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Friend and I did a cover.


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Took nearly 40 takes. He kept putting the bridge and the intro in the wrong part of the song, or would just plain out miss strokes.

He wanted to learn Pinhead, and I know both drum and guitar parts like the back of my hand.


I enjoyed the hell out of it, though, and I guess it feels good to teach a kid something, but I used the same tough love my drummer used on me 3 years ago.


A few slight mess ups, and a few times where I had to cut out crashes to save his *** with timing, other than that I feel we did well.


We'll get better as time goes on.



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Nice playing on the guitar. [thumbup] The drums were OK. The guitar work was much better.

That's probably one of my favorite songs by the Ramones.

I love the live recording on the Rock and Roll High School Soundtrack LP much more than the studio recording.

"Gabba Gabba we accept you, we accept you, one of us..." [biggrin]

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The drumming is A-OK (well, except for the heavy metal ending - gotta avoid that at all times. You're gonna lose big, *big* style points on that every time).


The drums are good, it's the guitar that needs to be tightened up - he's not playing downstrokes, he should be changing chords with snap instead of sloppy sliding around, and for the love of all things American he looks like a bump on a log.


If you want to play the Ramones you need a guitar player who plays standing with legs apart, all downstrokes, and does *not* stay still.


Keep it up! Always remember: if you ever put a rock and roll band together, the first rule is NO STATUES. This ain't Bauhaus. Also make sure somebody has a van, somebody has a PA, and EVERYBODY is a hustler. If every last one of you is a hustler, there might be potential. Gotta be able to score gigs, deals, girls, & sometimes drugs (which themselves can score gigs, deals, & girls). It will always be about who you know, so hustling might be the most important thing. Absolutely more important than "pro gear."


Good luck & never stop practicing ever.

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If you want to play the Ramones you need a guitar player who plays standing with legs apart, all downstrokes, and does *not* stay still.


Keep it up! Always remember: if you ever put a rock and roll band together, the first rule is NO STATUES. This ain't Bauhaus. Also make sure somebody has a van, somebody has a PA, and EVERYBODY is a hustler. If every last one of you is a hustler, there might be potential. Gotta be able to score gigs, deals, girls, & sometimes drugs (which themselves can score gigs, deals, & girls). It will always be about who you know, so hustling might be the most important thing. Absolutely more important than "pro gear."


I need to get the better drummer on board and move him to vox, because I'm a much more aggressive/calculated guitar player and this guy is much more spot on with drumming.


And of course, I'm the guy who has the girl/chats them up for him, the practice space, when I get my license, my mom's van, the gear, the drugs, the drive, the ability to make friends with local bands. I've already got a band who said they'd hook us up with their manager if I got the better drummer and a way of transportation. other people just don't have the drive to do anything.

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Dat's what I'm talking about! Make sure every last person is a hustler though. The whole crew needs to be legendary hustlers in order to really make things happen.


Sadly, I'm left being the brain and the driving force behind whatever musical endeavor I take, no matter who it's with.

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