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59 Les Paul vs 2002 Re-issue


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How bizzarre that you should ask that particular question, ac. Have you been here before under another name? Houndman55 perhaps?............


Pippy has overlords and rock stars trim his greensward and fetch his groceries with a lorry and bring them up on the lift to his flat....
Rolling up in his Rolls Royce... "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"
Only if I've discovered they don't have any Moutarde de Meaux Pommery....

The whole lotta nonsense can be read in context here;





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It's pretty well-known that Clapton wanted a LP with PAFs having heard Freddie King's "Let's Dance Away..." album and got what became the 'Beano'.



Freddie's guitar was a p-90 guitar. Clapton said in an interview that he wanted a guitar just like Freddie's Goldtop P-90 but he bought the humbucker equipped LP without even knowing that the pickups were different than Freddie's. He didn't know anything about what the difference was between P-90's and Humbuckers. He said that he figured out after he bought it that it wasn't the same guitar.

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Freddie's guitar was a p-90 guitar....



Of course it was. My brainfart! Why on earth was I recollecting it was a '57?

Must remember to take the meds...


Thanks for the correction, bbp!





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Interesting Pippy, I actually had not seen that Gary Moore clip.


This black 59 I posted was actually, well, black the one that was previously featured in Vintage Guitar Magazine was also black sans bigsby and in that case Gibson painted black over a guitar that had already been finished as a burst, hence the Black Burst nick name.


Well, the set of classic 57's I put in my '58 reissue sound fantastic, I should have swapped the DiMarzios long ago.

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Well, the set of classic 57's I put in my '58 reissue sound fantastic, I should have swapped the DiMarzios long ago.

I'm delighted to read that you are happy with the change, Riffster.


57 Classics happen to be my own favourite PAF clone - not that I've A-B'd them fitted into the self-same guitar for comparison purposes; but I have been fortunate enough (once!) to play a genuine '58 ES-175 at the same time as I was collecting my R0 from my local luthier (whose ES it was) after having had it's frets crowned. The '57s sounded pretty-near identical to the PAFs to my ears. Hardly conclusive evidence, I grant you, but it's the best I have to offer...



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To my guess the significant difference in acoustic volume and sustain could mainly be caused by lack of string action on Paul Riario's RI.


Funny how Paul says towards the end of the video, starting circa 6'06", about the 36th Anniversary DiMarzio PAFs: "... that they are in the ballpark of sounding like an authentic PAF humbucker." I think that's where the Gibson '57 Classic and Burstbucker humbuckers are since many, many years.

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...I think I'm right in saying that Andy Summers saw a pair of 'bursts in Macari's window and bought one. I think he (or a friend of his) called EC and that's how Clapton ended up with his one.


I'm a bit busy ATM so I'll check sources later...

Not wishing to go too far off-topic but I just wanted to clear this bit up so I did some digging this morning and unearthed this;


"(Andy Summers) used to hang around with Eric who at the time played a Telecaster. Gradually Clapton became interested in Les Pauls, so he was told by Andy to stop by the store where he got his, since there was still one guitar available next to the one Summers bought. Clapton bought the guitar and used it in early Cream, up until the point it was stolen in the middle of the “Fresh Cream” studio session. Andy ended up selling his Les Paul to Eric so he could finish the album, and use it on the following tour..."



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