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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. 8 hours ago, ratherbwalkn said:

    Nice find enjoy! 



    Thanks ratherbwalkn!


    After things calmed down late last night, I sat on the chair in front of the TV (sound off) and had a play of the J50. Really nice - I may have worn some rust off the strings.

    I don't understand the mindset of leaving those strings on at the shop - they are saving coins but losing money...my opinion.

    The guitar has only been at the shop for a couple of months, so the previous owner, I think,has left the strings on possibly since new...and the battery, which has melted.

    Weird. But things happen and the guitar has sat on a stand for years, I guess.






    Ha, a friend said the only new thing he liked about a guitar were strings!

    I am a bit the same, depends, but playing my 2005 Dove and this 2002 J50 at the shop....most people would pronounce them.  I mean, they don’t end up at a pawn shop because they have been loved.... but I heard a ‘something old’ in both guitars in the short time I played them - enough to buy before someone else got them. But the Dove has come up with humidification and new strings and it is fabulous! I am confident the J will be too, but it needs more.

    And Jedzep, the luthier’s fave guitar is my LG3 above. But a luthier/tech’s reasons are different than ours - probably likes the binding or the bridgeplate or the wood. 





    Went to the music room to play the J at lunchtime and I just knew I shouldn’t touch the pickup battery to see if a new battery could help it work, but I did! Had to loosen the poor old strings thinking these won’t get back up. After some hard work, I got the battery of the neckblock battery clamp and lifted it to the soundhole. Took the battery off the connectors and the contacts stayed on the battery! Melded to it good and proper. Rats.

    Very gently tightened the strings back up but all the squawking and screeching made me back out around about D......and the G is complaining. I think it could be a banjo string. So I couldn’t keep it in tune to play a few songs, and went back to work after lunch a little bit disappointed.

    Not to give up, before dinner I had a hard word with the guitar and tuned it and persisted...ok, but the battery lead is flapping around.

    Good news - I found my 2 spare Oasis humidifiers and one is now in the soundhole of the J50. Awful weather coming up here.....100, 110 all that heat.






  4. 1 hour ago, jedzep said:


    That is some good writing, JZ! Good copy! (with Texan accent).

    One comes in and another flies the coop. It could be a hard guitar to 'place' with that nut, a bit ugly for a girl maybe and a young boy won't really want it unless Jedzep 'lends' it to him permanently to 'learn on'?

    Or Dad buys it for them for Xmas? Could get left on the front grass with the other broken toys.






    Here is the shop photo I mentioned - were they really selling SELLING it?

    I mean it takes some imagination.

    And for Nick's earlier question, the label says "J50". That's all. And how tough was it looking at the guitar and not playing it? Phew.









    Humidity is currently 60% but the sun will come through lunchtime because it is........Monday. And the humidity will drop.

    I have no idea how to 'hack' anything, I'm just driving the car, with no clue how to fix it.

    Hey, I think I forgot a photo, probably one of the best:








    Yep, And I got it!

    Drizzly Monday morn 8.30am here...started work at about 7am and the computer that I hoped would konk it...is going beautifully. The other day it wouldn't start and I ....got tired of playing my guitar while the software techs did a fix....yawn and a long weight....but let us hope it sinks TODAY. 

    And I wonder what I would be doing?😁






    Yuk, might have to wash my hands after every time I touch it, or zap it in the microwave, or disinfect.

    Or brave it. For the sounds, you know.

    Jedzep will be glad to hear my last expresso coffee bag has gone in the soundhole as a pre-emptive strike sort of thing....there was a whiff of ‘wine in a glass on the sink after getting back from 3 weeks on holiday’. A splash of eau de old sock. Now it is very strong expresso wafting out the soundhole....very strong, must be because the guitar is so dry.

    Of course I exaggerate but maybe Niles wouldn’t touch it.




  9. 13 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    A Christmas Story !    What a great find...   you never know what's just around the corner.   Neck looks fine to me, as long as it's sealed. Part of its story. Who wouldn't love a pawn shop find like that. Enjoy !


    I am thinking the shop photo was put up by somebody who wanted to keep the J50! Fair to poor! You really couldn’t see anything except that is was...Gibson shaped.

    Guitar has been there for a couple of months! There is a big Uni nearby, so all those broke hopefuls have been playing MY guitar for 2 months. And the strings say they have been eating lunch first!

    The damage is not sealed - I think I saw 2 eyes of bare wood. A bit of gaffa tape will fix.☹️

    Kidding! Anything this guitar wants, this guitar will get...one day.




  10. 22 minutes ago, j45nick said:

    That really is nice! It has the complete late 1950's look, with the correct soundhole purfling, pickguard, tuners, bridge, etc.

    If you just looked at it without looking at the label, you would say it was a 1957 J-50.

    What's the nut width (we know you are particular) and neck profile? Looks pretty chunky.

    Are the top braces scalloped or tapered?

    What does the label call it ?

    Some of the tone may come from it being dry as a bone. Often a dried-out guitar sounds its best just before it is ready to explode from drying out, so you might work a bit on humidification.

    So many questions...


    It is a lot of questions! Don’t care, Nick, it is the first night of the ...honeymoon!

    Nut (and neck) is pretty standard Gibson modern 1,725, scalloped brace, element pickup, probably a ‘Historic’ label...will look tomorrow as I am getting dagger looks currently, but Historic was around about the time.... the top has been broken in! And sounds older, to me, than a 59. Inexplicable. Now playing fingerstyle....diversion for a mo....I played a used 2017 Bird first but it had a ‘custom shop 1960 ri label and a 1 11/16 nut! And a bent D tuner. And another $1000 bucks. And all kinds of things and people were walking in and out of the shop and I couldn’t get a handle on anything really but the nut said “No!” The fella went to find the J50 for me and ...da dah, the sky opened and all went quiet and I asked for a tuner and a capo and set to test driving it...the nut said “Yes! I will let you play raggy, I will let you play Davis and then I will let an E chord ring out!” And everyone gasped. ( made that up). “Wrap that thing up, it is mine!”

    Humidity....now in a Hiscox and tomorrow I will find that box of Oasis I bought but didn’t like, but that will be better than putting a hose in it until shops buy more Humidipaks.





  11. 1 hour ago, Murph said:

    Very nice find.  Love it when I can pick up something and not have to pamper it.

    The early 2000's was a time when the entire crew at Bozeman were building more than just guitars.

    They were building a reputation.


    And Ren may have.....walked past and waved!

    But yes, this is a NICE build, not just because I bought it. Awful strings and it rang out all over the shop. The neck damage was a step too far for most buyers, I guess.





    I have had great luck with the pawn shop - this guitar sounds older than my 59 LG3! I don’t know why - I don’t think it has been played that hard for 17 years old. My guess is the heavy finish check is from leaving it overnight in a car. Guitar is dry as a bone, sharp fret ends etc. But like my dog, it has probably come to the right home😋.

    My tech could probably splash a bit of nitro in the damage....if I can pin him down to look at it at this time of year. Unlikely. I was told that the previous owner swore it was still the factory setup, got his receipt in the bag. So next year, a repair, a nice setup and a Baggs Anthem to replace the currently non working Element pickup. I don’t think I will have time this week to change the strings so I will leave all ‘as is’ for a while.






    It was a bit late in the afternoon when I returned with the goods, so played a few tunes for the Boss and then grabbed the camera for a few shots for proof of possession stuff.....but the light was ‘over there’ and it has highlighted the grain (runout?) way more than in real life. The close up of Wilson makes it look worse too...I may give him some red eyes!

    And for people who wonder why my outside chairs are always leaning on the table, highly tech reply -  I have a family of (rather ironically) wild doves living above the table in the veranda rafters. And blackbirds and others....why live in the wilds when you can make a happy life at my place, except for the little dog nuisance? Anyway, if I leave the chairs down, the doves sit on the back rests and poop on the seats. They don’t like the seats leaning so then they poop on the table! At least I can see it there without sitting on it! Dog regularly clears the birds off but a doggy has to snooze sometime.😶

    J50 now lives in a Hiscox....it came in a gig bag, so I have shuffled cases around the storage, made myself hot.....






    It is really good! Tuned it up in the shop and fingerpicked a few faves and as I was thinking: “Yep!”, this other customer came over and said “That sounds great!” I just gave them the asking price as I was in a hurry to get moving as the traffic was truly horrid and the shop has to wait for the consignor to reply by email to an offer.....a blues, a rag and some melody notes on the first string that just cry....well, it is just a musical beauty and the rest can get repaired, maybe.

    Currently, I don’t know whether to play Lightnin’, Bob or James T.....😎

    The Better Half said the damage on the back of the neck looked like Wilson.....

    So ...”Wilson” is probably its new name.






    Rescued a 2002 Gibson J50 from the pawn shop!

    Sounds absolutely great - worn in nicely since 2002.....somebody melted the nitro badly on the back of the neck with a guitar stand rubber problem.

    Urgently needs new strings and other help, but here are some first photos.....



















    • Like 1


    I was thinking a pro touring muso, a hit song to flog, 365 dates a year to play and only knows a C chord? The top of the guitar is flogged and fretboard beautiful - neck has capo dings at the 5 and 7 and has a beautiful tone on a melody played up high, so....capo on 7 a lot and guitar top played in to the those same notes? Terrible guitar stand from the 80s?

    Yep, a mystery solved by taking it to my tech who will probably know it and say: "Yeah, I used to work on that beast for "Fat Bob, and it had a new board and frets in 2001......"😁

    Good deal on it? Depends how you look at it. Yes, I am extremely happy to get a very worn top Gibson Dove that  has a chunky neck with 1.725" nut but plays nice....a huge big D chord is really it's forte. Bang, run for it! I doubt a blues has ever been played on it!😎 But would I get my money back if I sold it at the same pawn shop/used instrument shop today?







    Thanks for the replies!

    I am not really the king of anything, but thanks - king of the naughty dog trainers? King of the beach dog walkers? 

    Yep, tuned down a step, tricked me the other week playing along with a friend in his open G! Distracted by all the red paint, it took a whole song of playing in the wrong key before I adjusted down....(the 2 women said it sounded really good. Huh?)

    The pawn shop had no history of the guitar to share with me, but there are a couple of possibles.......it has the full Anthem pickup and set up beautifully but very low but the frets are all good and the fretboard is good.....but the top is like a 60 year old instead of 15. So that leaves Detective BK thinking: professional girl playing hard a lot, lot, lot but, in Open D? And they wrote on it!








    I just recorded a track with my 2005 Gibson Dove - fully unplugged with the Neumann KM184 mic at an experimental head height like a drum overhead mic, in an effort to do a recording without the dread boom and whoosh.

    My version of RJ's "Malted Milk":












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