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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. 1 hour ago, billroy said:

    Congrats BK - Awesome!


    Thanks Billroy!

    The Boss and I had a quick sang-a-long on some Stones type faves, I played and she had the wine. She gave it the tick.

    It makes you nervous when a guitar like this sits in a shop - why? Did I miss something awful? Repairs? I don’t think so...

    It IS pretty worn but very nice sounding after somebody played it in for me for 15 years almost.😎






    Thanks BBG and 62B!

    Early times as yet, but all seems....fab!

    It may be a frac high at the nut, fine with a capo, sounds great!

    They said it came with a Baggs pickup, so I assumed Element, but I think I have scored a full Anthem. Wow.

    (I took a roll of photos earlier, 62B, but on perusal the red has bled to the yellow wrong. Too dark and rainy out there?)


    BluesKing777......back to it!




    One 2005 Gibson Dove - mine!

    A severe case of white line fever, long drive, but I am back, loaded! (Car felt lighter on the way home, for some reason, must be the new wings)

    Shop pic:








    • Thanks 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Jinder said:

    Anyone would think you've done this before!! 🤣




    I have done this before and I don't appear to have learned......anything.

    So I will drive up, run in, ask where the Dove is and give my game plan away, and any chance of a lower price.😓






  5. 2 hours ago, billroy said:

    Good luck BK - hopefully there's at least 1 keeper in there, but I think you should plan on walking out with several.


    That is pure evil, Billroy. 😎

    And Joe M, It IS a pawn shop and you gets what you gets. Usually something unplayable without some great expense.... and the occasional cherry. I have the very best mechanic ready and available! My concern is why there are 4 or 5 Gibson acoustics from 2017. Did something happen in 2017 I am not aware of, or was it the general unwinding before going bust?





  6. 1 hour ago, Jinder said:

    I reckon you'd get some really good mileage out of a Dove, BK. Mine is warm and juicy and wonderful. A strong all rounder but in particular probably the best strummer I've ever owned. Different from the brighter, more percussive SJ200 tone, it's big and full with trebles that sound like warm brass bells. Great songwriting guitar, and quite different from your other steeds...fingers crossed that the taxman cashes out in the way you're hoping for!


    Thanks Jinder.


    The government is sadistic by not telling me when the cash will be in, or how much -   I have checked my online account approximately 4 million times - they should have said it will be in your account at 3pm on X, not sometime in the fullness of time Minister shite.🥺

    The car is running!

    I have only heard Mark Agnesi fingerpickng a few 60s Doves.....the pawn shop has a few Gibsons including a 2002 J45, a 2017 Bird, a 2017 Southern Jumbo, a cherry 2017 J45, a rosewood 2017 J45, a gulp....1960 Bird....

    Plan is - I will calmly walk in the shop and pick up a Cordoba or something to keep the salesguy off my back and then sneak over to some cheapie copies and then siddle over to the Gibbies...





    • Like 1

    Cool, thanks!


    Big news! This afternoon, I got a text from the Taxman to say my payment will be in my bank in 3 working days....didn’t say how much though, but it could be long drive to a certain music shop on the weekend?

    They have 5 or 6 Gibsons I could try while there. (Including a early 1960 Bird for a bargain price of $AU12,500 smackeroonies! Can’t buy it but I would love to play it.🤠



    • Like 1
  8. The price is irrelevant to the US readers, Holiday Hoser......everything is at least double the price new. This 2005er is about a 1/3 the cost of a newie.

    The ad says it has a 3 piece neck, not sure I want a 3 piece Gibson neck. Is that normal?

    I don’t have the cash yet from the nice taxman so I won’t put the ad up or someone else will nab it....I have to wait 2 - 3 weeks! Oh murder, oh murder, 3 weeks I may expire before that. Something else has to go to make a rack space...I had a 2006 HD28v refretted to sell and now I can’t part with it with the new frets making it a ...stunner. ES125 archtop maybe a gonner. Nope, it is going to be tricky as I have pruned all the branches and only have nice grapes left.






    The government is going to buy me a guitar with all the too much tax I paid coming back!  Haven't got it yet, already spending it.\:D/

    I will have to dig in to the car/guitar fund for a bit but there is a 2005 Dove at a pawn shop with, quote: "lots of finish wear and a faded signature".

    They also have a Bird with a broken wing (bent tuner), another $1000 on top of the Dove.







    Thank you Nick and Lars!

    I have the same guitar in ladder braced and X braced versions and they both sound 'old', 30s old, so it must be another formula than ladder bracing that Bill Collins came up with to achieve this. He was known to say: "Listen to THIS, Listen to THIS!!!!"  to everybody after the prototype was made..... so I don't know what they do to them to make them sound old, but the finish is thin and matt and the neck is a chunky V

    Now I thought I would get the ladder for slide and open tunings but after a couple of years, I prefer it the other X braced in Open G and the ladder in standard for things like the track above and RJ kind of stuff.

    Gibson could come out with exact authentic type replicas of the Kalamazoo KG-14 etc. Look how many Waterloos are selling - there are even 2 or 3 here on the other side of the planet!




  11. 1 hour ago, ndavis1971 said:

    Thanks pal.  They had the Kroydon for less than 24 hours before I nabbed it. It’s the perfect one. 2.5 lbs with the thicker neck. So now I have the 12 fret l00 tuxedo and this.  Look for one guitar and end up with two. I owe King Blues lunch !!!  Signed, Broke but Happy




    Very, very nice!

    You don’t need to buy me lunch and besides I could possibly be too green with envy to eat it.

    On the tech front, the Waterloo copy has advice to use only maximum strings of 11s in standard tuning. I suppose the Kel could be the same? You need to check! It could all pop.






    You have no idea of drama! I live in southern Australia. I use to be constrained by price and delivery cost and customs cost and bank costs, but now I can't have anything with rosewood and a whole list of items without giving them both nipples as deposit for the larger item due on arrival.😵

    If it isn't for sale here, now, it ain't happening.

    Someone give the Gibson people a bit of a shake and reissue some of these 30's 12 fretters with exportable material like walnut, maple...

    Back to my Waterloos..... (less trouble anyway). This one is maple 12 fretter:








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  13. Yep, there is a forum for pretty well everything now......

    My sister has been learning millenery with a focus on horse racing women’s hats and that involves multiple forums! She did a course recently in France and used the Smoker’s Forum to find the little hidden airport smoking rooms in a number of locations!

    So it is not just weirdo guitarists!





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