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LPJ Cherry

Big Duck15102

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Hey Everybody, Iv e been looking at a the LPJ in cherry with the black speed tuners black vintage tuners and black casing 490r and 490t. and chrome tail peice and tune o matic bridge. When i saw that it was 699 i flipped out thought it was a great deal is it or not. Also what kind of amp would go good with it. i was thinking a vox 40w 1 by 10. thanks


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Well that link has gone already...


But really only you can answer the questions you asked... Its always best to try a guitar before you buy to make sure you like the way it plays and feels.. And also for amps, it greatly depends on your taste and what sort of music and style you want to play... obviously theres the Marshall... They were almost built for Gibsons :) But maybe if you want cleaner tones a good Fender or VOX amp always goes down well :) And the price you quoted is pretty good and a LPJ is a nice guitar.


The thing that you want too look for on a Gibby is neck type, you have 50s and 60s neck, 50s being fatter and rounder and 60s slimmer (oh and the new weird 2015s)... Which is why its always best just to play as many as you can find.. You will soon find the one that feels right to you... Its certainly worth the effort when you do find "the one" :)

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I have never played one personally but i know people here who have them really like them. I have a studio that I really enjoy also with the 50's neck and 498/490 pups. Definitely try it out first to make sure it plays well and you like it.

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Everything Rabs said is right.

As an Cherry LPJ owner I have to say that it fits me perfectly. LPJ´s are great guitars with a realy good price.

But I have to point out again that this particular model has a 50´s style neck.

Compared to the slim neck of my SG it is a little bit harder to play, personaly I like it but I would try some first.

And if you go out to try some LPJ's, simply plug it into every amp that stands around, maybe you find the one you are looking for.

And by the way there is an LPJ Club in this forum:




There you can find some nice pics and opinions about this awesome guitars.msp_thumbup.gif




Greetz Marcos

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The 490R/498T on that is my favorite pickup combination personally!


It is likely to sound and play really well!


If that's in your price range and you have a hankerin' fer it, I say go fer it!!!


A Vox 40 watt amp, especially a tube amp will sound spectacular with it!


Let us know what you decide and how you make out...

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