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Alex Lifeson ES-355


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I like it on - I actually had my choice of 5 ALs, and after I picked out what I felt was the best guitar, I had the store swap pick guards for the nicest looking guard which was on one of the others. Now if I could only get the Maestro to stay in tune... I've tried all the tricks - graphite in the nut slots, etc. I think that there is just not enough break angle where the strings pass over the bridge, and they are binding up on the bridge saddles. Guess I know now why Big Al doesn't use his.

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Still waiting for mine to show up.

Stoped by my dealer yestherday to see if he had heard anything. So he called his Gibson Rep and was told they are not shipping yet and there is no ETA for this model and to check back in a couple of weeks. At that time we had to point out to the rep this thread on this forum and his story changed but still no ETA for shipping. The dealer and I are starting to think that we will not be getting the guitar and is willing to refund my money so I can get it from someone that has it.

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There ain't no way that vibrola is going to work well. Either take off the arm or leave it clamped down by the tailpiece. I got another tailpiece but it was just a bit too small. So, I am staying with the one it came with. The break angle is too shallow and the stings will not stay in tune. Also, the bridge saddles will rattle a bit with less pressure. I put some nail polish in there and it took care of it.

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got mine today and it's intriguing...I don't want to be down on this guitar..it's certainly a cool collector's guitar, and know it's not supposed to be a VOS..but this guitar is pretty far from being a VOS..., no way, not even close and it makes me very disappointed with Gibson,.why couldn't they go the extra mile and make it an exact replica??? WTF??.they definitely named it right.. "inspired by".

I have been playing vintage es-355's for a long time, specifically 1970's 355's and have owned at least a dozen. This signature model comes close to being like a good "knock off "copy of the 70's Gibson version,..and it's basically all cosmetic/appearance.. Let me tell you why since everybody here seems to like the most minute details for this guitar.


The headstock is shaped differently and cut differently, (reminds me of a knock off guitar!, like the 70's Ibanez Gibson knock-offs), the "mouse ears" or horns are shaped differently (they're not as "pointed"), more like the 1960's reissue 335, ...70's 355's and 335/345 had "pointed ears"., the vibrola arm is completely different, it should be shorter and have a bend in it. , the f-holes are actually cut differently,(shaped slightly different) and there's no binding in them, the pickguard is shaped differently too!! you can get more authentic vintage Gibson pickguards that look more like the originals from outside companies!..the volute is in an entirely different place!!

the sound of the guitar is actually pretty damn good though!! I was very surprised!! I was expecting to hear this tinny, trebly, whiny sound after I was bummed on looking at it for the first time, but it sounds great.


this guitar is quite a bit more like Alex's real 355:





BTW..the vibrola tailpiece tremolo will make the guitar go out of tune unless it's "wiggled" for some vibrato..you basically can't use it unless you want to go out of tune, forget about "nut sauce", graphite or delrin nuts, etc etc//

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oh yes, I do also want to note that I am very happy that Gibson made an "Alex 355"..I plan on keeping the guitar for sure..it's a very cool guitar..just not exactly like Alex's...(ahhh, how I wish it was)....for one exactly like his, I suggest gettting a 1970's 355!!!! (unless Gibson plans to make a 1976 VOS ES-355!!)

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Thanks for the info, Sean. I figured as much. The ears are way off. I guess it would have taken too much effort to re-tool the CNC machines to match the shape of 70's ES's. But I'm bothered especially by the placement of the volute. From the pictures I've seen, it looks like it's located too far down the neck--it could get in the way when you play on the lower frets. Do you find that this is the case, Sean?

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Hey Sean,

Glad you got it finally. I was not suprised to hear of some of your disappointments considering the real ones you have owned. Overall, I will have to say it is a really good guitar and looks very much like Alex's, but some of the things you pointed out are correct and Gibson says they painstakenly recreated the guitar. They obviously did not. My early concerns about the trem arm were ignored by them and obvious details like the horns and valute placement are disturbing. But, one thing I really like about the guitar is the wiring. I think having it mono with the Varitone still usable is a really cool option and easy access to the Varitone with the mini switch is really nice. The guitar does sound really good. That being said, my two R0's are still my favorites. The Lifeson will get some play for sure about as much as my Frampton Custom which is occassionally. All of the Rush tunes that I play will get played on the Lifeson except for Overture and Temples of Syrinx which will get played on one of my Les Pauls. The Lifeson is fantastic for Natural Science. I use the Varitone on setting 4 with a clean channel for Tide Pools and then switch out of the Varitone for Hyperpace. Being a Rush fan, the Lifeson is a great addition to the collection.

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Didn't someone on the forum mention that Alex himself said that it was an exact replica...................???


I'm not saying it isn't important to have it the same as his original, and I totally understand people's concerns about it not being absolutely perfect, but from the nice photos Wildwood have taken of the guitar I know I'm going to be satisfied beyond belief when I get mine, maybe the fact I haven't owned or studied one before and that I've waited 30 years is a bonus........


Sean - Any chance of some "Sound Clips" from you mate....? ......go on, you know you want to, plus you can probably crack off most of the Rush back catalogue to boot.............??????







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Still waiting for mine to show up.

Stoped by my dealer yestherday to see if he had heard anything. So he called his Gibson Rep and was told they are not shipping yet and there is no ETA for this model and to check back in a couple of weeks. At that time we had to point out to the rep this thread on this forum and his story changed but still no ETA for shipping. The dealer and I are starting to think that we will not be getting the guitar and is willing to refund my money so I can get it from someone that has it.

Yo "Crappy" - here we go mate..........




....they've got four left in the shop, get your other canceled and ring the shop to speak to Bruce or Steve, both top fellas and will go out of their way to make sure all goes well.....





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The bottom line with me is I think the guitar is very good. As far as I am concerned, I own a guitar very close to that of Alex Lifeson's. That being said, I have been and still will be first and foremost a Les Paul player as seems to have been the case with Alex lately. So, the guitar will have its place especially when playing Rush tunes, but the guitar around my neck on most occassions will be one of my two 1960 Les Paul Reissues. As much as I love the Lifeson 355; that guitar is quite a large honking axe and my Les Pauls will always be a much more comfortable guitar for me. So, the small imperfections between the new release and Alex's original are no real big issue for me. Regardless of any small inconsistencies in this guitar...owners beware...when playing out with this guitar, be careful; any potential thief will not care about the imperfections we mentioned because this is one beautiful guitar, period!!

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Some nice posts, lots of good points. Thanks for that post Sean: I finally noticed that the horns on these 355's are different than the 70's era 355's like that one in the ebay ad. The price of that one is a little bit more than what I paid for my Alex, I still think I'll keep mine. The F holes on that one look about an cm higher up that guitar. Looked at photos of my old Stagg ES copy I had, on that one they were about a half cm up even more, and the Stagg also had the stubby style horns. The Alex seems to have smaller F holes, although I want to say all the knobs seem to line up like on Alex's real 355, but I think everything is closer together. This Alex 355 kinda reminds me a lot of my old Stagg but much better sound & materials, it's my first ever Gibson so I'm still exited when I come home & play it every day. I pick up my other guitars now and they don't seem to have as much character. For me I've never had a volute on a guitar, it's a neat place I can rest my thumb on. From the photos I searched for other volutes on guitars looks like they usually make them right under the nut. I dunno why it was made a little lower on the neck, maybe that was determined to be the weakest point.


GuitarFan, on mine the F holes are pretty rough too. On that Stagg they were painted a cream color but the shaping was no where near as nice as the real Gibson.


Wondo, that arm actually has the bend in it, it's just 90° to one side, now just need to slice it off, re-weld it and good to go lol IMG_4061.JPG

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Just look at the finish on the 'F' Hole on #AL108 at Wildwood Guitars website............its the first of the four listed still available.....




Notice the two blobs of paint on the routed surface of that top 'F' Hole, is it me or is that shoddy and a major lack of Quality Control. I can understand on mass produced Gibsons that sample batches/instruments will get pulled for inspection at certain points during the manufacturing process especially at the end before they leaves the factory, but surely the "Custom Shop" guitars should have a 100% inspection & approval before leaving, especially as these instruments represent the finest work Gibson are capable of.........??????


Still, it does look very very nice indeed all said & done.......Mmmmmm


....5 more sleeps & #AL105 is mine...........

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Hi all,

yes alpine , the volute is behind the first and second frets on mine!..kinda wierd..doesn't seem like it would help much if the guitar came crashing down and the headstock was in trouble, (it's behind the neck, ya know?)unless it some kind of new internal design (with inside reinforcement to the headstock??). It does seem like it could get in the way if you needed to move up or down the neck rapidly to/from the first fret..fine for chording though...just kind of an odd place for the volute.


overall though, it really is a cool guitar...I just don't understand why Gibson went though all of the trouble to make an "Alex 355" and they didn't make it an exact replica!! isn't that the point of all of this??? a signature model...duplicating the artists guitar! you went this far, why not go all out and make an exact replica?..fender did it with EVH, that's for sure! didn't Gibson make a bunch of other artist's guitars, spot on/ exact replicas??? VOS guitars??..maybe it would have required too much effort for only 300 guitars? anyway, ...just so you know, I'm being extremely picky here..this guitar is a dream guitar for any Lifeson fan...if you haven't got yours yet, it won't be a dissapointment!! and it does scream!! I just wish I had this back in 1986!!oh yeah, mine is AL186.


hey wondo, yes, you are right regarding the wiring,, it's a really cool feature..the stereo 355's are such a pain too..it's good this guitar is mono. I have always loved having the varitone..such a great tool..

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I would love to show pictures and videos of my al 335 but I still have not got mine yet.

This is truely disapointing the fact that i have had mine payed for since feb 3rd and the best response i get from the gibson dealer is they are on the way and should be here any time....I belive he said this time by next friday june 6th.....cross my fingers.

Sean I'm glad you got yours ...why don't you video tape yourself playing a farwell to kings with the both of the 355's you have so we can hear the differance...hehehe


AL ??? :D

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Can the guitar be stored in the case with the trem arm attached (and swung around to face the rear) or do you have to remove the arm to make it fit in the case?



It does it quite niecely. the only problem is that it sticks out over the body just a bit. I tried ordering the only after market trem arm I could find and the size was smaller but the angle was wrong meaning that it sticks upward too much. The current trem arm should be just fine.

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Newbie here!!


Picked up my AL076 on thursday. This guitar is killer! I didnt get the box with the cable and cloth and manual but its ok with me. I need to adjust the intonation on it though as its out quite a bit. I've done intonation on les pauls, strats etc but this bridge is dfferent. Any tips on the best way since the saddle screws are a little hard to get to?

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Enduroexpert (and Differentstrings89) - that is the correct link to the Morrison Inn. I'll be wearing a black "Spector Basses" hat' date=' and my sister & I will be upstairs on the patio with many large beer mugs on our table - we should be there around 6:00 or 6:30, the show starts around 8:00, and Red Rocks is only about an 8-minute drive from the pub. Looking forward to it![/quote']


Superdick2112 & Different strings89


I'll be up there on the patio at the Morrison Inn on Thursday, we'll get there nice and early for beers & a feed. I'll be wearing a Tomichi Cycles T-shirt, grey'ish colour.


Look forward to it.........


Cheers for now



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Hey Guys,

I have been reading and enjoying all the posts here and have a quick question from a newbie poster...

I have the chance to sell my early 2000 natural ES-335 and parlay it into the Lifeson 355. I'm looking

for more sonic character, better playability, etc.


Good move or what?? I have to pony up another $1700 to make up the difference for the

Lifeson 355. I always had my eye on a 355 and seriously considering the upgrade. Also, I really

like the look of the Lifeson, it's killer!


So I thought I should ask some experts with first hand experience, Thanks in advance!

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