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So... there seems to be a fair bit of indecision here on whether or not this factory installed pickguard appears to be too "red"...

Sorry if it appears I am trying to derail this thread, but if ever one needed to be derailed, I cannot recall one more deserving.


Dan you are right....and so is your pickguard [smile]

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I have promised never to offer anything besides polite applause (or better) to musical performances posted in the Your Acoustical Perf thread. I do notice that my little recent implied criticism has cleared the front page of some of the clutter and preponderance of perf threads that had been there recently.


So you're actively trying to discourage posts? ...sort of ties nicely with:


OK, so what's your reason for not posting in the Acoustical Perf thread?


So, What's your reason for not jumping on a specs discussion? I mean they have all been covered fairly extensively time and time again.. however they make up a large part of the board. Just like community based posts. Arguably community based and music performance could be viewed as making this place approachable, not every new person will feel too confident about newbie questions in a bit of a sterile facts Q&A type board.


In my opinion,


But it is just that Jerry, your opinion, can't you see you're trying to dictate here? A very disturbing sense of self-importance if you ask me. He's an account holder here, just like you. Don't like the look of a thread, don't read it. Better still, make suggestions to Customer Admin, if they deem your idea good/useful/easily implemented you might even get your way. You're not a leader Jerry, you're a bully... and too afraid to deal with people who can handle your abruptness so instead you block them. Nothing to respect there.

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Hogeye, I too have learned a lot from your posts. You are often able to shed very particular light on matters. You yourself have explained that you are very protective towards your friends in Bozeman who work for Gibson, and so I have also learned that I have to read this fact into some of your posts, and that perhaps loyalty to local causes (of course a noble thing in itself) may be your primary concern on occasion. That is not a form of dishonesty in any way, but it is perhaps a bias. I do find that you are often too quick to be condescending in cases where others have tried to be helpful and perhaps been slightly off the mark - even where they have given caveats. Perhaps Bozeman is a really tough-arsed place where 'calling out' is something that everybody does. Perhaps it is an American machismo thing. Jannus Guy 'calls people out' too. Personally, I don't come from a culture where people 'call each other out', though I am very used to rigorous debate where people are free to question things, provided they don't get aggressive about it.


To be honest when it comes to technical questions relating to the guitars themselves, rather than about the factory set-up at Bozeman, I have learned more from RAR.


From Jerry, I have to say that I've mainly learned that a maple Nick Lucas is a nice sounding instrument. That's about it, however. I have asked him in the past to give us a sample of his J185, in order to correct the perception that this model is rarely good. But instead he preferred to slam EuroAussie's ignorance. A really elegant riposte would have been to play his 185.


I frankly take Wily's advice on guitars with a pinch of salt, but I have never, ever had the impression that he held himself up as an expert. He likes telling jokes, and he likes puns. I like jokes and puns too. His posts often make me smile. I'm not entirely sure where you get this impression that he goes around dispensing 'expert advice'. And yes I have read that post about the J35 with indentations. I didn't think Wily misinformed anybody. He was just offering a possible route to relevant information. A sensible reader will soon work out whether the link concerned really is relevant or not. It was a case of somebody trying to be helpful and you waded in in a deeply offensive manner.


On the matter of free performances, I'm afraid I disagree. I am tempted to side with your essentially left-wing argument that one should not undercut another's professional activity. But in truth if a professional musician has really perfected his art through years of practice then he will simply be better than Wily, and any venue owner worth his or her salt will book the professional. If they book Wily instead, just because he is free, then they would not have paid the professional at a level appropriate to his skill either. I think that it is extremely reactionary and socially divisive to treat creative activity as an elite pastime only for professionals. True, that is how the art market functioned in feudal times, and how it has functioned under capitalism and state socialism. That system is, however, a recipe for complacency and mediocre performance among the chosen few, and it ultimately impoverishes society as a whole. Creativity should be all. Music was of the people before a few diletantes in wigs started to lord it over everybody else and started calling fiddles violins. Folk music was not a professional activity until Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger came along. People just made music for pleasure in their spare time. With the great blues musicians it is really hard to distinguish between the professionals and the amateurs. Skip James didn't sell as many records as Josh White in the 1930s. So according to the logic that you and Jerry have been running here, he should never have picked up a guitar after 1931, and music would have been the better for his silence.


The same logic pervades your response to others' attempts to help new members. If you disagree, then rather than say so clearly, firmly, but unaggressively, you attack. A real brahmin should show restraint and patience when teaching.

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So... there seems to be a fair bit of indecision here on whether or not this factory installed pickguard appears to be too "red"...

Sorry if it appears I am trying to derail this thread, but if ever one needed to be derailed, I cannot recall one more deserving.



I agree completely.....to my eye the burgundy and reddish pickguard Gibson uses today does not go well with browns and amber colors of Gibson's beautiful sunburst. I have found the Greven Tortis Dark pickquards to look great on the VSB finsih....they have a warmer amber background with brown mixed in. The Greven firestripe however doesnt quite capture the look of vintage firestripe. I think the firestripe ones that jtb makes are stunning




I bought one from them before and it was beautiful and they were great to deal with too.


But interestingly, i do like the standard Gibson pickquard on my new Mahogany Banner LG-2. The burgundy color goes well with the golden colored top and it is the first time i dont plan on swapping out the pickquard.


By the way Dan....I think (but i cant promise) that I have an extra Greven Tortis dark pickquard that I will look for and send you if you want it....PM me and let me know.

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Jasus..what a hoot..or should that be Hooter....




when i first joined this forum..you attacked me with in my first post.. calling names and implying I was just stirring the pot and I was a troll.


it nearly made me leave the forum within the first few days 99% of any posts I have seen from you are aggressive.. baiting..name calling..spiteful immature b0llox. Fact



yeah you know ya stuff..many times I have thanked you for your posts..not once have I received a reply within a thread from you.


You both seem to have some sort of chip on your shoulder because you have been here the longest..and the forum is not what you wanted it to be..You both seem to think you are the old school originals..and most other members are below you.


Excuse me..but thats how you come across !


A forum dealing with only specs..and technical question..and WHAT FECKIN STRINGS sound best... just would Not last !!!!!! it gets boring real quick.


I have posted questions to luthiers at frets.net...and got excellent answers about technical details..when i maybe could not get the question answered here as much as I would like.


Take a look at that forum... It gets maybe one or two posts




If you both wanna kill off this community..as it seems you both would like , to make it your own little exclusive club


your doing a fine job.


( but somehow I feel you won't succeed )

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when i first joined this forum..you attacked me with in my first post.. calling names and implying I was just stirring the pot and I was a troll.


it nearly made me leave the forum within the first few days 99% of any posts I have seen from you are aggressive.. baiting..name calling..spiteful immature b0llox. Fact


This is pretty clever of you, Del. By leaving off certain facts you are able to put quite a spin on it. Bad boy Jerry!


When you joined the forum in your first posts you were very worried about the fragility of nitro finish on a Gibson, and you were proposing to cover the entire back (or was it the entire guitar? Can't remember) of your brand new Gibson acoustic with some sort of plastic film product with glue on one side and you posted links to that product. Several people hemmed and hawed about this proposal. None of them said no, don't do it. I told you straight out that the idea was bad. "Idiotic" is the word I believe I used. I still stand by that. Covering all or part of a Gibson acoustic with sticky plastic film was an idiotic idea then and still is now. I could draw the whole diagram and explain all that to you again but I don't think I will. It's such a stupid idea that I think I can be forgiven for wondering out loud if anyone could really want to do that and if you were posting under false pretenses.

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This is pretty clever of you, Del. By leaving off certain facts you are able to put quite a spin on it. Bad boy Jerry!


When you joined the forum in your first posts you were very worried about the fragility of nitro finish on a Gibson, and you were proposing to cover the entire back (or was it the entire guitar? Can't remember) of your brand new Gibson acoustic with some sort of plastic film product with glue on one side and you posted links to that product. Several people hemmed and hawed about this proposal. None of them said no, don't do it. I told you straight out that the idea was bad. "Idiotic" is the word I believe I used. I still stand by that. Covering all or part of a Gibson acoustic with sticky plastic film was an idiotic idea then and still is now. I could draw the whole diagram and explain all that to you again but I don't think I will. It's such a stupid idea that I think I can be forgiven for wondering out loud if anyone could really want to do that and if your post was dishonest.


haha..i had forgotten about that one


No Jerry that was the second attack you had on me...that was a good couple of months into my joining the forum..you see you even forget how many attacks you have at people.


i was scoffed at at another site for that question too...I am but a young pup Jerry...and I am always learning... still my pondering then was to use the see through pick-guard material that some fine acoustics have ..when a traditional PG is not wanted


using this to cover the PART of the back of a highly finished expensive guitar..to protect from buckle rash..ect..is not such an idiotic idea..


I still believe... would I do it..NO.. but the HB TV was my first really expensive guitar...and you know..we all have to learn somwhere.






and there we have your attitude in a nut shell Jerry.. was there really any need to call me question idiotic?.. implying I am an Idiot.. heheheehe.. Have a lovely day Jezza

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So, Jerry...


Essentially you're admitting to answering to new people here that their ideas are "idiotic" instead of saying "Probably not advisable, but here's why......" yet you're positioning yourself as some sort of Q&A guy.....


Speaks volumes about you, mate. Not in a very positive way though.......

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haha..i had forgotten about that one


No Jerry that was the second attack you had on me...that was a good couple of months into my joining the forum..you see you even forget how many attacks you have at people.


i was scoffed at at another site for that question too...I am but a young pup Jerry...and I am always learning... still my pondering then was to use the see through pick-guard material that some fine acoustics have ..when a traditional PG is not wanted


using this to cover the PART of the back of a highly finished expensive guitar..to protect from buckle rash..ect..is not such an idiotic idea..


I still believe... would I do it..NO.. but the HB TV was my first really expensive guitar...and you know..we all have to learn somwhere.






and there we have your attitude in a nut shell Jerry.. was there really any need to call me question idiotic?.. implying I am an Idiot.. heheheehe.. Have a lovely day Jezza


I think you still don't understand what a crazy idea that is and that plenty of people exist, me for instance, who simply could not believe anybody proposing that was on the level. Keep in mind I bought my first nitro finish guitar in 1970. You claimed you had been playing for many years. It really is hard to believe. In fact I am still not sure I believe it.


And don't try to weasel out with 'part the back'! You were talking about upholstering the back in plastic.


You keep saying how negative I am. I gave you damn good advice! I don't believe in sugar-coating it.

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I think you still don't understand what a crazy idea that is and that plenty of people exist, me for instance, who simply could not believe anybody proposing that was on the level. You claimed you had been playing for many years. It really is hard to believe. In fact I am still not sure I believe it.




people..companies..actually produce these things..thats right , they have invested in manufacturing products that protect guitars for buckle rash... not just one company..Many... so no matter what You think..people buy the bloody things.


as stated i would not do it myself... after camling down about tryin to protect my shiny new guitar... as you have seen I modified with an electric sander ( BBG ;) haha )


still... just explain again what is so IDIOTIC about the IDEA to place see through pick-guard material.. you know the stuff I mean... thousands of guitars have this material used as a PG... what is the Mortal Sin of using this on the back of an acoustic guitar..say covering the area where you may get buckle rash.. to protect if..




When applied correctly..you can't hardly even see this material... if it is used on the front of a guitar as a pick guard..i really can't see it having that much of an adverse effect if used on the back ..


Or maybe I am an Idiot ?? ;)


come now Jerry tell me like it is.

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people..companies..actually produce these things..thats right , they have invested in manufacturing products that protect guitars for buckle rash... not just one company..Many... so no matter what You think..people buy the bloody things.


as stated i would not do it myself... after camling down about tryin to protect my shiny new guitar... as you have seen I modified with an electric sander ( BBG ;) haha )


still... just explain again what is so IDIOTIC about the IDEA to place see through pick-guard material.. you know the stuff I mean... thousands of guitars have this material used as a PG... what is the Mortal Sin of using this on the back of an acoustic guitar..say covering the area where you may get buckle rash.. to protect if..




When applied correctly..you can't hardly even see this material... if it is used on the front of a guitar as a pick guard..i really can't see it having that much of an adverse effect if used on the back ..


Or maybe I am an Idiot ?? ;)


come now Jerry tell me like it is.


Oy vey. Don't you know anything about nitro? It's tricky stuff and easily reacts with some plastics and glues. Chances are good you would ruin the finish underneath. That's just common sense for a guitarist. But beyond that, putting plastic on the back of a guitar is just.... just.... ugh! (shakes head)

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Oy vey. Don't you know anything about nitro? It's tricky stuff and easily reacts with some plastics and glues. Chances are good you would ruin the finish underneath. That's just common sense for a guitarist. But beyond that, putting plastic on the back of a guitar is just.... just.... ugh! (shakes head)


fair point Jerry


but as i say...this stuff is used on many many guitars.. bespoke guitars.....Martins..Lowdens.. ...Gibsons ?


you know the stuff I mean..i think its celluloid ?...any way no matter what it is..it is widely used as a pick guard when the owner of the guitar does not want a traditonal PG..


we all seem to like and respect Frank ford and his excellent site here.. He has pages where he attaches this material..to what I am assuming is a nitro finished guitars.. you can hardly see it.. i think quite a few classical guitars have this as a pick guard protector too ?


The idea of putting Plastic as you say on a guitar is off putting.. but it is a widely used method of protecting a guitars finish ( all be it usually on the top )


what more can I say ?

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Oy vey. Don't you know anything about nitro? It's tricky stuff and easily reacts with some plastics and glues. Chances are good you would ruin the finish underneath. That's just common sense for a guitarist. But beyond that, putting plastic on the back of a guitar is just.... just.... ugh! (shakes head)


Sorry folks..i have the day off to day heheh


bit of liveliness on the forum.... :)


The thing is Jerry..most of us...I would say 99% ? already have plastic and glue on the front of our guitras..Nitro or not.. its called the pick guard I think :P


why is the back door such a taboo are for you Jezza ? ;)


(EDIT..ooops getting a little riske there excusem-oui x )

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Sorry folks..i have the day off to day heheh


bit of liveliness on the forum.... :)


The thing is Jerry..most of us...I would say 99% ? already have plastic and glue on the front of our guitras..Nitro or not.. its called the pick guard I think :P


why is the back door such a taboo are for you Jezza ? ;)


(EDIT..ooops getting a little riske there excusem-oui x )


You are posting on a bulletin board populated by guitar nerds, as in people whose idea of a vacation is to drive to Montana, check out the guitars at music villa, hang at the factory, yada yada. There are people here who remove some of the finish and / or bracing to get better tonal response. Add a thick layer of plastic on the back of the guitar? Ptui!


The other thing is you seem to be focusing on a perceived insult. If an idea you considered is idiotic, that must make you an idiot. Well, only if you put that shidt on the back of the guitar! Otherwise it's those companies, those salesmen trying to convince you to put it on - they're the idiots. My remark was an attempt to save you from being a chump, not make you into one.

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You are posting on a bulletin board populated by guitar nerds, as in people whose idea of a vacation is to drive to Montana, check out the guitars at music villa, hang at the factory, yada yada. There are people here who remove some of the finish and / or bracing to get better tonal response. Add a thick layer of plastic on the back of the guitar? Ptui!


The other thing is you seem to be focusing on a perceived insult. If an idea you had is idiotic, that must make you an idiot. Well, only if you put that shidt on the back of the guitar! Otherwise it's those companies, those salesmen trying to convince you to put it on - they're the idiots.


I know Jerry..


glad this has lightened up somewhat....? anyways :),, I would love to visit Montana... if you buy my a plane ticket I'll join you on the next jaunt..and we can shoot the breeze..maybe even play some guitar x


All in all..you too are a valued member here Jerry.. you do keep things lively... lets all have a wee cuddle as good old Pm would say :D


gonna beat up my J35..she wants it ;)

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I think you still don't understand what a crazy idea that is and that plenty of people exist, me for instance, who simply could not believe anybody proposing that was on the level. Keep in mind I bought my first nitro finish guitar in 1970. You claimed you had been playing for many years. It really is hard to believe. In fact I am still not sure I believe it.


And don't try to weasel out with 'part the back'! You were talking about upholstering the back in plastic.

You keep saying how negative I am. I gave you damn good advice! I don't believe in sugar-coating it.




just read Jezzabells edited post


my my..what can you say..the guy is a friggin loon


I take it back..why dont you pee off Jerry..I think the majority of us would be happier..hahahaha


you are really a bit of an arse aint ya x

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