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Posts posted by BluesKing777


    While I assume the seller meant the guitar was 'definitely' played a lot, I may be wrong and the guitar could have been used as a weapon of defiance...it is pretty beat up.

    You know: "Huh, don't like my song? Huh, take that!" or, "You want the Doors? There are the doors!" Wop!






    Thanks PB!

    I don't do anything to the tracks I record except fade out beginning and ending noises....

    I work on computers all week and the last thing my eyes want to do is stare at another computer all night mixing tracks. Just can't do it....same with photos - I have Photoshop but burned my retinas to shreds using that and old Pagemaker for a living years ago.

    So I record 'live' with the best stuff I can afford, usually one take. Why whole lifetime is the only prep. Fade out the ends and run it to Soundcloud.





  3. 7 hours ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    BK, Great stuff and great points. The AD-10, FWIW, is 10M Ohm. Half that of the VE-8. I do wonder if the VE-8 has some better signal management to handle such mismatches.

    (After some mind numbing research) According to LR Baggs technical guy(s) in their forum, they've suggested more times than not that the output of the Anthem is 3.6k Ohms.  Sooooo, on the assumption front, a huge mis-fire on my part would be to assume that the old interface contributed as much noise as I had thought, though it certainly amplified it in addition to adding some of it's own. I would have to assume that the signal coming from my Anthem is just as overloaded as it was for the purpose of the AD-10, and that feeding the output from the AD-10 to the new interface will only marginally decrease noises at best. In short, nothing changes on the incoming signal. If this is correct, then other improvements made in my "studio" would be relational at best. I will certainly try, but only because I own it already. If it does not, I only have two passive resonators that would be any good with it, so may sell. 

    On a positive note, I am encouraged to try the new interface's Line-In ports with the Anthem plugged in directly. The Mic-In ports, too, as I have some good EQ/Comp/channel strip emulation software. (API, Manley, Neve, etc) The same ones I use when I mic the acoustics these days.   



    I need to find out if the Boss VE8 is 10 or 20, but either way it is one of the few things that ever work properly...

    The other 'very big thing' in my house is the 4 channel Allen and Heath ZED60 mixer. It has USB out and I use that direct to my iMac instead of the wobbly soundcard interfaces I have owned. I don't do any multi-track recordings, (wouldn't work) just me and my guitar through the mixer from a mic or the Boss VE8 or Tonedexter.

    I have never had any luck running a pickup direct to a computer. The A&H 'fixes' it.





  4. 10 hours ago, Murph said:

    I saw that on my Soundcloud Stream when you posted it and liked it then.

    Yours is among my favorite channels, old boy.


    Thanks Murph!

    Aren't you way, way older than me though?

    I saw your comments on Soundcloud, thanks, but I only use the free one and can't reply. These other people on Soundcloud wanted to 'make me a star and all my dreams would come true, just send........", but I also couldn't reply to them. Oh well.




  5. 2 hours ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    You know, I'm not at all sure how you got from me saying things about my situation as they minimally relate to your situations as being me trying to get the "same" results as you. I've put a ton of work and money into my studio room since I have tried my Anthem AND my AD-10. This includes a new interface with highly improved and far less noisy power supply, in/out converts and very low noise floor. Add the work I've done to the room where I've gone a long way to fixing 400Hz and up early reflections, fluttering and other nastiness that was happening. New monitors and cans so that I can hear the differences. All of this is happening, and you're making an assumption I think my none-Dove will sound the same through my anthem and AD-10 and who knows what else is in the stream as your Dove's sound through your Anthem used with a different boss product.  Did you really think I was trying to be the same as you? I'm just trying to have a conversation about these things. You're ahead of me at your stage than I am at mine. Be really silly to think I couldn't learn something from talking to you and then use/apply any information gain to my own situation. So if you want to have conversations about this, fine. If not, just ignore me and I'll go away.


    I would love to have a conversation about this, PB, but I don't really know what I am talking about - just have to take the advice of the 'experts'.

    Where I was coming from was threads about input impedance and the effect on K&K pickups - the sound is tubby and bassy if you go higher than their recommended input impedance of 1 MegaOhm eg, using their K&K preamp. So following on this, running the K&K to the Boss VE8 input of 20 MegaOhms is asking for trouble....except it is ok? Sounds ok. But just about everything I have tried (pickup wise) through the Boss VE8 sounds good. And I was guessing that the input electronics on the Boss AD-10 would be identical to the Boss VE8 and would give similar results. But I also don't know this and good luck finding out! I have not found a list of input impedance specs for both.

    But for me, it is curiosity about WHY it sounds good in one box and not so good in another - in an effort to save buying things that don't work!


    Here are some links to the threads I was reading:




    P.S. the settings I have been using with the Anthem onboard controls are the suggestion at the end of this video:







  6. 38 minutes ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    The nasty strings at one of our local GC stores is doubly awful when they don't care enough to set up a guitar to anything near playable. Cost them any chance at selling me an SJ sale last year. A recent journey to try out an HD-28 and a D-28 ended similarly. One of them I simply could not get into tune. Then the guy offers to go get me something to clean the strings with. I couldn't make this up if I tried.  Same bad strings as they were 6 weeks prior - just older and worse shape.

    I digress. 

    I've got a Boss-AD10 that I'm not going to give up on just yet. I have not tried it with just the UTS element in my 'bird. The The full Anthem on the SJ proved to be better without the AD10 for me, but there were interface issues in play.



    First one is that the electronics part that makes my Anthem nice in the Boss VE8 and your Boss AD10 would be the same, but...assumptions..hmm.

    Next assumption is that the guitar shop where I had 2 guitars on consign a few years ago would change the strings after the guitars were still sitting there being played and tortured... I sold one and the other hung around like a blowfly forever, so I went in to get strings and mentioned the strings on my consign could do with changing if we hope to sell it! "Huh? Nah!" was the reply...then someone bought it to validate their approach!






    Thanks PB!

    The track has the sound of the Anthem plugged direct to my Boss VE8 with everything in the guitar section turned off except the volume knob that is balanced with the vocal knob. So the Anthem is a good match with the Boss VE8 electronics.....just plug er in and play away. But I tried the Anthem direct to my mixer, couldn't get a sound as good as the Boss; also direct to my Fishman Pro EQ to carve some EQs and couldn't get as good a sound...; also my Baggs Align EQ, not so much.....; haven't tried my amp, probably next?

    Tried it through Tonedexter with the Anthem mic turned off and only the Element section working to make a wavefile - sounds great. But not one thing alike to the Anthem full sound!

    Thought I had better mention this before someone races out to spend their coins, but BK777 is already considering the purchase of another Anthem or 2 for other problem pickup guitars, eg, my Blues King L-00 and my Martin CEO7 (like the guitar in Yesterday movie!). The price of the Anthem fully installed here is not for the faint hearted....so we will sleep on it for a while, and enjoy my new purchase with its new strings! No news here but shops don't do themselves any favors leaving old strings on guitars in their shop........







    Just back from giving the Dove a service........new Elixir pb12s, wipe, lube with lead pencil etc....tuners great, pins good, holes good, saddle low and has string dents, nut good but b string a frac low....but now it is ringing like a bell! If possible, it sounds even more fabulous than the sounding fabulous before........

    I saw a video with a dude playing a 1976 Dove that looked identical to my supposedly 2005 model and a quick check told me I only had ONE X😎






    Thanks very much KW and KC!

    The Boss VE8 is a lot of fun and makes various pickups sound good without any mucking around - I experimented last night with the pickup in some other boxes I have and.....   I don’t like it, couldn’t het the sound I had with the Boss.

    Acoustic blues morning coming up!





    I will try not to feel bad for the previous owner....😎

    Err, the Anthem control is in the way of my soundhole plug! Waiting for the Banshees to launch! I may have to buy another and sacrifice a $15 Feedback Buster plug and cut a hole for the Baggs control - I don't really need to adjust it, so once the plug is in, a strip of gaffa tape can cover the Baggs control area. It may not look the prettiest, but I know from using my Matons that the Banshees hate mics inside guitars and lie in wait and the key to using the Maton pickup properly is to have the soundhole plug in, pickup AND internal mic up FULL!





  11. Thanks PB!

    I will look up the manual, though reading a manual is a sign of defeat for men, isn't it? 😷

    I had phase problems with the little mic on my Seymour Duncan Mag Mic, had a nice sounding mix of mag and mic going until I also plugged in to my Boss VE8 with a Shure SM58 for vocal - instant chorus phase pedal!

    And for a moment, I thought I may add another 'external' pickup to the Anthem - one of my Schertler soundhole pickups has the extra plug for either their little mic (great) or another internal pickup like a K&K ( haven't done it). I can't try any of these pickups on this guitar - the Baggs control is on the soundhole.

    Whoever owned the Dove before had the guitar and pickup very sorted. They certainly didn't have their head sorted  though to sell this beauty! They must be imprisoned or deceased. (Wife sold it).




  12. 3 hours ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    What goes? That would be a difficult decision, I imagine. I get too attached to things. Nothing has gone out since unloading a Taylor 314 a couple years back. I would not want to imagine removing one of the 3 nice acoustics I have. I got a Squire Tele that can go, though. 😁

    The Anthem sounded nice in your other sample.   Have you tried blending external and Anthem yet? I had issues keeping phase correct with mine on the SJ.  My studio room has improved acoustically since that time, though, so will try again. 



    What do you mean by 'blending external', PB?

    I have no manual for the system, no swivel stick to adjust the mic....sounds great as set, but curiosity, curiosity...

    (I don't have any bad guitars really - any chaff left the last cleanout. I have ones I don't play much that are getting shaky!)





    Thanks PB!

    I have not touched another guitar since I bought this one last Friday (only Friday?)

    In between experimenting with it acoustically and the Anthem system, it has kept me busy. The neck seems a bit chunkier than other post -2000 Gibsons I have owned, very nice for fingerpicking, quite spacious.

    Next is decision time - what goes?




    Well, I was only going to play the Dove for a minute....

    But somehow I ended up doing another recording - it has been raining and all the building banging and general screams next door stopped and I pressed the record button to do an acoustic only version of the Rolling Stones' "I've Got The Blues" - one mic in the middle to get guitar and vocal (Neumann KM184).










    The one I'm thinking of is the new guitar gets the new strings that day and the saddle changed from Tusq to bone and the undersaddle pickup taken out! And of course it buzzes. 

    So, not this little duck - the D'Addario 12s can stay until they go black. Bone saddle and nut already there and the pickup stays - it is glorious.

    Anyway, returning to the scene of the crime - I arrived at the shop last Friday lunchtime, parked in the very dodgy only car space around, with a mass of conflicting signs asking for a parking ticket, so I had a quick rec in the shop, spied the Dove in a hanging garden of guitars near a woman about to start a vacuum cleaner, said hello and zipped the car around the corner to a more parking inspector friendly spot.....

    Walked back in the shop and the earlier plan to play hard to get with the salesman evaporated as I went straight up to the Dove, asked the guy if I could could try it out, played it for a minute and already had decided it was to be mine! I asked the sales guy what it could be mine for, made an offer and as it was consigned, he emailed the owner and I had to wait for a reply...meanwhile I played the 2017 Hummingbird, nice enough but not enough mojo to go with the broken tuner, quite dull. And ok, ok, I said to the guy, pass me the 1960 Hummingbird, way too much coin involved ($12,500) and it sounded very, very nice but the neck was a fair bit squeezier (1 11/16") for fingerpicking than my Dove purchase with the modern Gibbie 1.72. Dove transaction was approved, so I put my card in the slot and took off home with the Dove! Didn't get to play about 4 other Gibbies, can't afford to go back until the guitar fund gets another bump. I love you Mister Taxman!






    Thanks 62B and KC!

    Yes 62, it is the Dove but tuned down 2 and capo on 3! Ha ha, it is the same strings, shop claimed they are recent. I will leave everything alone for a couple of weeks - how many times have I read that so and so bought a new guitar, loved it, changed the strings, saddle, pins, pickup, truss rod adjust....to get a.....buzzing guitar that rattles. So we will run with it as is.

    Whoever played it had it pretty sorted, acoustically AND electrically - the track above has the Anthem settings that the previous owner had! I suspect the other Gibsons at the pawn shop are from the same person? The pawn shop computer system has been off line since Friday night - they mention it on their facebook page.  (I was going to point a friend to the shop). Good, I don't want to know.





    Thanks all!

    The Anthem has a blend control to add the TruMic thingy to an Element undersaddle. Earlier, I turned off the TruMic part and made a Tonedexter wavefile with just the Element on. And it sounds terrific!

    But really, the Anthem is good to go, just as is.

    Very pleased!





    In the banner it says "Incognito". On top of that it says "One Love". Next to the banner is : "Bxsvor" Don't know - will look in the light with a magnifier tomorrow? I had a close look - I think it says “Blues” but people have tried to rub it all off.... so it is ...One Love.....Incognito...Blues.

     Bashful? Me? I think the red guitar will go nicely with my black jeans and black t-shirt. Maybe I need some red shoes? I have some bright red Ferrari grand prix team gear..caps, jacket. I could disappear in a cloud of red.....

    The pickup is the full Anthem from Baggs! I can't believe it. They are mucho dinero here installed. Sounds great plugged direct to my mixer. Sounds great plugged direct to my Boss VE8. It is truly ready to rock tonight - I could just plug in somewhere and be very happy. All dressed up with nowhere to go. My thumb and fingers are a bit sore but you know, a second wind could happen....

    I have had fun running medium strings on my Taylor 717e with it tuned down......may try that here later.





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  19. 4 hours ago, 62burst said:

    You could even say it glows.

    'Love whatever happened to the finish. . . I'm thinkin' he let her write on it. A full sun photograph (from a little further back) would make my day. Thx.



    More photos on my verandah in full light, not full sun...

    They came out funny because the light is sideways - it highlights the grain runout and the red burst blurs into the yellow. (looks like I painted it).

    I may as well photo it - I don't think I can play it anymore - bleeding fingers.












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