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That is so weird! I was going to post this same video in your other Skunk Baxtor thread, but for some reason decided not to. :-k


What a band. Emerson on keys, Entwistle on bass, Walsh and Baxtor or guitars and some weird 80s guy on vocals. :rolleyes:

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In one of my old bands, we used to do a few Steely Dan songs, including Don't Take Me Alive and Pretzel Logic. The band I'm in now has the bass player and keyboard player from that old band. Just last Saturday we were playing a gig and on break Kenny (keys) comments that we should bring back some SD songs. I agreed but said I have to go back and re-learn some stuff cause it's been so long. Well, in the middle of the third set he looks over at me with a sly smile and breaks into Pretzel Logic and told me to keep up. [scared] We actually pulled it off pretty good.


I'm just glad he didn't try that sh!t with Bodhisattiva. :unsure: [blink]

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