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Have you seen this James Taylor


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This is another good one. He makes it look so easy, and I have never been able to replicate his sound. In fact, I have never known anyone who could.


I have always thought... since he is such an amazing guitar player, that he should do an 'acoustic' album and forget the whole big band thing. I think it would be awesome. Just him and guitar or he and a couple of other players on acoustic instruments.



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JT is something special. He's one of those guys, like Jackson Browne, who makes things look impossibly easy until you try to replicate them.


This little clip is one of my favorites, especially when he pulls out that old 1960's J-50 that he started out with. He was playing that guitar the first time I saw him, in the spring of 1969, doing a concert for a small crowd--maybe 100 people seated on the ground on the college green at Brown U. He sat on a simple little chair. My girlfriend (later my first wife) and I sat at his feet maybe 10 feet away. After the first song, everyone squeezed up closer, since he was so quiet.


Even though he was a "new" talent at that point, it was obvious he was going to be something special. And, of course, he had that long dark hair and big dark eyes that made the girls swoon.


Look closely at the J-50 in the video. It originally had an adjustable rosewood saddle, which he eventually replaced with bone. Check out the height of the saddle. Talk about an overset neck!


Love the way he talks to that little Olson as he puts it back into the case. Just like a father putting a baby to bed...



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