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Hey Pippy, I have an important tip for you that I just remembered...

Thanks very much for the head's-up, fromnabulax!

I'd noticed the spacer on the bass side but completely missed the lack of one on the treble side.

That oversight will be properly addressed forthwith.

Best of luck. Even if you are going to use ---gasp--- round wound .010s...

"Luck" is my middle name!........errmm........


It isn't.

Nor is it "Reckless".

It's Iain.


Nice! How does it play and sound? D'Aquisto, right?

Almost exactly, GG.

It's a modern reincarnation of a D'Angelico but Jimmy D'Aquisto was the protegee of D'Angelico and from 1959 until the latter's death in 1964 carried out much of the real work on the guitars.

I haven't checked up on my sources before I write this so take it as a 'best remembered' but after D'Angelico's death D'Aquisto carried on the business under his own name and became a legend in his own right.

Joe Pass was 'associated' with many guitar manufacturers over the years but one of his most prized instruments was a Johnny D'Aquisto - as seen here;


You do know that bad boy will spit out the blues like BB King on crack?...

I'm hoping for some straws which had been overlooked onto which I might clutch...


I am very curious about Your assesment...

Thanks Bence.

I'll get back to you on that.


EDIT : Here's a much more eloquent assessment than I could muster at short notice which mirrors my own views exactly - my brief tenure-ship accepted! You will have to go through to page six or o but check out page three (I think) on the way!





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ah. PIC - makes sense. Actually Reckless would be a damn cool middle name. Imagine, every time you did something stupid you could say, "well, reckless is my middle name..." [biggrin] Too bad I'm done with fathering children.

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Just received a big box with a big case with this big guitar inside it;




Not had a chance to play it yet and it needs to be tweaked slightly as far as set-up goes...




PIPPY!!!! [thumbup][love] \:D/


I love it I love it I love it! Congratulations!!! Stunning guitar & stunning photo!


Can't wait to read your review when the time comes! I'm very happy for you my friend! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Beautiful guitar Pippy (thanks for the heads up to this link).


If I didn't have a pretty good jazz box in my Yamaha AE12 I would definitely fancy one of D'Angelico's...no, I fancy one anyway! [biggrin]

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Hi p....very nice guitar.... [thumbup]


I have a Peerless New York from about 5 years ago...which looks very like a D'Aquisto New Yorker


With single vol control only and(generic to the Peerless range) rosewood tailpiece...


A 17" archtop with superb build


The Peerless and D'Angelico look like a great entre to the world of jazzers





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Thanks for the new comments!



After reading your post I googled the Peerless and it does, indeed look VERY much like the D'Aquisto!



I'm fairly (73.5%) sure I read somewhere that both the Korean-made D'As we have were, if not made by- then overseen by- the same management team.

I could be wrong...


And your assessment is spot on.

They are amazing instruments.



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