play that old Glen Campbell song.
  11. I'm guessing the government sensed some people desperately needed a shot of cash and didn't believe they had the luxury to spend 2 months coming up with a method of paying that would make it more scientific.
  12. Out .. standing ! It's a classic for a reason. I'm thinking anyone with any taste at all would love it. Ending needs more... something... ! 🙂
  13. FltBrq, That was really great on all levels. Thanks !
  14. So blatant - "No Toilet Paper" and "Farmers Suffering" . Sort of counter-intuitive. Are we eating less but using more TP?
  15. Very impressive. Ren should write a book ! Thanks JCV.
  16. Very good description of why we all 'hear' differently. Musical memory of 'tones' we heard and became embedded in our DNA. Duane Eddy's twangy guitar - Gipsy Kings flamenco nylon stringers - Peter, Paul & Mary. ... Sort of a mosaic in our minds. Thanks Tom.
  17. This 'Lockdown' has been a boon to my banjo: Plenty of time available to dabble in 5 strings when I get tired of 6 ! My problem is it weighs as much as my 3 guitars combined. If the loudness is a problem - I'm sure you've considered it - but you can just take the resonator off - and/or play without finger picks. Or, stuff an old sock in it!
  18. I can't think of anyone who would provide a better home for that beauty ! Enjoy !!!
  19. " If memory serves me well, if clamped for 72 hours the adhesive will reach maximum strength and in our tests, if we attempted to pull up on the guard, it will rip wood out of the top! " I always try to look at things from two sides - in this case: Does the pickguard PROTECT the face of the guitar? Does the pickguard PROTECT the face of the guitar? I would be very upset if I learned my luthier put on a p/g that tore wood off my guitar face, even if their weren't any "Tiny Bubbles" visible. Hope the 3M product warns that significant damage will occur to whatever their product is affixed to if clamped 72 hours. Because that would be something a lot of people would do.
  20. I'm partial to Black Diamond.
  21. Here he is in his prime - with a country classic - on another classic (the SJ200).
  22. Some believe nitro takes several months to 'cure'. Though 'cure' isn't the scientifically correct term - harden might be closer. And maybe closer to a year. I think it's reactive to a few things until then. I've not had a problem with either my nitro Gibson's or the Hercules stand they've been taking turns on.for 5 or 6 years.
  23. People don't like change. ( I put mine in an old coffee tin on my bureau)
  24. Wowsers! That was great. Real music. Not like what the Pop stations put out. Thanks BR.
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