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"When Jimi Met Eric"


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In the Guitarist UK magazine, they ran this interesting article about "Blues '66 - When Jimi Met Eric"


It is not loaded online yet, but I found this "Pressreader" segment - link below.


The first part of the story is missing - they probably want you to buy the Pressreader App, but it is about London 1966 and how Eric was king of the roost......and Jimi appeared at a showcase at clubs. Don't forget to buy the magazine if you want to read the full article! (Now I am clear.)







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Crazy days. Quite the split from the folk scene that was going on at the time. A good reminder as to why many of us gravitated to the acoustic side of things. Acoustic guitar: stripped down to the essential- no feedback, no reverb, just a simple guitar.


Anyone 'seen any decent Hendrix acoustic footage? A couple of Jimi with the 12 string, and one of someone handing him a 6 string at a party. But his natural groove does come through.

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An English lady that was staying with my English mother-in-law (I only have one, but she is, in fact, English) told me a story she heard from a friend about Jimi wandering into a pub up in the north country of England. That's about all I remember. I think it has something to do with him being a little confused and them being a little confused, too, but they all came out ahead in the end.

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