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Hummingbird Pro 2016 - does it have a thermally cured top??


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Hey there,

I just picked up a second hand Gibson Hummingbird Pro 2016....I see that the 2016 has some differences over previous versions, like nut width.....but I saw on a video on youtube, he mentions that it has a thermally cured top, can that be right?? I know the 2016 Vintage Hummingbird does have this, so.....maybe?

Thanks for any replies

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The 'Hummingbird Pro'  is not really a Hummingbird.   It has long neck as I recall.  I think they stopped making them around the same time the 'baked top' was introduced at Bozeman, so like the 2 previous replies -  I doubt it would have had one.   I'd  post a question on the YouTube Video for the person making that claim to deal with. 

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As Dave had said, it would be a much more expensive guitar, which is the opposite of where the HB Pro sat in the product line.

Your second pic shows what looks to be a nicely bursted Sitka top, with fairly tight grain. Normally, the grain of a torrified top shows more defined grain lines, like this more dramatic example:


. . . sometimes it's not so obvious under normal lighting :


. . . but under blacklight, it does look different than a non-torrified top (same guitar as above):




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Minty fresh -  Great Find ! From all the reviews, these out of production guitars are really good.  Very Gibson-esque in looks and tone.   But Torrified Top ? Can't believe everything you see on the Internet:  When I got my SJ-200, the store told me they took it in a trade from a Minister who only played it on Sundays.     Smelled like cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women.  

(you probably shouldn't believe that last bit.)

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Thanks! Yeah 62burst, I was wondering if you could tell because the baked top is noticeably darker with the HB, you can tell straight away.....but with the dark burst, its not so easy 🙂

But yeah for sure, for what I paid, its an awesome guitar - I'd love a Bird, but that is a lot more, and this is my first Gibson, and I'm just loving the tone already - I did a shootout with some of my other guitars, and whoa! Can't say I'm loving the neck, its a bit clunky for a fingerpicker, IMHO, but I'll get used to it....

You'll want to strangle me when I tell you this - it was a toss-up between the HBPro, and a Vintage Hummingbird with the torrefied top - yes I made that choice 🤣 But the latter would have been an import from Japan, and would have cost me twice what I paid....and those Vintage HB's don't even have pickups, it seems....I've recently seen another baked top HB here in Australia, but its nearly 3 times what I paid! Between that, and I need something I can actually bring outside the house and gig with, its fit for purpose.....I reckon my next purchase will have a baked top, I am v. intrigued....

Thanks again

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