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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. Well I asked about the torrefaction because they are way, way more than a $1000 extra here! (This all started when I spied a used cheap(er) Bird Standard locally, but it has a lot of wear including a bent tuning peg from a smash?)

    Standard Aust Dollar $5,599:


    Vintage Aust Dollar $7,199:



    I currently own 2 acoustics with torrefied tops - my Taylor 717e with sitka over rosewood and my Martin OM18 Authentic with adi over mahogany. I have not played the similar model Taylor with NO torrefied top so I can't compare, but I do own a Martin OM18V with plain (kiln dried?) sitka over mahogany. They are still very hard to compare because the Authentic is like a supercharged guitar - but the OM18V is nearly 20 years old now and still sounds new like a lot of Martins can, whereas the Authentic sounds like it could be from 1930....which was the original claim! Just not sure about the Gibson torrefaction, played both and...err don't know (they want Aust Dollar $7,599 for the torrefied J45!) Here are 2 vids:











    Could one of the Bird experts explain to me what is the difference between this 'Vintage' model with torrefied Sitka top and a played in Standard model 4 or 5 years old or 10?

    (A new J45 vintage also with torrefied top here is going for $Aus7599, while a Standard is going for $Aus4399. A new Standard Bird Cherry is going for $Aus5,999 while a used 2017 is going for$Aus3,800......)





    I love my 37 Gibson L-0 to play, but I don't want to alter it to install a pickup...

    I love my 59 LG3 to play even with the skinnier neck, but I don't like the installed pickup so use other gadgets to enhance the pickup...

    I love my Maton 808s (X3) with the sensational pickup system, but they have a skinny neck too!

    I love my custom made Cargill guitar with perfect sound, playability and neck (I picked it all), but the K&K I installed is flat sounding and needs gadgets.

    Etc, etc, etc.

    I could install the Maton AP5-Pro pickup system in any of these guitars, but major horrible surgery is required (large rectangle cut out behind bridge and another rectangle cutout on upper bout...)


    Nope, just have to pick the best guitar in my rack for the job - Gary Davis said "If you think you got it perfect, you made your first mistake!"





    The photos look so nice I had to record another track!

    Imagine the surprise of the person who bought the guitar in 1935 if he went to fingerpick some blues and ..lookout, it has a Schatten bridge pickup running to a Tonedexter file and another lead out to a Boss VE8 vocal/guitar apparatus with a Shure SM58 mic to sing in and recording to Garageband on the trusty iMac....

    So here is a hybridy sort of fingerpicked blues and vocal to capture my mood, I hope!:









  5. I have been playing my 1935 Gibson Black Special L50 archtop with a Schatten bridge pickup, made a Tonedexter file and recorded a track direct to Garageband.

    My sister is about to come home from Paris after attending a course in Toulouse and a few days in Bordeaux, so I played a solo guitar version of "April In Paris" from 1932 by Yip Harburg and Vernon Duke to send to her by email. Good practice for me - I played it off the lead sheet page while recording it. Who knows, some other guitarist may have played the tune on my guitar around 1935 after they bought it new!











  6. Couldn't say really, but the one I am playing today!

    The oldest I own, biggest V neck, black finish 1935 Gibson Black Special L50 (it has a Schatten removable ebony bridge with a piezo embedded inside it - sounds great through my Tonedexter:


    (flat black for bluesier tone):


    got to watch for splinters!



    It is easy to get a 'groove' going 😠:







  7. 5 hours ago, billroy said:


    I had seen that one.  It sure is sweet, but makes me ask myself if I want super sweet new, or vintage (might take me awhile to get to the finish line but meant to be a player).  My J45 is super sweet new.  Maybe I need need to sample vintage...  (really I want em all! 🙂




    OK, Billroy...

    Their summation of ‘things needed to repair’ lists among other things on the 37 L-00:

    • Softshell case
    • FC except could use work (neck reset, refret, some loose braces, restring and setup, etc. - sold AS-IS)

    Now then, the killer smack to the nose.......

    Step One: Soft case, forget it - you are way under budget so buy the guitar with a new Hiscox Pro II, I think the Classical Medium is the right size, need to check that. I hope your wife will be pleased with the gift!

    Step Two: Get the braces fixed/reglued by a decent Gibson repairer, maybe get it checked over.

    Step Three: Add some strings with a way fatter first string.

    Step Four: Tune to open G or open D and you may just have THE bottleneck slide guitar. Play it hard for a year and dcide if you want to get that neck set after all. Maybe it will be too good for slide and you go buy the sweet new thing that caches your eye!




    OR: forget all that mucking about and get a WaterlooWL-14 X braced or ladder braced or BOTH. Authentic on authentic 30s.

    Here is a little ditty in C capoed up I was doing for another freak. Before I did it and pressed record, I was thinking about taking my pay packet to the shop and blowing it on something bluesy sounding but then I went to the rack and selected the X braced WL-14. So cool! Old but IN TUNE easy.






  8. 5 hours ago, j45nick said:


    L-00 is x-braced.


    Nick's back!

    Which reminds me, there is a used Gibson L-00 LEGEND for sale close to BR's budget.

    The seller just keep s crying all the time - "This is the kind of guitar that makes you cry when you buy it and again if you ever have to sell it." Make of that what you will. It has a Fishman REB pickup installed, you may or not like it but it removes the decision to operate on a mint guitar - it has already been done. Soon swap in a K&K or such....................






  9. 30 minutes ago, billroy said:

    Very interesting BK.  I believe the L-00s were ladder braced, I've never consciously played or heard one, so think I have a little homework do before jumping in with both feet.  I do like this direction though...  I have no problems getting something needing work, put it on the slow drip and end up with a good player down the road.


    While there will be naysayers, I have to say Elderly stand by their mini condition reports so you could buy knowing what exactly is needed. An Ebay buy could be cheaper but, you know... But the one in the link above needs ‘wear’ work and looks quite nice while others look beyond your means! Back when we allowed to import stuff from the USA and our exchange rate was better before politics got in the way, I bought 7 or 8 used guitars and a couple of new resos from Elderly. My 1944 Martin 0-17 had so many problems after they did a final inspection, that they didn’t want to send it. I OK’d it and got my luthier to look at it. So Elderly had done a neck set on a neck so bent that they had to put a large wedge under the body end of the neck, and all is great to play now but it must have been a 2” action before!

    Scared you off?  Don’t be. My old L-0 is just fab, even if I parked it n the wall and just took photos. But it is such a learning experience. In that respect, the Nick Lucas at Elderly is a nice but safe buy, but what then? Just play it?  No frayed nerves? Too easy!




    Elderly Instruments have a couple of interesting items...


    They have the full mama 1937 Gibson L-00 $1750 that you could buy and fix later....everyone here will help.


    Of interest also is a 2014 exc con Gibson Nick Lucas Reissue $2350:



    So the first one is a way of dipping our toe in the 1937 jam without too much initial outlay. I did this and got all the work needed and got a beauty out of the trouble.

    The  NL reissue is the same shape but that is about all - all maple back and sides, full gloss, K&K installed, ready to rock.. haven't heard of Nick Lucas - here you go, Mammmieeeeee - Nick with his black Gibson Nick Lucas, which you would be fighting me for if it was the reissue for sale above...:



    Hooked on NL yet? Here is some more guitar playing  and singing:








  11. It sounds impressive, Jinder!

    German tech. Do they make any acoustics? Probably not, more in to electronics. (nothing to do with anything but my old (German) car has a horn that scares the whole town if it pressed gently , HONKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! LOOK OUT etc. I leaned on the horn of my newer (German) car and it goes 'beep' like you would expect from a Fiat Bambino or something!)

    Like you said, early days - the foibles come later. My Genz has a headphone out in the back of the amp and a switch to turn off the speakers. I wanted a sep volume control, so had to go buy a junky on e in a skinny lead and of course the vol knob is scratchy. (My old Mesa B had a vol for the headphone, know idea how many would have used it). I thought to face the amp out in front of me on L for LOUD and use my in ear monitors without blowing my head off.

    Oh, they don't sell H&K here....


  12. My current watch:


    A tad over budget but a very, very needful Gibson L-0:


    Also over budget but a 44 LG2 banner!:


    Under your budget!!!


    If you want the old time sound in a newer and less work needed - Waterloo X braced USED way under budget, probably get two!








    While everyone is listing all their amps, I thought to mention my Genz Benz 60 watt stereo. While I may have bought it just after the Vikings raided England, of interest to anyone with a K&K pickup is that the guitar input impedance is only 300 k, whereas other amps are 1 MegOhm  and up to 10 or 20 MegOhm.

    Anyhows, the 300k makes K&K sound beautiful and no need of the K&K preamp (also a low Ohm). In a larger impedance, I found the bass goes flubbish. And the treble goes Flibish...

    Oh yeah, the catch - it hates Fishman undersaddles which probably need 20 MegOhm and the max. And the amp is pretty heavy for a little thing.

    The other great feature is the back of the cabinet is cut off so you can lean the amp back. Cool! It also has little speakers with little horns you can switch off if things get too trebly and bitey.....

    AND..with the stereo, I can run stereo out of the back of my Boss VE8 gadget to a channel each side...AND 2 XLR plugs out in the DI!








    Another one gone!

    I hope the H&K works out and it isn't your mic or something! 

    Anyway, do any of the previous manufacturers of junk ever get back to you and tell you what happened? You know, for future reference and all that.

    Too late but the manual for the Roy is out - it does have the variable input electronics I mentioned. I prefer a switch, thanks...don't want no machine deciding everything. Bet you that is what is going astray.

    from  manual:

    1.1. MIC INPUT This input is electronically balanced for XLR type connections. The new MIC/DYN channel is now conceived for any kind of signal sources. You can plug in vocal microphones. The electronics will adapt to any situation. No special action is required 1.2. INSERT This stereo jack plug enables the connection of an external device (compressor, equalizer, etc.) in series to all the outputs 1.3. 48V The amplifier’s XLR input provides 48V phantom power for use with a condenser microphone. Most condenser (and dynamic) microphones, along with some preamps, can be safely phantom powered. In certain cases however, phantom power can cause damage to a device. This tends to occur with unbalanced microphones, preamps or stompboxes that have been modified for balanced XLR use. For any doubt, please contact us to check the compatibility of your audio device before using the amplifier 1.4. GAIN This variable gain preamplifier adjusts the sensitivity level to ensure the best possible processing of the MIC signal through the channel. It is important that this input level should be set and optimised in the best way to achieve the cleanest sound possible 1.5. OVERLOAD This LED (when lit) indicates that the level of the inputsignal is too high and it might introduce distortions 1.6. HIGH, MID, LOW These controls are devoted to high, medium and low frequency regulation. Offering cut and boost of ±15dB, they allow a wide range of tonal variations to be explored. Parametrics MID regulation, offers the possibility to cut or boost a frequency range between 300Hz and 3,3kHz. When the controls are positioned centrally there is no cut or boost of the selected frequency band 1.7. MULTIEFFECT This rotary control sets the level of the selected effect on the channels 1.8. REVERB (AUX) This rotary control simultaneously sets the level of the digital reverb on the channels and the level of the signal sent to AUX OUT. 1.9. VOLUME This rotatory control regulates the channel volume



    Anyway, too late, sorry - could be anything. Sure you don't want to take your mic to a shop and try some amps in person?





    You are within your rights to have the shiztens! What a drama.....

    On the back of my Boss VE8, there is a tiny little overall gain knob - the Roy doesn’t have something like this hiding at the back? Or a screw adjust?

    Speaking of Boss, they have a couple of acoustic guitar/ vocal amps that have most of the controls on my VE8 plus an amp and speaker combo. I know it is way ‘lower rent’ than what you have tried, but who knows? It may work! Boss Acoustic Singer Pro is 120 watts......





    • Like 1

    That is disappointing for you. Doesn't seem to be right though with all the good word the amp has received.

    So you either have a dud or you are doing something wrong...

    Did you try it at a shop? Or has it arrived direct from Manufacturer? Guitar sounds great, you say, so the UK power setup must be ok. No extension speaker lead hanging out? Ohm problem? Do you use xlr connectors with your mics? Or PMG? Some inputs these days can electronically make their own mind up on settings depending on the plugs... wrong phantom power?


    Do you have a SM57/58 to try?




  17. On 8/13/2019 at 8:51 PM, Murph said:

    To be honest Jinder, I've never heard an acoustic amp that does vocals very well. I think that's why the Bose units are so popular. 

    I have the little S1-Pro with 2 mic channels, and it's become my go to everything with resonator, mandolin and guitar and of course vocals. Even some banjo once in a while. I can line out to my L1-Compact for a pretty large room. Anything larger would have the full p.a.

    Best of luck !


    So what are the vocals like in the S1?

    Acoustic amps and vocals, to me = 🐷

    I have a Genz Benz 60 stereo which I bought at the turn of this century - acoustics and various pickups I try sound pretty good, but it doesn't matter what I do my vocals sound horrid in it - I need all the help I can get. I did a few years as vocalist in a rock band many years ago and the guitar player owned (and hired out) his full concert rig and used smaller configs at various gigs but the vocal always sounded sensational - absolutly huge lunatic megolamaniac full sounding with plain old SM58. Great big beautiful boomy Bass boxes and horns and mids and Phase Linear amps and, and, and...- delightful!

    Now I returned to the little  Genzer this week a few times after reading Jinder's adventures. No dice - Genz is still horrible.

    So I have been enjoying the vocal/guitar sounds I get in my Boss VE8 in Sennheiser headphones with some of my (unmentionable pickup guitars) plugged direct and a Shure SM58 also direct.....so I braved it just a minute ago - ran a line out to the Genz from the Boss VE8, thinking maybe, just maybe the good sounds I am getting in the Boss will just magically get louder in the amp. No Dice!  Got a nice sound down very quietly but as soon as I turned the master up a smidge, uncontrollable feedback and notch filters on amp or Boss did zip. But even down low, the vocal was exactly as feared/remembered.

    Forget it.

    Maybe get a Boss VE8, Jinder and just wear nice headphones while you play and enjoy your sound - won't need monitors and the FOH gets the line out and whatever they get.....








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