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Mishaps At Gigs


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The only "gigs" a band I was in were house parties in those post-war boom suburban houses with damp basements.  We were set up at one end of the basement and without proper grounding.  Things went OK as long as I(the lead singer since I was the only one who could remember the lyrics) remembered to keep my lips from touching the mic.  And since he wasn't singing, the other guitar player in the band (We were using the name The Ethereal Deal at that time) figured it would be OK to do the Hendrix/play with teeth thing and out of the corner of my eye, saw him raise his guitar to his face.  Then next I saw a bright blue spark accompanied by a loud POP and next I knew he flew backwards into our drummer's kit, bringing an end to the gig.

Took the fool two weeks to get that burn mark on his lip to heal. 


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10 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

The only "gigs" a band I was in were house parties in those post-war boom suburban houses with damp basements.  We were set up at one end of the basement and without proper grounding.  Things went OK as long as I(the lead singer since I was the only one who could remember the lyrics) remembered to keep my lips from touching the mic.  And since he wasn't singing, the other guitar player in the band (We were using the name The Ethereal Deal at that time) figured it would be OK to do the Hendrix/play with teeth thing and out of the corner of my eye, saw him raise his guitar to his face.  Then next I saw a bright blue spark accompanied by a loud POP and next I knew he flew backwards into our drummer's kit, bringing an end to the gig.

Took the fool two weeks to get that burn mark on his lip to heal. 


I had that happen once,  it was the first set in a new club, and we had no idea the phase was off from one out let to another. 

I was the lucky guy to be singing the first tune that night.

I walked up to the mic, ready to belt out the first verse, and BANG!  Felt like I'd been hit by a bolt of lightning on my lower lip.  I heard testimony from the other guys on stage and some of the people sitting at tables, that my mouth actually lit up like there was a light bulb in there.     I didn't hit the floor, but I staggered back a few feet.   My lip looked like it'd taken a right hook dead on.

We stopped right then and there,  and re-ran all the gear to draw power off the same circuit.   from that day on, we all had out let test plugs in our gig bags and never used any outlets without checking them.

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Every year there is a sailing race from Chicago to Mackinaw Island and the night before the race the Yacht Club has a big party.  We got the gig one year and set up outside on a big patio right on the lake shore.  Beautiful setting and perfect weather.  About halfway through the first set we see black storm clouds rolling up from the south.  When I saw the first crack of lightening flash we finished the song and started tearing down.  Moved all the equipment inside and finished the party there.  Loading in, setting up, tearing down and loading out is a big enough pain, but having to shut down and move everything in the middle of a set really sucked!

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2 hours ago, Larsongs said:

Cool story.. And then you & Janet …………..……????

No chance.    I’ll try to post a photo of the night they met later on, (my computer is inaccessible right now).   We were heading out to dinner, and took a photo…..Janet is off to the side, and looking right through me to keep her eye on Van!

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I said I'd post of photo taken the night Van Morrison met Janet "Planet" Rigsbee.

She was not a regular at the venue..... seems like she just came there to score with Van.

You see I'm standing between Van and Janet....she's looking right through me like I was a window or something.

This was the very first gig THEM did in the US....May, 1966.  Janet and Van were married until sometime in 1973.

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