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Is my Epiphone Casino fake?


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I dont know you guys... it feels right but sometimes it dont

the body in the top and front just dont seem 'bulky' or 'fatty' as i tought it would be... sometimes it even has a depression in the body like near the f holes and heck


another thing that is bothering me is the neck near the neck joint

it seems iregular and not tall enough.. i dont know, sometimes it feels normal..







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Welcome. My initial look at it says it fine, as far as being "kosher". I own a Casino and if you are not used to a hollow-body archtop (as opposed to a semi-hollow, like a Dot, Sheraton or Riviera) it's not going to feel bulky. That's one of the things I like about my Casino. Two questions, as far as authenticity. Did you buy it from a reputable dealer? And have you checked the serial number inside the guitar against the guitar dater?




Neither is a guarantee, but both are pretty good indicators it's legit. The one curious thing that I don't quite get, is in the last picture. Maybe it's just the angle, but the gap between the neck and strings appears to get noticeably wider as you go up towards the head stock. Is this the case? Stay tuned, other more qualified opinions to follow shortly.

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Hey Tweed! Thanks for the reply!

I think is the angle, the string have pretty much the same distance from the neck...

Did you notice how the neck joint gets 'thinner' as from near the pickups it seems more taller?(last picture0... do you think is normal? ive seen other casinos and the neck joint seems regular and the same 'size' all the way the neck joint to the pickups..

Ive bought it from a fairly trustable shop.. she doesnt have the serial inside her but in the headstock only, she has the seal inside but not filled.. is that strange?

The serial is the same that comes in the shop 'warranty' which specifies the model and color...

The serial number is in guitardater database... which makes me a little more confortable

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Hello Guitargirl, and welcome here.


At this point, I really would like to congratulate you on your buy but I think I better should be cautious like you are, too. I guess everything is OK with your Casino, but I'm not sure.


Depressions in the body shape between F holes and ribs on the top and the same area on the back are normal for semi-hollow and hollowbody archtops in general. I also don't see any problem around the neck joint. Depending on very slight tolerances of neck setting angle and top shape, on some guitars will occur some tapering while others have none. By the way, both these variations also appear to be on the tops respectively neck joints of definitely legit Les Paul solidbody guitars, Epiphones as well as Gibsons.


Like Tweed, I also don't see a problem in a Casino not feeling bulky or fatty. The rib height gives this guitar shape its name, slimline. The "airy" feel of a hollowbody slimline makes for an overall lighter "touch" than that of a semi-hollow or semi-solid featuring similar body shape.


However, some details are puzzling me a bit. Did your guitar come with the bridge reversed, perhaps due to a previous restringing? Then there is the missing serial number on the label, but perhaps they make these guitars at different factories the same time which is the case with many Epiphone models. The different factories might handle serial numbers in a different way and print it either on the headstock like with yours, or on the label like with those Casinos I have seen before. Another thing is the position where the body binding starts. On all the Casinos I have seen up to now it started slightly over the 17th fret side dot towards the nut, unlike yours where it starts exactly beside the 17th fret wire.


But there are real Epiphone and Casino specialists around here knowing about all the Epiphone manufacturing facilities who will help you clarifying this within the next hours I hope.

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Impossible to tell, need more pictures. It looks like a nice guitar which probably needs a proper set up (possible new/properly cut nut, new strings, truss rod adjustment, bridge and saddle height adjustment, intonation adjustment, pickup and pole piece height adjustment). So, post more pictures and you may get a more definitive answer. I'd say it's real, but, that it hasn't been properly set up. Again, more pictures are needed of particular areas of said guitar.

So, get it properly set up and rock it.msp_thumbup.gif


Also, a mismatch/step at the conjunction of the neck to the body would not necessarily be a bad thing, particularly with the placement of the strap button on your guitar. With the strap button positioned where it is, access to upper frets looks negligible at best.msp_mellow.gif

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Hey you guys! Thank you so much for the replys!

I feel more confortable reading your opinions!

Already helped so much..


Capmster, thanks for the reply and welcoming!

I think I did that to the bridge =( I didnt understood the body binding and 17th fret and not part but because english isnt my first language.. I think is something with where the body starts? Like is far for the 17th? The missing serial number inside also gets me puzzling =///


Midtowner, thanks for the reply!

I got this guitar from a left handed player(was that a bad thing?), the player used to play on a ac30 vox, so i figured he wouldnt use a fake.. but who knows! =(

Got some more pictures!


Clarkus, thanks for the reply!

Got it!


Thomse, thanks for the reply!

Used... I have to still send her to set-up.. Or maybe i didnt set the bridge height in the right way.. =/


Kurt Vonnegut Fan, thanks for the reply!

I might have not set it in the right way =/


Crust, thanks for the reply!

I think you're right! I had to re-string it... I might done something wrong while trying to set it up afterwards. Like bridge height and positioning...



I just spent so much(for me =/) on 'her' that 'her' set-up is scheduled only to the end of the month, so I guess I'll just let her rest till then, to play in the right adjustments.

but I got these mixed feelings! Like, it isn't big enough! The pickguard screw isn't positioned in the 19th fret, but in the 21th! The knobs aren't 'goldie' enough... haha.. I don't know!


But, other times, most of the time, it sure feels and looks like a nice guitar! The arm and headstock inlays, that little visual 'effect' that it has.. The little 'e' on the machine heads,(or just heads?). A little piece of fabric, or something like that, in the strap button behind her, like a extra care..) Sometimes i put her besides my strato and i think 'oh my, look at the size of this guitar, it could eat the fender! Hahah..
















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You got it from a left handed player, but its a "right handed" guitar. Interesting. When you originally obtained the guitar, were the string "orders" reversed ? (low E on "treble" side of neck )? Was the nut cut to be "left handed" ? If so, and you are right handed, and the nut is cut for "left handed" stringing, you may want to replace the nut, with one cut for "right handed" stringing.

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If the nut presently on the guitar is cut for the guitar to be strung "left handed", and you have replaced the strings and set the guitar up as right handed, the "high E" slot on the nut will presently "hold" the low E string and the low E slot will hold the high E,. The nut may be "backwards" and may need to be replaced with a properly cut nut. That could be partly why the bass (low E, A, D) strings seem so high off the neck and the other strings are too low. Nut slot sizes are not appropriate for present set up, the slots on the nut are "reversed" for the way the guitar is presently set (right hand set up with a left hand nut). dig it ?msp_mellow.gif

If the work needed is beyond your technical capability like cutting and replacing the nut, adjusting the bridge and saddles, replacing with proper gauge and type of strings (regular, slinky, super slinky/round, half flat, flat wound strings), setting intonation. Personally, I'd take it to a place that can set it up properly. Now, I wonder if the bridge and saddle "adjustment" is also reversed ? msp_mellow.gif Again, difficult to ascertain through current pictures.

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