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Dry skin


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well being a machinist ive been known to play my guitars with cutting oils on my hands and have yet to ever have a problem with any finish on any guitar i have. or have had.. my personal opinion would be if it doesnt hurt your dry skin which since i have that myself know that the dry skin is much more sensitive to stuff than any guitar finishes.. rule of thumb for me is... if it dont irritate your dry skin. id say it wont irritate your guitars finish


but thats me.

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btw as to the stuff and the strings .. there may be something to that . what you put on your hands may well cause a buidup of dirt etc on your strings. then again those slick strings that some manufacturers sell that feel oily from the start dont seem to do that. who knows . wipe your strings down too i guess might be good advice..

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btw as to the stuff and the strings .. there may be something to that . what you put on your hands may well cause a buidup of dirt etc on your strings. then again those slick strings that some manufacturers sell that feel oily from the start dont seem to do that. who knows . wipe your strings down too i guess might be good advice..

Thanks good advice...

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If you use a lot of hand lotion I would recommend washing your hands before you play. If I feel like my hands are grimey or oiley or just plain dirty, and I want to play guitar, I'll make sure to wash my hands before I play. You can always put on more lotion afterwards.

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well speaking as a former smoker ( one week now) lol


most of my guitars have there fair share of cigarette ash on them here and there so to be honest . a little dirt here and there isnt a problem for me . but that again is me. when i restring . i give them the once over with some windex and some oil on the fret board. lately ive been using this combination bees wax and lemon oil stuff on the fret board and back of the neck. good stuff. makes for some fast playing with no drag . you put it on then after a while you buff off the excess. ..

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well speaking as a former smoker ( one week now) lol


most of my guitars have there fair share of cigarette ash on them here and there so to be honest . a little dirt here and there isnt a problem for me . but that again is me. when i restring . i give them the once over with some windex and some oil on the fret board. lately ive been using this combination bees wax and lemon oil stuff on the fret board and back of the neck. good stuff. makes for some fast playing with no drag . you put it on then after a while you buff off the excess. ..

I wouldn't suggest anyone use Windex (or any window/glass cleaner) on their guitars. It contains ammonia which is not good on their finishes. It can also dry out the wood of the fret board.

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not sure what amonia is nor do i really care. it gets my guitars and windows clean. it also keeps wild animals from tearing up my trash bags. helps to do a good job on my floors. i dont care what it is . it does the job and ive seen no problem with finishes or dry fret boards in 40 years. . im not looking for right im just saying what works for me. on the other hand if using cigarette lighter fluid. ( naptha) works for you or what ever your using. thats good. [biggrin] btw amonia however spelled is the key ingredient in windex.

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